Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Pete DeGraaf
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Handout on Gun Rights, Clarence Thomas
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative James Todd
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB 65, Balloon Amendment #3
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative James Todd
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65 Balloon Amendment #2
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Kristey Williams
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65, Balloon Amendment #1A
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Kristey Williams
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65, Balloon Amendment #1B
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Brett Hildabrand
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65, Balloon Amendment #4A
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Brett Hildabrand
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65, Balloon Amendment #4B
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Pete DeGraaf
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65, Balloon Amendment #5
Testimony |
- Presenter: Representative Brett Hildabrand
- Organization: Kansas House of Representatives
- Topic: Sub SB65, Balloon Amendment #6