76-2035. Same; acquisition by state historical society; rules and regulations; approval by attorney general. The state historical society is authorized and empowered to accept and hold, in the name of the state, the dwelling house upon said premises, together with a tract of land upon which such dwelling house is located, not to exceed two (2) acres, the exact boundaries of which shall be designated by the state historical society, and agreed upon by the owners of said lands. Such lands and the improvements thereon shall be acquired in fee simple by gift, grant or designation for the purpose of establishing and maintaining it as an historical landmark and memorial to the father of the Kansas common-school system, cofounder of the first land grant university, and leader of a Kansas free state colony and the generation of pioneers he represented. The state historical society shall have the power to do any and all things necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this act and to make such rules and regulations for the use, enjoyment and government of the premises as may be necessary. Conveyance of said tract of land shall not be accepted until the attorney general shall have examined the abstract of title to said land and determine that such conveyance would convey such land in fee simple to the state of Kansas. |