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Minutes for SB113 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Making burglary of a dwelling a person felony.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2017

Jason Thompson gave a brief on SB 113 saying that this makes burglary of a dwelling a person felony, and concluded his brief giving some of the background of the bill.


Kim Parker (Attachment 4) said this bill is important because it addresses the concerns of citizens to protect their safety, saying that burglary is the highest invasion of privacy. She concluded by urging committee to accept this bill as it is.

Ed Klumpp (Attachment 5) began his testimony concurring with Ms. Parker, adding that the psychological impact is horrendous and long lasting. He said that burglaries to dwellings often turn into violent crimes, especially when a homeowner comes home in the middle of the burglary. He concluded that moving this bill to a person's crime is good public safety policy, and referencing the sentencing grid, saying that the effect of this bill will create a harsher punishment for repeat crimes.

Seeing no questions, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.