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Minutes for HB2098 - Committee on Agriculture
Short Title
Naming the mined land wildlife area bison herd.
Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 26, 2017
Chair Hoffman opened the hearing on HB2098 at 3:40am.
Christopher Tymeson, Chief Legal Counsel, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism, testified as a proponent of HB2098. Former Representative Bob Grant was a tireless champion of the bison herd in southeast Kansas. While this herd is the smallest of the Department's three bison herds, it is an important and interwoven part of the local community. There are few things more fitting for a permanent memorial to Representative Grant. Mr. Tymeson answered questions from the committee. (Attachment 1)
Adam Lusker, Representative for the 2nd District, Kansas House of Representatives, testified as a proponent of HB2098. He described former Representative Grant's service to his district and the State of Kansas. Representative Grant was instrumental in ensuring that one of the State's bison herds remained in the southeast Kansas area - garnering him the nickname of Buffalo Bob. This will be a great tribute to a very good man who was dedicated to Kansas. Representative Lusker answered questions from the committee. (Attachment 2)
Diana Dierks, Representative for the 2nd District, Kansas House of Representatives, testified as a proponent of HB2098. She spoke to honor the memory of former Representative Grant. (Attachment 3)
David Heinemann, former Representative, made comments honoring former Representative Grant.
There were no opponents/neutrals of HB2098.
The hearing on HB2098 was closed at 3:58pm.
The Chair asked for a motion to suspend the rules and take action on HB2098.
Representative Wilson moved to suspend the rules and take action on HB2098. Representative Sloan seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote.
Representative Hibbard moved to favorably pass HB2098 and that it be placed on the consent calendar. Representative Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:02pm.