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2014 Statute

Section Number


Apartment or condominium ownership, 58-3121

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Children, abandonment of a child, criminal code, 21-5605

Clothing, cleaning lien enforcement, 58-222 et seq.

Desertion, generally, this index

Easements, rights of way, state agencies, 75-2133

Household goods, cleaning lien enforcement, 58-222 et seq.

Jails, 19-1927 et seq.

Liens on personal property, 58-205

Livestock brand, 47-417

Mines, wells and excavations, 19-2504 et seq.

Coal, rock or limestone, reports, 49-201

Motor Carriers, this index

Motor vehicles, 8-1101, 8-1102

Reports, 8-113a

Navigable waters, eminent domain proceedings, 82a-203

Oil and gas wells. Oil and Gas, this index

Personal property of inmates, 75-52,135

Pipeline easements. Pipelines, generally, this index

State fair, buildings, 2-214

Unclaimed property, 58-3934 et seq.

Waters and watercourses,

Appropriation, 82a-718

Channels, survey, 82a-204, 82a-209

Conveyance of certain land in Leavenworth county, 76-182

Drainage districts, sale of lands, 24-454

Eminent domain proceedings, 82a-203

Old channel, sale, 82a-202


Actions or proceedings, 60-225, 60-1802

Death of parties, 60-518

Dormant judgments, 60-2404

Legal disability, person under, 60-515

Real property actions, 60-508

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-116


Setting aside assignment or release, 58-2330

Validation, 58-2329

Motor carriers, property tax, 79-6a13 et seq.

New actions, 60-518

Nuisances, this index

Substitution of parties, 60-225

Taxation, this index

Excise taxes, 75-5154

Income taxes, this index


Generally, 65-6701 et seq.

Cause of action, 65-6703, 65-6721, 65-6724, 65-6726

Wrongful life or birth, 60-1906

Choices, access to published materials, 65-6710

Consent, Informed consent, post

Counseling, minors, 65-6704

Crime, 65-6703, 65-6721, 65-6724, 65-6726

Declaration, life begins at fertiliation, 65-6732

Definitions, 65-6701

Facility licensure, 65-4a01 et seq.

Definitions, 65-4a01

Facility name change, ownership change requirements, 65-4a04

Inspections, frequency, patient confidentiality, 65-4a05

Late term abortions, hospital or ambulatory surgical center only, exception, 65-4a07

Licensure application procedure, fees, 65-4a02, 65-4a03

Rules and regulations, 65-4a09

Unlawful activities, facility, physician, criminal penalties, 65-4a08

Violations, penalties, 65-4a06

Funding, prohibitionson, 65-6731 et seq.

Gender as sole basis for abortion, prohibited, 65-6726

Healing arts, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Failure to provide informed consent, 65-6712


Records, 65-445

Refusal to permit, 65-444, 65-445

University of Kansas hospital authority facilities, prohibition, 76-3308

Informed consent,

24-hour waiting period, 65-6709

Civil liability, 65-6713

Failure to provide, intentional, 65-6712

Human being defined, 65-6709

Medically challenging pregnancy, defined, 65-6709

Physician meeting, 65-6709

Requirements, 65-6709

Written materials given, 65-6709

Licensure of abortion clinics, 65-4a01 et seq,

Local regulation, 65-6702

Medical care facilities

Criteria and procedures, 65-443, 65-444, 65-445

Penalties and violations, 65-445

Records and reporting, 65-445

Refusal to perform, refer for, participate in, prescribe or administer, 65-443, 65-444

Medical emergency,

Information to be given, 65-6711


Child rape protection act, 65-67a09

Counseling, 65-6704

Fetal tissue, preservation, testing, 65-67a09

Notice, parental, 65-6705

Pain-capable unborn child,

Abortion restrictions, exceptions, 65-6724

Civil cause of action, 65-6724

Criminal penalties, 65-6724

Definitions, 65-6723

Gestational age determination, 65-6724

Legislative findings, 65-6722

Parental Consent,

Judicial bypass procedure, criteria, 65-6705

Reporting sexual, other abuse required, 65-6705

Parental notice, 65-6705

Partial birth,

Criminal penalties, 65-6721

Defined, 65-6721

Exceptions, 65-6721

Prohibited, 65-6721

Required report, 65-6721

Physicians and surgeons, records, 65-445, 65-6703

Policy, 65-6702

Political subdivisions, regulation, 65-6702

Prohibited, when, exceptions, 65-6703, 65-6721, 65-6724

Records and reporting, 65-445

Refusal to participate in, 65-443, 65-6737

School districts,

Abortion services prohibited, 65-6734

Restrictions on furnishing certain educational materials, 65-6734

Termination of human pregnancies, criteria and procedures, 65-443, 65-444, 65-445

Unborn child,

See, also, Fetal Organs and Tissue, this index

Gestational age determined, 65-6703

Viability, determined, 65-6703

University of Kansas hospital authority facilities, prohibition, 76-3308

Woman's-right-to-know act, 65-6708 et seq.


Absent voters, 25-1114 et seq. See, also, Elections, this index

Absentees estates. Probate Proceedings, this index; Trusts and Trustees, this index

Impeachment proceedings, state senate, 37-110

Schools, compulsory attendance, 72-1111

Nonattendance, 72-1113


Generally, 58-2801 et seq.

Board of examiners, 74-3901

Compensation and expenses, 74-3901

Executive secretary, 74-3901

Fees, disposition, 74-3903

Oaths, 74-3901

Qualifications, 74-3901

Rules and regulations, 74-3901

License fees, 58-2801

Terms, 74-3901

Vacancies, 74-3901

Witnesses, compelling attendance and testimony, 74-3902

Bonds of abstracters, 58-2802

Business names, duplicative, license refusal, 58-2812

Certificate, 58-2808

Condemnation proceedings, right of way or easement, utilities or carriers, 58-2802

Confidential document or proceeding, 58-2802

County clerks, copies of bond, 58-2802

County records, access to, 58-2804, 58-2810

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Violations by abstracters, 58-2809, 58-2811

Violations by county officers, 58-2810

Deficiencies, damages, accrual of cause of action, 58-2802

Easements, utilities or carriers, 58-2802

Examinations, 58-2805

Fee fund, 74-3903

Fees, examination, 58-2805

Full-time licensee required for business, 58-2813

Inspection, privileged or confidential document or proceeding, 58-2802

Insurance, policy of errors and omissions, 58-2802

Unavailability, bond in lieu of, 58-2802

Licenses, 58-2801, 74-139

Bonds, 58-2802

Examination, 58-2805

Expiration, 58-2801

Fees, 58-2801

Forms, 58-2802

Insurance, bond in lieu of, 58-2802

Refusal to issue, duplicative business names, 58-2812

Renewal, 58-2801

Suspension, revocation, 58-2806

Mistakes, damages, accrual of cause of action, 58-2802

Mortgages and trust deeds, utilities or carriers, 58-2802

Pipelines, rights of way or easements, 58-2802

Privileged document or proceeding, 58-2802

Public utilities, rights of way or easements, 58-2802

Records, access to, 58-2804, 58-2810

Rules and regulations, 58-2801, 74-3901

Seal, 58-2808


Abstracts of title. Abstracters, generally, this index

Actions, return to owner, 58-2257

County auditors, reports, 19-609

Damages, failure to return to owner, 58-2257

Partition, allowance, 60-1003

State land office records, 75-2804


Adult care home residents, 39-939

Reporting abuse, neglect or exploitation, 39-1401 et seq.

Attorney general, organizational unit, investigations, 75-723

Child exchange and visitation centers, 75-720

Children, 60-3101 et seq. See, also, subhead Abuse or Neglect under Children in Need of Care, this index

Crimes and penalties, 21-5601, 21-5602, 21-5605

Confined persons, 21-5416

Domestic violence,

Benefit exceptions. See subhead Benefits under Employment Security, this index

Policies, adopted,

Law enforcement agencies, 22-2307

Liability, 22-2308

Prosecuting attorneys, 22-2309

Family and children trust account of the family and children investment fund, 23-2510

Fund, protection from abuse, 23-2510

National criminal information center,

Protection from abuse orders filed, 60-3112

Protection from abuse, 60-3101 et seq.

Alternate housing, 60-3107

Attorney fees, 60-3107

Child custody determination orders, 60-3103

Code of civil procedure, application, 60-3109

Commencement of proceedings, 60-3104

Confidentiality of information, 60-3104

Contempt, 60-3110

Costs, 60-3107

Counseling, orders, 60-3107

Definitions, 60-3102

Docket fee, 60-3104

Domestic battery, 60-3107

Emergency relief, 60-3105

Extended protection orders, 60-3107

Fund, 23-2510

Hearings, 60-3106

Information, confidentiality, 60-3104

Jurisdiction, 60-3103

Law enforcement officers, 60-3108

Minor children,

Commencement of action, 60-3104

Orders, relating to, 60-3107

Orders, 60-3107

Delivery, 60-3112

Emergency relief, 60-3105

Ex parte orders, 60-3105, 60-3106

Expiration or dismissal, 60-3112

Extension of, 60-3107

Filing, 60-3112

Full faith and credit of, 60-3112

Law enforcement officers, copy to, 60-3108

Modification, 60-3112

Notice of, 60-3108

Priority of, 60-3107

Sheriff's copy, 60-3108

Temporary relief, 60-3105, 60-3106

Violations of, 60-3110

Criminal code, 21-5924

Personal property, orders, 60-3107

Petition, 60-3104, 60-3105

Police. Law enforcement officers, ante

Procedure, 60-3109


Alternate housing, orders, 60-3107

Eviction, 60-3105, 60-3106, 60-3107

Leaving, 60-3103

Orders granting possession, 60-3105, 60-3106, 60-3107

Restraining orders, 60-3105, 60-3106, 60-3107

Service of process, 60-3104

Sheriff. Law enforcement officers, ante

Support orders, 60-3107

Temporary orders, 60-3106

Title to real property, 60-3107

Violation of orders, 60-3107

Reporting abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq., 75-723

Investigators, coordination of, 39-1443


Bank Deposits and Collections, generally, this index

Commercial Paper, generally, this index

Letters of Credit, generally, this index

Sales, generally, this index

Secured Transactions, generally, this index


Insurance, this index


Aircraft, this index

Boats and Boating, this index

Educational program, 75-5740

Emergency care at scene of, 65-2891

Liens, hospital on personal injury damages recovered by patients, 65-406 et seq.

Medical care, emergency, 65-2891

Motor carriers, this index

Motor vehicles. Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Public Utilities, this index

Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Workers Compensation, this index

Wrongful death actions, 60-1901 et seq.


Sales, this index


Abortions, healing arts practitioner, 65-2837

Aiding escape from custody, 21-5912

Bank embezzlement, 9-2012

Boxing and wrestling matches, 21-1801

Discrimination, 44-1009

Insurance, unfair trade practices, 40-2404

Jurisdiction and venue. Criminal Procedure, this index

Lawyer-client privilege, 60-426

Marital privilege, confidential communications, 60-428

Motor carriers, violations, 66-1,130

Municipal bonds, illegal acts, 10-117

Physician-patient privilege, 60-427

Social welfare payments, fraud, 39-720

Traffic offenses, 8-2101


Affirmative defense, pleadings, 60-208

Warehouse Receipts, this index


Business trusts, certified balance sheet, filing, 17-2030

Censure, 1-311, 1-312

Certified public accountants, 1-201 et seq.

Abbreviation, 1-308, 1-316, 1-319

Actions and proceedings,

Due process requirements, 1-319

Privileged information, 1-501

Administrative procedure, 1-311, 1-312

Board, 1-201 et seq.

Compensation, 1-203

Expenditures, vouchers, 1-204

Expenses, 1-203

Fees, collection, 1-301

Hearings and investigations, 75-1119

Investigators, working papers, availability, 1-401

Oaths and affirmations, 75-1119

Peer review program, 1-501

Powers and duties, 1-202, 1-205, 1-206

Quality review program 1-501

Rules and regulations, 1-301, 1-302a, 1-302b, 1-304, 1-310, 1-501, 75-1119

Subpoenas, 75-1119

Transcript of records, 1-202

Censure, permit holder, 1-312

Certificates and permits, 1-202, 1-302b, 1-310, 74-139

Denial, revocation or suspension, 1-311, 1-312

Reissuance, 1-312, 1-315

Foreign designation, 1-307

Moral character, refusal to grant, 1-302

Peer review, 1-501

Practice, limitation, 1-311

Qualifications, 1-302

Quality review, 1-501

Reinstatement, 1-310

Renewal, 1-310

States, other, 1-307

Client communications, privilege, 1-401

Continuing education, 1-310

Contracts with state agencies, 75-430a, 75-37,130 et seq.


Registration, revocation or suspension, 1-312

Reports to directors, 17-6301, 17-6422

Reregistration, 1-315

Unlawful acts, 1-316

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 1-316, 1-319

Conviction of crime, 1-311, 1-312

Fines, administrative, 1-311

Injunction against, 1-318

Definitions, 1-321

Educational qualifications, 1-302a, 1-310

Examination, 1-301 et seq.

Passage requirements, 1-302

Requirements for admission, 1-302a

Waiver of, 1-307

Experience qualifications, 1-302b

Fee fund, 1-204

Accounting services recovery fund, 75-1119b

Fees, 1-202, 1-301, 1-308

Disposition, 1-204

Municipal public accountants, 75-1119a

Registered firm fee, 1-301

Renewal fee, 1-310

Foreign designation, 1-307

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Investigations, availability of working papers, 1-401

Liability for professional negligence, 1-402, 1-403

Liability to financial institutions, 60-3901


Fees, 1-205, 1-206, 1-304

Mobility, 1-205

Practice privilege, 1-205, 1-322

States, other, 1-322

Requirements, 1-205, 1-206

Substantial equivalency, 1-205, 1-302b, 1-307

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Names, 1-308, 1-316, 1-319

Nonresidents, 1-308

Notification, 1-202

Fees, 1-301

Reciprocity, when, 1-322

Revocation or suspension, 1-311


Registration, revocation or suspension, 1-312

Reregistration, 1-315

Unlawful acts, 1-316

Peer review program, 1-310, 1-311, 1-312, 1-501

Peer reviews, availability of working papers, 1-401

Permits. Certificates and permits, ante

Qualifications, 1-302, 1-302a, 1-302b, 1-307

Quality review program, 1-310, 1-311, 1-501

Reciprocity, when, 1-322

Registered firm, 1-301, 1-308

Authorization to practice, 1-308

Initial or annual fee, 1-301

Registration, revocation or suspension, 1-312

Reregistration, 1-315

Unlawful acts, 1-316

Registration. Certificates and permits, ante

Rules and regulations, 1-202, 1-302a, 1-302b, 1-304, 1-501

Enjoining violations, 1-318

Standards and guides, 1-202

States, other, 1-307

Temporary practice, 1-317, 1-320

Unlawful acts. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Working papers, 1-401

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, 74-146 et seq.

Continuing education, exemption, 1-301

Contracts with state agencies, 75-430a, 75-37,130 et seq.

Corporation commission, 74-605, 74-614

County engineers, counties over 300,000, 28-601, 28-615

Fee fund. See subhead Certified public accountants, ante

Official hospitality, state agencies, 75-3731a

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

State treasurer, 75-623

Turnpike authority, employment, 68-2004, 68-2032


Banks and Banking, this index

Carriers, this index

Cemetery corporations, 17-1312

Common trust funds, 9-1610

Conservators and Conservatorships, this index

Corporation commission, audit, 66-129

Correctional institutions, 75-5251, 75-5254

Money and property of inmates, 75-5257

Cost system, director of printing, 75-1022

Credit reporting, obsolete information, 50-704

Default judgment, hearing or reference, 60-255

Educational institutions under board of regents,

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

Employment security fund, 44-712

Health officers, 65-202

Improvement districts, 19-2763

Irrigation districts, 42-388d

Livestock, public livestock markets, 47-1004, 47-1009

Masters, trials of matters of accounting, 60-253

Military Forces, this index

Minors, transfers to, 38-1701 et seq.

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Probate Proceedings, this index

Public employees retirement system, 74-4909

Public Utilities, this index

Quo warranto, corporations, 60-1204

Register of deeds, fees collected, 28-123

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Sheriffs, fees collected, 28-123

Soldiers' home, custodian of members' funds, 76-1935

State agencies,

Accounts and reports, division of. Administration, State Department of, this index

Accounts receivable, central system, 75-3728j

Write-off of accounts and taxes receivable, 75-3728a et seq.

State institutions, persons under custody, trust funds, 76-172 et seq.

State Officers and Employees, this index

State Treasurer, this index

Trusts and Trustees, this index

Warehouses, inspection, 34-251

Weeds, charges and receipts, 2-1320, 2-1332


Administration, State Department of, this index


Banks, articles of incorporation, 9-801

Cooperatives, articles of incorporation, 17-1507

County Clerks, this index

Deeds and Conveyances, this index

Electric cooperatives, 17-4628, 17-4674

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-202

Foreign states, 58-2228

Mortgages, this index

Notarial acts, uniform law on, 53-501 et seq.

Notaries Public, this index

Power of attorney, 58-2228

Real estate, instruments affecting, 58-2211

Savings and loan associations, 17-5802

Change of name, 17-5227

Sureties, individual, 78-112

Tax deeds, 79-2804

Validation, 58-2234

Warehouse receipts, 82-202

Wills, 59-606


Diseases, this index


Emergencies, generally, this index

Emergency Management, generally, this index


See, also, Administrative Procedure, this index; Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

See, also, False Claims Act, Kansas, this index

Abatement, 60-225, 60-1802

Exceptions, 60-1803

Abortion, generally this index

Access to justice fund, 20-166

Accrual under laws of other state or territory, 60-217

Administrative Procedure Act, 77-501 et seq.

Administrative remedies, exhaust prior to inmate actions, 75-52,138

Adoption, generally, this index

Adult care homes, restraining or preventing operation, 39-944

Adverse claims to bank deposits, 9-1207

Adverse Possession, generally, this index

Agricultural products, labeling, 2-2304

Alienation of affections, action abolished, 23-2608

Ammunition or firearm manufacturers, 60-4501

Anhydrous ammonia, immunity from liability, 60-4601

Animal Diseases, generally, this index

Animals, generally, this index

Antitrust, money recovered, disposition, use, 75-715, 75-716

Apartment Ownership Act, 58-3127

Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Appearance, generally, this index

Arbitration and Award, generally, this index

Asbestos claims, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

Attachment, generally, this index

Attorney General, generally, this index

Automobile Injury Reparations Act. Motor Vehicle Insurance, this index

Banks and Banking, this index

Bids and bidding, mistakes, 75-6907

Bills of lading, provisions, 84-7-309

Blacklisting former employees, 44-117 et seq.

Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), this index

Business trusts, 17-2035, 17-2037

Carriers, generally, this index

Change of venue. Venue, generally, this index

Child pornography, victim, action for relief, 60-5001

Children and Minors, this index

Cities. Municipalities, this index

Civil actions, rules of civil procedure, 60-201 et seq.

Class actions, 60-223, 60-223a

Consumer credit code, 16a-6-113

Consumer protection, 50-634

Permissive joinder of parties, 60-220

Warehouseman's bond, 34-229

Commencement, 60-203

Commercial code, application, 84-7-703

Commercial Paper, generally, this index

Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index

Condemnation, generally, this index

Conservators and Conservatorships, this index

Consolidation, 60-242

Construction defects, 60-4701 et seq.

Consumer Credit Code, this index

Consumer protection,

Class actions, 50-632

Jurisdiction and venue, 50-638

Contractors, nonresidence, 16-113


Joint contracts, 16-104

Want of consideration, 16-108

Coparcenary, rents and profits, 58-2522

Corporations, this index

Costs, generally, this index

Counterclaim. Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Counties, this index

Court costs. Costs, generally, this index

Crime Victims, this index

Criminal proceedings. Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Cross Claims, generally, this index

Damage actions. Damages, generally, this index

Declaratory Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index

Depositions, generally, this index

Derivative actions by shareholders, 60-223a

Dismissal and Nonsuit, generally, this index

Divorce. Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index

Dockets, generally, this index

Drainage Districts, this index

Ejectment, generally, this index

Election Contests, generally, this index

Eminent Domain, generally, this index

Employment Security, generally, this index

Enforcement of remedies, 84-1-305

Equity, generally, this index

Escheat, generally, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Excusable neglect, relief from, 60-260

Executions, generally, this index

Executors and administrators. Probate Proceedings, this index

False claims act, Kansas, 75-7501 et seq.

Fiduciaries, 60-217

Firearm or ammunition manufacturers, 60-4501

Forcible entry and detainer. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Foreclosure of mortgages. Mortgages, this index

Foreclosure of security interest, civil procedure, 60-1006

Foreign state or territory, accrual under laws, 60-217

Form, 60-202

Fraud, relief from, 60-260

Frivolous lawsuits, 60-211

Garnishment, generally, this index

Guardian Ad Litem, generally, this index

Guardian and Ward, this index

Habeas Corpus, generally, this index

Harassment, suits brought for purpose of, 60-211

Health care provider records, access to, 65-4970 et seq.

Husband and wife, loss or impairment, services of spouse, 23-2605

Impeachment, public officers, 37-101 et seq.

Inadvertence, relief from, 60-260

Injunctions, generally, this index

Inmates, civil actions, prerequisites, 75-52,138

Insurance, this index

Interlocutory Proceedings, generally, this index

Interpleader, generally, this index

Interpreters, cause of action to enforce statute, 75-4355d

Intervention, 60-224

Investment Securities, this index

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Joinder of actions, 60-218

Carriers or public utilities, 66-179

Mortgages, 58-2311

Joint tenants, rents and profits, 58-2522

Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index

Juries, generally, this index

Juvenile justice authority, transfer of juvenile offender functions, nonabatement, 75-7005

Landlord and Tenant, generally, this index

Letters of Credit, this index

Libel and Slander, generally, this index

Liens and Encumbrances, generally, this index

Limitation of Actions, generally, this index

Malicious prosecution,

Civil actions, costs, 60-211

Criminal Procedure, this index

Mandamus, generally, this index

Married persons, 23-2603

Masters, 60-253

Mechanics' Liens, generally, this index

Mines and Minerals, this index

Mistakes, relief from, 60-260

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, this index

Mortgages, this index

Motions, generally, this index

Motor Vehicles, generally, this index

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipalities, this index

Negligence, generally, this index

Negotiable Instruments, generally, this index

New Trial. Trial, generally, this index

Newly discovered evidence, relief from, 60-260

No-fault insurance, 40-3101 et seq.

Nonsuit. Dismissal and Nonsuit, generally, this index

Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq.

Obesity, claims rising out of, 60-4801

Oil and Gas, this index

Oil and Gas Leases, this index

Oil and Gas Pipelines, this index

Parties, generally, this index

Partition, generally, this index

Partnerships, contracts, 16-104

Pending actions,

Abatement, death of party, 60-1802

Consolidations, 60-242

Counterclaim or crossclaim subject to, 60-213

Death, public officers, 60-225

Discovery, order compelling, 60-237

Eminent domain, 26-515

Juvenile justice authority, establishment, nonabatement, 75-7005

Notice in other counties, 60-2203a

Public officers, death or resignation, continuance by or against successor, 60-225

Separate trials, 60-242

Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this index

Pleadings, generally, this index

Probate Proceedings, generally, this index

Process, generally, this index

Public Utilities, this index

Quieting Title, generally, this index

Quo Warranto, generally, this index

Racial or other biased-based policing, 22-4611

Railroads, this index

Real property, 60-1001 et seq.

Receivers and Receivership, generally, this index

Records, health care providers, access to, 65-4970 et seq.

Reference and Referees, generally, this index

Remainders and Remaindermen, this index

Remedies, administrative, exhaust prior to inmate actions, 75-52,138

Rents and profits, 58-2522

Replevin, generally, this index

Representative actions. Class actions, ante

Reversions, 58-2523

Review. Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Right to work, damages for violation of Kan. Const. Art. 15, ยง12, 44-831

Roads and Highways, this index

Sales, this index

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Schools and School Districts, this index

Securities, this index

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Settlement. Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Shareholders, derivative actions, 60-223a

Shoplifting, civil penalties, 60-3331

Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

Slander. Libel and Slander, generally, this index

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Social Welfare, this index

Specific Performance, generally, this index

State officers and employees, defense and expense, 75-4360

State Treasurer, this index

Stay. Supersedeas or Stay, generally, this index

Subpoenas, generally, this index

Summary Proceedings, generally, this index

Surprise, relief from, 60-260

Tax Appeals, State Board of, generally, this index

Tenants in common, rents and profits, 58-2522

Trial, generally, this index

Trusts and Trustees, this index

Unemployment compensation. Employment Security, generally, this index

Unfair trade. Monopolies and Unfair Trade, this index

Unsolicited goods or services, action for return of, defense, 50-617

Urban renewal bonds, presumptions, 17-4751

Venue, generally, this index

Warehouses and Warehousemen, generally, this index

Water, appropriation of, 82a-705, 82a-718

Water pollution violations, 65-170e

Water Supply, this index

Watershed Districts, this index

Weight gain, claims arising out of, 60-4801

Workers Compensation, this index

Working conditions, safety of employees, 44-636

Wrongful birth, 60-1906

Wrongful death, 60-1901 et seq.

Wrongful life, 60-1906

Zones and Zoning, generally, this index


Insurance department, 40-110

Judges' retirement system, 20-2605

State agencies, contracts for services, notice, publication, 75-430a

Teachers' retirement, cities between 120,000 and 200,000, 72-1769a


Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index

Taxation, generally, this index


Addiction counseling, 65-6607 et seq.

Construction of act, 65-6616

Definitions, 65-6608

Disclosure to client at beginning of client-therapist relationship, 65-6620

Prohibited acts, 65-6609

Addictions counselor licensure act, 65-6607 et seq.

Administrative proceedings, 65-6619

Construction of act, 65-6616

Confidential information and communications, exceptions, 65-6617

Behavioral sciences regulatory board, 74-7501

Alcohol and drug credentialed counselors, 65-6610

Alcohol and other drug counselors, 65-6610

Applicants for licensure, 65-6610

Examinations, 65-6610

Fees, 65-6618

Licensure, 65-6611, 65-6613, 65-6614, 65-6615

Temporary permit, 65-6612


Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Change of address, druggists, 65-1633

Drivers' licenses, 8-248

Healing arts, license examination applicant, 65-2808

Health officers, 65-202

Motor carriers, marking on vehicle, 8-143e

Tax foreclosure proceedings, 79-2801


Emergencies, this index

Military Forces, this index


Generally, 75-3701 et seq.

Accounts and reports, division of,

Accounting services recovery fund, 75-1119b, 75-6210

Director of accounts and reports, 75-3727a, 75-3727b

Accounts receivable, central system, 75-3728j

Agency payroll deduction plans, 75-5536

Allotment plan, 75-3725

Appointment, 75-3727a

Attorney general, employees verified account of fees collected, deposited, 75-710

Audit, receipt documents from state treasurer, 75-3731

Biweekly payroll period. Payroll accounting system, post

Budget forms, 79-2926

Budget information, 75-3725

Building fund levies, accounting procedures, 76-6b11

Central accounting system, 75-3728, 75-3728j

Certificate of indebtedness, duties, 75-3725a

County reports, 75-3728


Overpayment of taxes by county, 79-2913

Tax uncollected after tax sale, 79-2808

Crime victims compensation, payments, 74-7317


Public moneys, duties, 75-4201 et seq.

Warrants, 75-607

Electronic funds transfer remittance plan, social welfare assistance, 75-5364

Employee use funds, 75-3080

Examination of bills, claims, refunds, 75-3731

Federal cash management fund, 75-3082

Federal funds, 75-3734 et seq.

Fines and penalties, certification of money collected, 20-2801

Fiscal reporting and statistics, 75-3735

Funds in state treasury, 75-3731 et seq.

Funds transfers in lieu of warrants, 75-3732

Information processing services or products, prior approval required, 75-4707

Inventory records, real property, 75-3516

Kansas comprehensive grant program, duties, 74-32,123

Medical vendors' claims,

Inmates' care, custody of secretary of corrections, 75-52,126

Social welfare, 39-708a

Municipal accounting, 75-1119 et seq.

Municipal audit guide, 75-1123

Official hospitality, limits, procedures, 75-3731a

Old age and survivors insurance of public employees, powers and duties, 75-3749

Parking fees, payroll deductions, 75-5535

Payroll, post

Real property inventory, 75-3516

Receipt document copies transmitted, 75-3731


Redeemed and deposited warrants, 75-607

State treasurer, delivery, 75-621


Examination, post audit committee, 46-1106

Real property, 75-3516

Reproduction of, 75-3737


Municipal audit reports, 75-1129

Receipts and expenditures of funds, state colleges and universities, 76-720

State and county agencies, 75-3736

Revenue bonds for medical center, duties, 76-814

School retirement, duties, 74-4939

Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Subsistence expense claims, state officers and employees, 75-3206 et seq.

Tax levy statement transmitted from property valuation director, 79-1806

Transfers of moneys,

Debt service reserve fund, 12-3721

General fund moneys,

County and city revenue sharing fund, 79-2964

Educational institution housing system funds, 76-762

Limits, 75-6704

Local ad valorem tax reduction fund, 79-2959

National direct student loan funds, 76-743, 76-744

Property contingency fund, 75-3668

School district capital improvements fund, 75-2319

Self-insurance reserve fund, 12-3725

Tort claims fund, 75-6117

State buildings funds, 75-3653, 75-3655

Trust funds. Funds, generally, this index

United Way organizations, 75-5531 et seq.

Veterans' burials, 73-308

Vocational rehabilitation disbursements, 72-4316

Warrants, 75-3731, 75-3732

Information processing services or products, prior approval required, 75-4707

Limit, must be in accord with reduced general fund expenditures, 75-6704

State warrants, generally, this index

Write-off of accounts and taxes receivable, 75-3728a et seq.

Garnishment, 60-2310

Fairs and expositions, 2-205

Forms, claims, 75-3731

Funds in state treasury,

Funds, generally, this index

Payments from, 75-3731 et seq.

Petty cash, 75-3052 et seq.

Funds transfers, payments of claims, 75-3732

Housing, food services and other employee maintenance, conversion to biweekly rates, 75-5510

Leave payment reserve fund, state, 75-5542 et seq.

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Pay date for terminated employees, 75-5508


Accounting system, 75-5501 et seq.

Accounts, 75-5516

Biweekly pay, 75-5501a, 75-5509, 75-5511, 75-5512

Deductions, 75-649

Errors, use of imprest funds, duties, 75-3072

Fees, payroll deduction, 75-5533

Leave payment reserve assessments, 75-5543

Moneys appropriated for salaries and wages, required expenditure therefor, 75-5552

Payroll obligations, priority payment, guidelines, 75-5553

Periods, 75-5502 et seq.

Preaudit of commitments and claims, 75-3730

Salaries and wages,

Ranges and rates, conversion to hourly and biweekly rates, 75-5506


Amounts owed to state and other entities, duties, 75-6201 et seq.

Reciprocal contracts, foreign states, 75-6215

Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Transfers of moneys,

General fund moneys,

Federal cash management fund, 75-3083


Cancellation, 10-811

Payment of canceled warrant claims, 46-921

State lottery prizes, certain procedure, 75-3732

Actions and proceedings, preservation of, 75-3702d

Administrative hearings, office of, 75-37,121

Fees for services, 75-37,121

Personnel, appointment and transfers, 75-37,121

Presiding officers, 75-37,121

Procedures, rules and regulations, 75-37,121

Transfer and reorganization, 77-561 et seq.

Water resources, review, 82a-1902

Allotment system application to expenditures, 75-3722 et seq.

Alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Administration, purposes, 75-37,117

Alternative-fuels government fleet loan fund, 75-37,118

Collection procedures, set-off, 75-37,119

Definitions, 75-37,116

Loan agreements, guidelines, preferences, 75-37,119

Rules and regulations, 75-37,117

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

See, State building advisory commission, generally, post

Architectural services, contracts for, 75-1250 et seq.

Agency architects,

Building construction or repair, 75-3740, 75-3741

Construction administration services, 75-1261

Duties, 75-1254, 75-1259, 75-1261, 75-1262

Qualifications, 75-1254

Repetitive projects, 75-1253

Services provided, 75-1254, 75-1259, 75-1260, 75-1261, 75-1262

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Building code compliance review, inspection services, municipalities, 75-3741c

Change orders, 75-1260, 75-1264, 75-3741

Claims, 75-1267

Combining projects, 75-1253

Construction administration services, 75-1260 et seq.

Construction management services, 75-1265

Construction projects, 75-3741

Contracts, 75-1258, 75-1268

Ancillary technical services, negotiation, 75-3784

Correction of mistakes, project bids, 75-6901 et seq.

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Notice, publication, 75-430a

Retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909

Definitions, 75-1251

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259, 75-37,129a

Fees, 75-1263, 75-1269

Exempt projects, 75-1270


Architectural services recovery fund, 75-1269

Construction defects recovery fund, 75-3785

Insurance, amount required, 75-1258

Investigations, 75-718

Joint committee on state building construction, reports to, 75-1263, 75-1264, 75-1267

Medical center facilities, investigation, 75-718

Negotiating committees, 75-1253

Construction management service contracts, 75-1265

Contracts, negotiation, 75-1257

Data on firms, 75-1256

Failure to negotiate, 75-1257

List of qualified firms, 75-1256

Written project description, use, 75-1255

Negotiation, publication notice, 75-430a

Project architect, 75-1251

Construction administration services, 75-1260

Contract compliance, 75-1262

Inspection duties, 75-1260

Construction documents, 75-1259

Contract for architectural services, 75-1257, 75-1258

Discussions with negotiating committee, 75-1256

Errors or omissions, 75-1258

Fees, 75-1263

Plans and specifications, conformance, 75-3740

Selection, 75-1254

Supervision duties, 75-3741


Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Written description, 75-1255

Qualification statements of architects and consultants, 75-1252

Qualified architects, list of firms, 75-1253

Repetitive projects, definition, procedures, 75-1253

Secretary of administration, 75-1254, 75-1258, 75-1261

Claims, project, 75-1267

Combining projects, 75-1253

Construction documents, 75-1259, 75-1267

Fees, 75-1269

Guidelines for fees, 75-1263

Inspection duties, 75-1262

Repetitive projects, 75-1253

Report to joint committee, 75-1263, 75-1264

Rules and regulations, 75-1266 et seq.

Architectural services division, 75-1202a et seq., 75-1250 et seq., 75-3776 et seq.

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Assistant director, appointment, 75-1202a

Capitol grounds memorials, guidelines, standards and procedures, 75-36,104 et seq.

Director of architectural services, 75-1202a

Personnel, 75-1202a, 75-1202d, 75-1202e

Attorneys for department, 75-2935, 75-3705a

Budget, division of, 75-3714a et seq.

Census or population figures, 11-201

Creation, 75-3714a

Director of the budget, 75-3714a

Allotment system application, 75-3722 et seq.

Applications and agreements for nonstate moneys, notice, copies, 75-3049, 75-3050, 75-3051

Automated tax systems, joint revenue estimates, 75-5147

Budget report, preparation of, 75-3715, 75-3716

Certificates of deposit, state general fund, issuance, duties, 75-3725a

Civil service pay plans, 75-2938

Classification plan, 75-2938

Continuous budget planning, 75-3718

Fiscal notes for certain bills, 75-3715a, 75-3715b

Funds available, statements, 75-3723

Governor, information and assistance, 75-134, 75-135, 75-3719

Hearings, tentative budget, 75-3718

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

Judicial branch budget, exception, 75-3718

Management analysis service, 75-3715

Powers and duties, 75-3715

General fund, expenditure limits, 75-6701 et seq.

Project budget estimates, 75-7209

Revision of requests, 75-3718

State general fund,

Joint estimates of revenue, 75-6701

Reductions in expenditures and demand transfers, 75-6704

Employee award and recognition program, 75-37,105

Energy conservation improvements, budget adjustments, 75-37,113

Estimates, budget information, 75-3716 et seq.

Capital improvement budget estimates, 75-3717b

Federal cash management fund, 75-3083

Governor's budget report, submission to legislature, 75-3721

Powers, duties, 75-3714b

State employee suggestion program, 75-37,105

Budget estimate forms, 75-3716

Building advisory commission. See State building advisory commission, post


Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,143

See, State building advisory commission, generally, post

Energy audits, 75-37,128

Insurance coverage, 74-4717 et seq.

State office buildings and grounds, post

Topeka state hospital property, post

Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2237 et seq.

Ad astra sculpture, placement, 75-2256

Bonds, issuance of, 75-2240a

Chairman, 75-2238a

Compensation and expenses of members, 75-2238a

Contracts and documents, approval by attorney general, 75-2240a

Meetings, 75-2238a

Powers and duties, 75-2237, 75-2240a

Ad astra sculpture, placement, 75-2256

Plan, maintenance and change, 75-2242

Reports to governor, 75-2240a, 75-2241a

Secretary, 75-2238a

State agencies to assist and cooperate, 75-2239

Urban renewal, 75-2236

Vacancies, 75-2237

Zoning, changes, 75-3620

Central duplicating services, function, 75-1001c

Publications of state agencies, copies to library, 75-3048b

Civil Service, generally, this index

Communications systems. Information systems and communications, division of, post

Computer services. Information systems and communications, division of, post


Approval, 75-3744

Disabled veteran business, preference, 73-230

Controller. See subhead Director of accounts and reports under Accounts and reports, division of, ante

Data processing. Information systems and communications, division of, post

Definitions, 75-3701

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Engineering services, contracts for, 75-1250 et seq.

Agency engineers,

Duties, 75-1254, 75-1259, 75-1262

Qualifications, 75-1254

Services provided, 75-1254, 75-1259, 75-1260, 75-1262

Change orders, 75-1260, 75-1264

Combining projects, 75-1253

Construction management services, 75-1265

Contracts, 75-1258, 75-1268

Ancillary technical services, negotiation, 75-3784

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Definitions, 75-1251

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Fees, 75-1263, 75-1269

Funds, architectural services recovery fund, 75-1269

Insurance, amount required, 75-1258

Joint committee on state building construction, reports to, 75-1263, 75-1264

Negotiating committees, 75-1253

Contracts, negotiation, 75-1257

Failure to negotiate, 75-1257

Project engineer, 75-1251

Construction administration services, 75-1260

Contract compliance, 75-1262

Inspection duties, 75-1260

Construction documents, 75-1259

Contract for engineering services, 75-1257, 75-1258

Errors or omissions, 75-1258

Fees, 75-1263

Selection, 75-1254

Qualification statements of engineers and consultants, 75-1252

Qualified engineers, list of firms, 75-1253

Repetitive projects, definitions, 75-1253

Secretary of administration,

Claims, project, 75-1267

Combining projects, 75-1253

Construction documents, 75-1267

Duties, 75-1254, 75-1263

Fees, 75-1269

Guidelines for fees, 75-1263

Repetitive projects, 75-1253

Report to joint committee, 75-1263, 75-1264

Rules and regulations, 75-1266

Equal employment opportunity office, state employees, racial identification, 44-1035

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Executive chief information technology officer, 75-4701

Appointment, 75-7205

Executive chief information technology officer, 75-7205

Duties, 75-7205

Chief information technology architect, 75-7204


Multiple year, 75-4704b

Chief information technology architect, 75-7204

Contracts, 75-4713

Emergency medical services, approval of, 65-6139

Multiple year, 75-4704b

Telecommunications services, negotiating committee, 75-4713

Data processing and application hosting,

Supervision of, 75-4704

Fees and charges, 75-4714

Funds, special revenue,

Information technology fund, 75-4704, 75-4714, 75-4715

Information technology reserve fund, 75-4704a, 75-4704b, 75-4716

Governmental units, certain hospitals and corporations, 75-4709

Kansas guardianship program, 74-9605

Powers and duties, 75-4702

Property and records, 75-4702c, 75-4709

Rules and regulations, 46-1504, 75-4703, 75-4705, 75-4712

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Telecommunications services, 75-4709, 75-4710

Acquisition of services for state agencies, 75-4713

Agreements 75-4712

Defined, 75-4710

Disposition of funds, 75-4714

Governmental units, certain hospitals and corporations, 75-4709

Negotiating Committee, 75-37,102, 75-4713

Official custodian, certain records, 75-4709

Rules and regulations, 75-4712

Telemedicine communication system, 76-389

Transfer of powers and duties to, 75-4702

Facilities management division,

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Finance Council, generally, this index

Functions, 75-3707

Governmental operations, Kansas quality program, 75-37,115

Governmental operations accountability law, department subject to, 75-3702a

Health policy and finance, division of,

See, generally, Health Policy Authority, Kansas, this index

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

Information systems and communications, division of, abolished, 75-4701 et seq.

Broadband technology-based network, KAN-ED act,

See, subhead KAN-ED act, under State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Chief information architect, position abolished, 75-7212


Lease back of purchased equipment, 75-4707

Information technology executive council, standards, policies, 75-7203

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Kansas information resources council, abolished, 75-7212

Lease back of purchased equipment, 75-4707

Officers and employees,

Positions abolished, reappointment, 75-4702b, 75-4702e

Transfer of powers and functions to executive chief information technology officer, 75-4702

Transfer of powers and functions to office of information technology services, 75-4702c

Officers and employees, positions abolished, reappointment, 75-4702b, 75-4702e

Information technology,

See Also, Information Technology, generally, this index

Budget estimates, projects, 75-7209

Chief information technology architect, 75-7204

Duties, 75-7204

Executive chief information technology officer, 75-7205

Information technology executive council, 75-7202, 75-7203

Lease back of purchased equipment, 75-4707

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

K-GOAL, application, 75-3702a

Kansas information resources council, chief information architect, abolished, 75-7212

Kansas quality program, 75-37,115

Labor relations, 75-4321 et seq.

Land surveying services, contracts for, 75-1250 et seq.

Agency land surveyors,

Duties, 75-1254, 75-1259, 75-1262

Qualifications, 75-1254

Services provided, 75-1254, 75-1259, 75-1260, 75-1262

Change orders, 75-1260, 75-1264

Combining projects, 75-1253

Construction management services, 75-1265

Contracts, 75-1258, 75-1268

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Definitions, 75-1251

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Fees, 75-1263

Insurance, amount required, 75-1258

Negotiating committees, 75-1253

Contracts, negotiation, 75-1257

Failure to negotiate, 75-1257

Project land surveyor, 75-1251

Construction administration services, 75-1260

Contract compliance, 75-1262

Inspection duties, 75-1260

Construction documents, 75-1259

Contract for land surveying services, 75-1257, 75-1258

Errors or omissions, 75-1258

Fees, 75-1263

Selection, 75-1254

Qualification statements of land surveyors and consultants, 75-1252

Qualified land surveyors, list of firms, 75-1253

Repetitive projects, definitions, 75-1253

Secretary of administration,

Claims, project, 75-1267

Combining projects, 75-1253

Construction documents, 75-1267

Duties, 75-1254, 75-1263

Guidelines for fees, 75-1263

Repetitive projects, 75-1253

Report to joint committee, 75-1263, 75-1264

Rules and regulations, 75-1266, 75-3228

Medicaid plan, state. See, Health policy and finance, division of, infra

Motor pool. Secretary of administration, post

Office of information technology services, 75-4701

Cafeteria plan, 75-6512

Capital outlays and expenses, 75-4704a, 75-4704b

Central data processing, 75-4705

Chief information technology architect, 75-7204

Data processing and application hosting, 75-4703, 75-4704, 75-4705

Deputy director of information systems, 75-4701

Deputy director of telecommunications, ย 75-4701

Establishment of rates and charges, 75-4703.75-4704

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

Membership, 75-7202

Organization, 75-7202

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Services performed, 75-4703, 75-4704, 75-4705

Standards for submission of data, security, 75-4703, 75-4705

Transfer of powers and duties to, 75-4702c

Resolution of conflicts, 75-4702c

Officers and employees, 75-2935, 75-3702c

Attorneys, 75-3705a

Civil service classification, 75-3702c, 75-3702e

Intergovernmental exchange, 75-4408

Powers and duties, 75-3702j

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Surplus property program, transfer from department of corrections, 75-3707f

Transfer upon reorganization, 75-3702e

Official hospitality, limits, procedures, 75-3731a

Organization of department, 75-3702j

Parking. Secretary of administration, post

Parking lots and facilities, 75-3768


Accounting system, 75-5501 et seq.

Annual or hourly rate basis, when, 75-5515

Deductions, 75-649, 75-5530 et seq.

Errors, 75-3072

Fees, payroll deductions, 75-5533

Hourly rate basis, determination, 75-5515

Longevity bonus payments, 75-5541

Moneys appropriated for salaries and wages, required expenditure therefor, 75-5552

Overtime compensation, basis, 75-5537

Payroll obligations, priority payment, guidelines, 75-5553

Periods, 75-5501 et seq.

Beginning and ending dates, 75-5515

Biweekly, 75-5501a, 75-5511

Semimonthly, permitted until biweekly, 75-4315, 75-5501a

State agency deduction plans, 75-5536

Personnel services, division of, 75-3745c

Classification of positions, 75-2938

Director of personnel services, 75-3745c

Civil Service, generally, this index

Classification of positions, 75-2938

Employee leave sharing program, 75-5549

Kansas savings incentive program, bonus payments, guidelines, limitations, 75-37,105

Performance ratings, system, 75-2943

Powers and duties, 75-3746

Salary ranges, assignment, 75-2938

Unclassified service, 75-3745c

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Employee award and recognition program, suggestion program, 75-37,105

Pay plan, 75-2938

Property, transfer of, 75-3745d, 75-3745g


Ranges and rates, 75-2938

Surveys, 75-2938

Terminated employees, pay date, 75-5508

Transfer of authority, former division, 75-3745d

Transfer of officers and employees, 75-3745f, 75-3745h

Pharmacy claims management system, electronic. See, Health policy and finance, division of, infra

Powers and duties, 75-3707

Printing, division of, 75-1001a et seq.

Cost system, 75-1022

Director of printing, 75-1001a

Commercial printing, approval, 75-1005

Copies of publications, distribution, 75-1023

Duties and functions of state printer transferred to, 75-1001d

Invoices, examination of, 75-1015

Management and operation of state printing plant, 75-1004

Employees, 75-1017

Compensation, 75-1017

Expenditures from funds, 75-1004b

Functions of central duplicating transferred to, 75-1001c

Funds, transfer, 75-1004b

Intragovernmental printing service fund, 75-1022

Printing and binding by, 75-1005

Printing plant,

Construction of, provisions for, 75-3675 et seq.

Management and operation, 75-1004

Transfer of certain funds, 75-1001f

Transfer of employees of state printing plant and central duplicating to, 75-1001e

Public employees retirement system, contract, 74-4909

Public information officer, unclassified service, 75-2935


Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,143

Cooperative purchasing agreements, 75-3739

Debarment from consideration for contract awards, 75-37,103

Division of, 75-3737a, 75-3737b

Director, duties, 75-3738

Acquisition of professional services, 75-37,132, 75-37,135

Recycled products, 75-3740c

Information processing,

Services or products, acquisition, 75-4707

State educational institutions,

Goods and services, 76-769

Leases of real property, 76-769

Electronic procurement procedures, 75-3739, 75-3739a

Energy efficiency guidelines, productions and equipment, 75-37,127

Motor-vehicle fuels, ethanol blend, 75-3744a

Paper, requirements, state agencies, 45-502, 75-3517, 75-3518

Prequalification for state contracts, 75-37,104

Prison-made goods act, 75-5273 et seq.

Reverse auctioning electronic procurement process, 75-3739a

State Agencies, this index

Vendors, list of prequalified, 75-37,104

Quality improvement plans, 75-37,115

Records and documents,

Custody, 75-3703

Copies, authentication or certification, 75-3703

Transfer of, 75-3702f

Records board, 75-3502a

Rules and regulations. See Secretary of administration, post

Seal, 75-3703

Secretary of administration, 75-3702a

Ad astra sculpture fund, gifts, 75-2256

Agreement, funds transfer, 75-3732

Allotment system application to expenditures, 75-3722 et seq.

Alternative fuels loan program, ante

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Appeals from decisions or action, 75-3706, 75-3711

Architectural services, contracts for, ante,

Armories, approval of plans, 48-313


Five-year capital improvement and facilities plans, 75-3717b

Hearings, 75-3718

Statistics, 75-3735

Building construction or repair,

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,143

Ancillary technical services, 75-3784

Bidding procedures, 75-1001a, 75-3741, 75-3741a

Negotiation for, 75-3741b

Reports to joint committee, 75-3741b

Cafeteria benefits plan, administration, 75-6512

Capitol area plaza authority, ante

Capitol grounds memorials, guidelines, standards and procedures, 75-36,104 et seq.

Central mail service, 75-4511 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 75-4512

Certificates of deposit, state general fund, issuance, duties, 75-3725a

Certificates of indebtedness, issuance, procedure for, 75-3725a

Certificates of participation financing arrangements, 75-37,101

Civil penalties,

VoIP enhanced 911 act, 12-5354

Civil Service, generally, this index

Compensation, 75-3702a

Compensation summary, state officers and employees, 75-5550

Conveyance of public lands,

Juvenile correctional complex, Kansas, to humane society, 76-2135

Crimes and punishments, 75-3789

Criminal justice information system committee, member of, 74-5701

Debarring entities from consideration for state contracts, 75-37,103

Defibrillators, guidelines for placement in state facilities, 65-6149a

Delegation of powers, 75-3702j

Dependent care assistance program, 75-6520

Disability concerns, commission on, ex officio member, 74-6703

Employee use funds, approval of uses, 75-3080

Employees health care commission, 75-6502, 75-6503

Employees of department, appointment, 75-3702c

Energy conservation improvements, financing, approval, 75-37,112

Energy conservation standards, 75-1259

Federal funds, excepted from fiscal procedures, approval, 75-3734

Finance council, secretary of, 75-3708

Gifts, acceptance,

Governor's residence, 75-131a

State facilities gift fund, 75-3684

Statehouse, 75-2265

Governmental operations, Kansas quality program, 75-37,115

Governor, transition in office, duties, 75-134, 75-135, 75-3719

Health care commission,

Employees, 75-6502, 75-6503

Technical administrator,

Classified or unclassified service, specified, 75-6503

Duties, 75-6503

Kansas firefighters memorial,

Duties, 75-36,102

Funds, gifts, 75-36,103

Kansas taxpayer transparency act, 74-72,123, 74-72,124, 74-72,125

KanWork interagency coordinating committee, member, 39-7,108

Key deposit fund, 76-12a25

Leases of real property, 75-3651, 75-3739

Lease negotiation service fee, 75-3765b

Office space for state agencies, 75-3765b

State realty not currently needed for governmental purposes, 75-3686

Ad valorem taxation, exemption, 75-3686

Liquor and vending facilities laws, application, 75-3686

Storage space, approval, 75-6608

Topeka state hospital property, 75-37,123

Leave payment reserve fund, state, 75-5542 et seq.

Mileage allowance for official travel, rate fixed by secretary, 75-3203, 75-3203a

Mobile homes and recreational vehicles, duties. Mobile Homes, generally, this index

Motor pool, 75-4601 et seq.; see, also, Motor Pool, generally, this index

Motor vehicles, license plates, 75-4610, 75-4612

Municipal audit reports, 75-1124

Office space for agencies, see State office buildings and grounds, post

Official hospitality, limits, procedures, 75-3731a

Organization of department, 75-3702j


Administrative fines, 75-4506, 75-4508

Contract for, 75-4506

Penalties for violation, costs, 28-172a

Permits, 75-4506

Rules and regulations, 75-4506, 75-4508

Payroll, ante

Powers and duties, 75-1202e, 75-3651, 75-3702b

Architectural services,

Contracts for. See, Architectural services, contracts for, ante

Division of. See Architectural services division, ante

Armories, approval of plans for, 48-313

Buildings and grounds, 75-3742

Capital improvements, 75-2262, 75-3742, 75-3783

Certificates of deposit, state general fund, 75-3725a

Certificates of indebtedness, 75-3725a

Certificates of participation financing arrangements, 75-37,101

Civil service and personnel administration, 75-3747

Database, state-owned or leased space, 75-3765

Gifts, acceptance for state facilities, 75-131a, 75-2265, 75-3684

Leases of real property, 75-3651, 75-3739

Office space for state agencies, 75-3765b

Storage space, approval, 75-6608

Topeka state hospital property, 75-37,123

Office of state long-term care ombudsman, 75-7301

Rules and regulations, post

State capitol, repairs and improvements, 75-2262

Surplus property programs, 75-3707f, 75-6601 et seq.

Topeka state hospital property, post

Prison-Made Goods Act, purchases, 75-5277

Public broadcasting services,

Appropriations, 75-4915, 75-4925

Audits, council operations, 75-4924

Cooperative project grants, 75-4919

Council certifications, 75-4924

Station certifications, 75-4915, 75-4922

Public building commissions, representation, 12-1759

Real estate,

Surplus, sale of, 75-6609

Survey, prior to conveyance or other disposition, 75-6611

Records and documents,

Authentication or certification of copies, 75-3703

Custody, 75-3703

Mobile home, recreational vehicle commission, 75-1219

Reproduction of reports, 75-3737

Rules and regulations, 75-3706

Alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,117

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,143

Approval of, duties, 77-420 et seq.

Approval or rejection by governor, 75-3711

Architectural services, 75-1266

Automatic data processing, 75-4610

Board, member of, 77-423

Building construction contracts, bid procedures, 75-3741

Bus fares for state employees, 75-46a01

Capitol police, 75-4504, 75-4508

Civil Service. See subhead Rules and Regulations under Civil Service, this index

Compensation of state officers and employees, 75-5507, 75-5514

Computer services, 75-4703

Contributions to community health charities, 75-5534

Employee award and recognition program, 75-37,105

Employee leave sharing program, 75-5549

Energy efficiency standards, 75-37,127, 75-37,128, 75-37,129a

Engineering services, 75-1267

Fees, nonofficial travel by governor, state-owned vehicle or aircraft, 75-3226

Kansas quality program, 75-37,115

Key deposit fund, 76-12a25

Land surveying services, 75-1267

Longevity bonus payments, 75-5541

Mail services, central, 75-4512

Motor pool, 75-4608

Motor vehicles, state, fuel economy standard, 75-4618

Moving expenses, state personnel, 75-3225

Overtime compensation, basis, 75-5537

Parking, 75-4506, 75-4507

Administrative fines, 75-4506, 75-4508

Fees, 75-4506

Penalties for violation, 75-4508

Costs, 28172a

Payment of compensation, contracts, 75-5512

Prompt Payment Act, 75-6407

Setoff, state program, 75-6203, 75-6213

State building design and construction standards, 75-3783

State leave payment reserve fund, administration, 75-5545

Subsistence allowances, state officers and employees, 75-3207, 75-3207a

Surplus property programs, 75-3707f, 75-6603, 75-6608

Transactions between state agencies, 75-5516

Travel allowances, official travel, 75-3203

Vanpool program, 75-46a08

VoIP enhanced 911 act, 12-5354

Write-off of accounts and taxes receivable, 75-3728c

Seal, 75-3703

State employees health care commission, 75-6502, 75-6503

State office buildings and grounds. See, also, State Office Buildings and Grounds, generally, this index

Assignment of space and facilities, 75-3651, 75-3766

Capitol building, 75-3765a

Property contingency fund, use, 75-3652

Rental charges, 75-3765

Building and grounds at 6th and Kansas, sale, 75-3652

Buildings depreciation fund transfers, 75-3655

Buildings operating fund, 75-3765, 75-3768

Capital improvements, energy conservation, 75-1259

Cleaning, repair, alteration, 75-3764

Custody and care, 75-3762, 75-3763

Database of building and storage space, 75-3765

Energy conservation,

Capital improvement projects, standards for, 75-1259, 75-37,129a

Energy audits, 75-37,128

Improvements for, financing, 75-37,111 et seq.

Funds, rents and charges, 75-3765, 75-3768

Hiram Price Dillon building, 75-3681, 75-3682

Insurance coverage, 74-4717 et seq.

Leasing space, 75-3651

Office space, state agencies, assignment, 75-3651, 75-3765

Parking facilities, rent, 75-3768

Powers and duties, 75-3648 et seq.

Printing plant, 75-3675 et seq.

Rents and charges, disposition, 75-3765, 75-3768

Reports, joint committee on state building construction, 75-3651, 75-3765

Santa Fe office building, 75-3651, 75-3653

Sale of other property, 75-3648 et seq., 75-3652

Topeka state hospital property, post

Use as correctional institution, 75-52,125

Utility services, 75-3773

State records board, member, 75-3502

State workers compensation self-insurance fund, 44-575

Storage space for agencies, duties, 75-6608

Subsistence allowances, establishment, 75-3207, 75-3207a

Surplus property of United States, 27-311 et seq.

Surplus real estate,

Sale, 75-6609

Survey, prior to conveyance or other disposition, 75-6611

Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial, 75-37,124

Tuition, educational expenses for state personnel, policies and procedures, 75-5519

Vanpool review committee, chairperson, 75-46a10

Veterans memorial fund, 75-2254

Wichita state office building property, sale of, 75-3669

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Setoff, state program, collection, amounts owed certain entities, 75-6201 et seq.

State building advisory commission, 75-3780

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Appropriate project determination, 75-37,143

Definitions, 75-37,142

Notices, 75-37,143, 75-37,144

Rules and regulations, 75-37,143

Architectural services,

List of qualified firms, preparation, 75-1253, 75-1257

Building design-build services,

Bid information, records, public inspection, 75-37,146

Procedures, 75-37,145

Capital improvement budget estimates, review, report, 75-3717b

Compensation and expenses, 75-3781

Construction management at-risk services, procedures, 75-37,144

Construction management services, advice, 75-1265

Determination of bidding procedures on construction projects, 75-3741

Duties, 75-3780, 75-5803

Advice on design and construction standards for state capitol improvement projects, 75-3783

Capital improvement budget estimates, 75-3717b

Duties and functions, 75-37,143, 75-37,144, 75-37,145

Engineering services,

List of qualified firms, preparation, 75-1253, 75-1257, 75-5803, 75-5804, 75-5807

Five-year capital improvement program and facilities plans, review, report, 75-3717b

Land surveying services,

List of qualified firms, preparation, 75-1253, 75-1257, 75-5803, 75-5804, 75-5807

Meetings, quorum, 75-3782

Public hearings, alternative project delivery procurement requests, 75-37,143

Qualification statements of architects and consultants, 75-1252

State buildings, insurance coverage,

Annual report, 74-4721

Definitions, 74-4717

Exclusions, 74-4720

Insurable values, 74-4719

Purchase, 74-4718

Requirements, 74-4718, 74-4719

Rules and regulations, 74-4719

State agencies, duties, 74-4719

State Capitol, generally, this index

State fair, contracts, 2-205a, 2-205b

State long-term care ombudsman, office of, attached to department, 75-7301

See, also, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, generally, this index

Storage space requirements, state agencies, 75-6608

Surplus property programs,

Administration, transferred to department of administration, 75-3707f

Funds, property, liabilities and records, 75-3707f

Officers and employees, transfer from department of corrections, 75-3707f

References in statutes, contracts and other documents, 75-3707f

Rights, actions and proceedings, 75-3707f

Rules and regulations, orders and directives, 75-3707f

Secretary of administration, powers, duties and functions, 75-3707f

State surplus property act, 75-6601 et seq.

Exemptions, 75-6606, 75-6612, 75-6613

Law enforcement officers, personal sidearm purchase, 75-6613

Surplus property of United States, 27-311 et seq.

Telecommunications services. Information systems and communications, division of, ante

Topeka state hospital property,

Ad valorem taxation exemption, 75-37,123

Advisory committee, 75-37,123

Cemetery memorial, 75-37,124

Lease or sale, 75-37,123

Operation and maintenance, fees and charges, 75-37,123

Transfer, custody and control to secretary of administration, 75-37,123

Transfer of authority, rights, actions and proceedings preserved, 75-3702d, 75-3745e

Transfer of employees, 75-3702e, 75-3745f, 75-3745h

Transfer of property, 75-3702f, 75-3702g, 75-3745d, 75-3745g


Generally, 77-561 et seq.

Director, 77-561

Establishment, 77-561

Reorganization and transfer from department of administration, 77-562 et seq.


See, also, Rules and Regulations, this index

Administrative Hearings, Office of, this index

Alternate dispute resolution, 77-505

Application of act, 77-503, 77-513, 77-534

Conversion of proceedings, 77-506

Exhaustion of remedies,

Title IV-D actions, 39-7,13

Radiologic technologists, 65-7313

Informal settlements, 77-505

Intervention, water pollution, 65-170e

Judicial review act, 77-601

Professional practice commission, school employees, 72-8507

Relocation assistance, 58-3509

Review and enforcement of actions, 77-501 et seq., 77-601 et seq.

Answer or other responsive pleading, 77-614

Appeal, court decision,

Enforcement action, 77-627

Judicial review, 77-623

Application of act, 77-603, 77-606

Human rights commission, Kansas, no probable cause determinations, exempt, 44-1044

Burden of proof, 77-621

Commencement of action, 77-610

Damages. Relief, post

Defenses, enforcement actions, 77-625

Definitions, 77-602

Docket fee, 77-610

Evidence, new, 77-618, 77-619

Ex parte orders, 77-616

Exhaustion of remedies, 77-607, 77-612

Injunction. Relief, post

Interlocutory review, 77-608, 77-616

Agency's failure to act, 77-631

Issues, limitation, 77-617, 77-618

Jurisdiction, 77-609

Notice, 77-613, 77-615

Order, service of, 77-613

Other laws, application, 77-606


Agency's failure to act, interlocutory review, 77-631

Enforcement action, 77-624

Judicial review,

Contents, 77-614

Filing, 77-607, 77-610

Place, 77-614

Time, 77-613

Service, 77-615

Record, agency proceedings, 77-620, 77-626


Enforcement action, 77-624

Judicial review, 77-606, 77-610, 77-616, 77-622

Limits, 77-621

Temporary remedies, 77-608, 77-616

Remand, 77-619

Scope of review, 77-617, 77-618, 77-621

Service of process, 77-613, 77-615

Standard of review, 77-617, 77-618, 77-621

Standing, 77-607, 77-611

Stay, 77-616

Temporary remedies. Relief, ante

Title IV-D actions,

De novo review, 39-7,139

Subpoena, enforceability, 39-7,143

Transcript, agency proceedings, 77-620, 77-626


Enforcement action, 77-624

Judicial review, 77-609

Waiver of rights, 77-604

State agencies,

Accountancy, board of, 1-201, 1-311

Administration, department of, office of administrative hearings, 75-37,121

Transfer and reorganization, 77-561 et seq.

Adult care home administrators, board of, 65-3508

Aging and disability services, Kansas department for,

Long-term care programs and services, 75-5945

Agriculture, department,

Agricultural chemical act, 2-2206, 2-2215

Chemigation safety, 2-3312

Commercial feeding stuffs, 2-1008

Commercial fertilizers, 2-1206

Meat and poultry inspection, 65-6a24, 65-6a36, 65-6a56

Pesticide law, 2-2449, 2-2451, 2-2452

Seeds, stop sale orders, 2-1423

Banking board, 9-1714

Barbering, board of, 65-1820a, 65-1828

Behavioral sciences regulatory board, 65-5815, 65-6311, 65-6317, 65-6412, 65-6604, 74-5325, 74-5332, 74-5337, 74-5369

Children and families, Kansas department for,

Alcoholism treatment facilities, 65-4015

Appeals, administrative decisions, 75-3306

Hearings, presiding officer, 77-551

Proceedings outside of administrative procedure act, 75-37,121

Continuing contract law, 72-5412

Corporation commission, proceedings before, 77-545

Oil and gas production hearings, 55-1623

Cosmetology, board of, 65-1908, 65-1909, 65-1925

Crime victims compensation board, 74-7307, 74-7315

Dental board, 65-1436, 65-1449, 65-1456, 65-1458, 65-1467

Injunctive proceedings, 65-1451

Emergency medical services board, 65-6132, 65-6133, 65-6134

Fire marshal, orders, 31-159

Healing arts, board of,

Dentists, administration of anesthetics, 65-2899

Emergency adjudicative proceedings, 65-2838

Licensees, 65-2839a, 65-2842, 65-2844, 65-2851a

Non-disciplinary resolution, 65-2838a

Occupational therapists, 65-5410, 65-5416

Physical therapists, proceedings, 65-2912

Podiatrists, proceedings, 65-2006

Radiologic technologists, 65-7313

Respiratory therapists, 65-5510, 65-5516

Health and environment, department of,

Asbestos removal, 65-5310, 65-5314, 65-5315

Bread and flour enrichment, 65-2305

Certificates of public advantage, 65-4958

Child care facilities, 65-526

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a09

Dietitians, 65-5911

Drinking water standards, 65-171p

Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2305

Hazardous substances, 65-3456a

Hazardous waste, 65-3440, 65-3443, 65-3445, 65-3446, 65-3458

Health care provider agreements, 65-4958

Home health agencies, 65-5107, 65-5108

Hospital licensure, 65-430, 65-440

Laetrile, 65-6b06, 65-6b07, 65-6b09

Medical care facilities, licensure, 65-430, 65-440

Medical facility projects, 65-421

Mined-land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-422a

Solid waste, 65-3412, 65-3417, 65-3419

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists, 65-6509

Storage tanks, 65-34,106, 65-34,111, 65-34,113, 65-34,122

Vital statistics, 65-2422d

Wastewater management plan, 65-3312

Wastewater treatment facilities, 65-4509

Water impoundments, sanitation plan, 65-187

Water pollution, 65-164, 65-170d, 65-170e, 65-171d

Water supply, 65-163, 65-163a, 65-171s

Hearing instruments, board of examiners in fitting and dispensing, 74-5820

Insurance, department of, proceedings before, 40-964, 77-546, 77-547

Assessment of costs, 40-2,137

Labor, secretary of, professional negotiation, 72-5426, 72-5430a et seq.

Livestock commission, public livestock markets, 47-1001b, 47-1001c, 47-1004, 47-1005

Mortuary arts, board of, 65-1717, 65-1751

Naturopathic doctor licensure act, 65-7208, 65-7216

Nursing, board of,

Licenses, proceedings, 65-1120, 65-1121a

Mental health technicians, proceedings, 65-4209, 65-4210, 65-4211

Optometry, board of examiners, 65-1518, 65-1520

Pharmacy, board of, 65-1627, 65-1632, 65-1646

Civil fines, 65-1658

Controlled substances, 65-4119, 65-4120

Costs of proceedings, 65-1627h

Licenses and permits, 65-1627f, 65-1628

Subpoenas, 65-1627j

Professional negotiation, school employees, 72-5426, 72-5430a

Professional practices, 72-8506, 72-8509

Regents, state board of, vocational education, 72-4418

Revenue, state department of,

Motor vehicles, division of,

Dealers and manufacturers, 8-2426

Property valuation, division of,

Proceedings before, 77-550

Taxation, division of,

Director, proceedings before, 77-548, 77-549

Informal conferences, 77-548, 77-549

Special education for exceptional children, 72-973, 72-974

Tax appeals, state board of,

Appeals to, 74-2438

Removal of member, 74-2433

Review of orders, 74-2426

Title IV-D administrative proceeding,

Administrative levy, 39-7,150

Administrative order, 39-7,142

Definitions, 39-7,138

Hearings, 39-7,149, 39-7,151

Income withholding, 39-7,147

Hearing, 39-7,149

Modification, 39-7,148

Termination, 39-7,148

Subpoenas, 39-7,143, 39-7,144

Support, change of payee, 39-7,151

Waiver of rights, 39-7,141

Veterans affairs office, commission on,

Kansas soldiers' home, 76-1908, 76-1929

Kansas veterans' home, 76-1954, 76-1955

Veterinary examiners, state board of, licensure to practice, 47-824, 47-830

State agency procedure, 77-501 et seq.

Adjudicative proceedings, 77-511 et seq.

Application of act, 77-512

Exemption, adjutant general, 48-274

Availability, when, 77-512

Change to other proceeding, 77-506

Conference hearing, 77-533 et seq.

Change to other proceeding, 77-506

Counsel, 77-515

Default, 77-520

Definitions, 77-502

Discovery, 77-522

Emergency proceedings, 77-536

Change to other proceedings, 77-506

Evidence, 77-522, 77-524, 77-535

Ex parte communications, 77-525

Hearing, 77-542

Conference hearing, 77-533 et seq.

Default, 77-520

Discovery, 77-522

Evidence, 77-522, 77-524

Intervention, 77-521

Notice, 77-518, 77-519

Officer, 77-514, 77-525

Official notice, 77-524

Prehearing conference, 77-516, 77-517

Procedure, 77-513, 77-523

Protective order, 77-624

Record, 77-532

Representation, 77-515

Required, when, 77-508

Subpoenas, 77-522, 77-624

Intervention, 77-521

Judicial review act, 77-601 et seq.

Applicability, 77-603


Application of procedure, 77-502

Definitions, 77-502

Expiration of, 77-511

Hearing required, 77-512

Notice, 77-518, 77-519, 77-531

Emergency proceedings, 77-536

Official notice, 77-524

Objections and motions, 77-519

Open meeting, 77-523

Open public records, 77-503a

Victim information excluded, 77-503a

Orders, 77-520, 77-526, 77-527

Effectiveness, 77-530

Petition for reconsideration, 77-529

Protective, 77-624

Review of,

Agency, 77-527, 77-529

Court, 77-601 et seq.

Service, 77-530

Stay, 77-528

Pleadings, 77-519

Prehearing conference, 77-516, 77-517

Presiding officer, 77-514

Eligibility and disqualification, 77-514

Ex parte communications, 77-525

Opportunity to observe witness, 77-527

Procedure, 77-523

Records, 77-532

Emergency proceedings, 77-536

Summary proceedings, 77-541

Victim information excluded, 77-503a

Rehearing, 77-527, 77-529

Relevant evidence, 77-621

Representation, 77-515

Required, when, 77-512

Right to request hearing, 77-542

Running of time under the act, 77-503

Service of order, 77-531

Statement filed for hearing request, 77-542

Statute of limitations, 77-503

Stay, 77-528

Subpoenas, 77-522

Summary proceedings, 77-537 et seq.

Change to other proceedings, 77-506

Record, 77-541

Review of order, 77-601 et seq.

Standard of proof, 77-537

Time, calculation of, 77-503

Time limits, 77-511, 77-542

Title of act, 77-501

Type of proceeding,

Change in, 77-506

Conference, 77-533 et seq.

Emergency, 77-536

Informal settlement, 77-505

Summary, 77-537 et seq.

Waiver of rights, 77-504

Title IV-D actions,

Administrative levy, 39-7,150

Administrative orders, 39-7,142

Change of payee, 39-7,151

De novo review, 39-7,139

Execution, arrearages, 39-7,152

Subpoenas, 39-7,143, 39-7,144

Waiver of rights, 39-7,141


See Rules and Regulations, generally, this index

Filing act, 77-415 et seq.


Executors and Administrators, generally, this index. See, also, subhead Executors and administrators under Probate Proceedings, this index


Answers, 60-236

Averments in pleadings, failure to deny, 60-208

Documents, copies, 60-236

Effect, 60-236

Hearsay evidence, 60-460

Motion regarding sufficiency, 60-236

Objections, requests, 60-236

Pretrial procedure, 60-216

Requests, 60-236

Expenses on failure, 60-237

Sales, oral contract, 84-2-201

Summary judgment, 60-256


Adoption and relinquishment act, 59-2111 et seq.

Adult adoptions, 59-2138 et seq.

Consent, 59-2140

Notice and hearing, 59-2141

Petition, 59-2139

Venue, 59-2138

Advertisements, 59-2123

Children and families, Kansas department for, information, 59-2135

Consent, 59-2113, 59-2114, 59-2115

Adult, 59-2140


Outside state, 59-2117

Time, 59-2116

Independent, 59-2129

Minor parent, 59-2115

Criminal penalties, 59-2121

Definitions, 59-2112

Effect and rights, 59-2118

Foreign adoptions, 59-2144

Forms, appendix, 59-2143

Hearings, 59-2134


Assessment, 59-2132

Consent, 59-2129

Information, background, 59-2130

Temporary orders, 59-2131

Interstate, 59-2120

Jurisdiction, uniform child custody act, 59-2127

Minor child, 59-2126 et seq.

Notice, 59-2123

Payment, limitations, 59-2121

Petition, 59-2128

Records and files, 59-2122

Relinquishment, 59-2136

Agency adoptions, 59-2124

Report, 59-2119

Termination of parental rights, 59-2136

Venue, 59-2126

Adoption support. Assistance, hard-to-place child, post

Annulment of adoption, registration, 65-2433

Appeal and review, 59-2401 et seq.

District magistrate judges, appeals from, 59-2408

Determination of appeal, remanding case, 59-2409

Trial on appeal, 59-2408

Evidence, appeals from district magistrate judges, 59-2408

Failure to defend or appear, 59-2404

Juries, 59-2408

Appearance, failure to appear, appeals, 59-2404

Assistance, hard-to-place child, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq.

Administration, 38-321

Interstate compact, 38-337

Agency, child placing, recommendations, 38-327

Appeal procedures, 38-321

Court costs, waiver, 38-328

Definitions, 38-320

Interstate compact, 38-336

Eligibility of child, 38-322

Eligibility of prospective parent, 38-324

Financial support, 38-319, 38-324, 38-325, 38-326

Interstate compact, 38-335 et seq.

Out-of-state child, 38-335 et seq.

Placement, recommendations, 38-327

Rules and regulations, 38-321

Termination of, 38-323

Birth certificates, 65-2423

Costs, 59-104

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 38-315, 59-2121

Custody pending, 38-2270

Defense, failure to defend, appeals, 59-2404

Divorce cases, 23-3201 et seq.

Expenses. Costs, ante

Fees. Costs, ante

Grandparents' visitation rights, effect of adoption, 23-3302

Health insurance, coverage of child and birth mother, 40-2,102

Homes, 38-112 et seq.

Inheritance from natural parents, 59-501

Insurance, health, coverage of child and birth mother, 40-2,102

Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance, 38-335 et seq.

Interstate Compact on Placement of Children, 38-1201 et seq.

Intestate succession, 59-501, 59-507

Parental rights, termination of. Children in Need of Care, this index

Records, confidentiality,

Court proceedings, 59-212, 59-214

Disclosure, 65-2423

Vital statistics, 65-2423

Referees, appeals, 59-2408

State department for children and families,

Adoption support, 38-319 et seq.

Interstate compact, 38-335 et seq.

Support. Assistance, hard-to-place child, ante

Supreme court, rules of court, 59-2501

Termination of parental rights. Children in Need of Care, this index


Adopted children, 59-615

Revocation, 59-610


Parole Board, Kansas, generally, this index


See, also, Adult Family Homes, this index; Health Care Providers, generally, this index

Generally, 39-923 et seq., 65-3501 et seq.

Abuse of residents, 39-939, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq.

Activities of daily living, 39-923

Administration of law, 39-925


Criminal history record information, 65-3503

Definitions, 65-3501

Education, 65-3504

Examination, 65-3504

Fees, 65-3504, 65-3505

Licensure, 65-3502, 65-3505, 65-3507, 74-139

Fees, 65-3503, 65-3505

Reciprocity, 65-3505

Reinstatement of, 65-3505

Standards, 65-3503

Suspension or revocation, 65-3505, 65-3508

Limited liability for associations, 65-4909

Reprimand or censure, 65-3508

Admission to, prohibiting, 39-953a

Adult day care, 39-923

Alteration or additions, approval, 39-933

Apartment, 39-923

Appeal of assessment, 39-947

Assessment prior to admission, 39-968

Assisted living facility, 39-923

Associations of administrators, review functions, limited liability, 65-4909

Attendants, 39-936

Board of adult care home administrators, 65-3501

Appointment, 65-3506

Hearings, procedure, 65-3508

Powers and duties, 65-3503, 65-3507

Fees, 65-3503, 65-3504, 65-3505

Reprimand or censure of administrator, 65-3503, 65-3508

Rules and regulations, 65-3502, 65-3503, 65-3504, 65-3505

Suspension or revocation of licenses, 65-3503, 65-3505

Boarding care home, 39-923

Care required, 39-936

Civil penalties, 39-965

Client assessment, referral and evaluation (CARE) program, 39-968

Compliance with laws and regulations, 39-937, 39-938

Confidential information, 39-934

Correction orders, issuance, limitations, 39-952

County Homes, generally, this index

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 39-939, 39-943, 39-945 et seq.

Civil penalties, 39-965

Criminal history record information, 39-923, 39-969, 39-970, 65-3503


Appeal of assessment, 39-947

Appeal to district court, 39-947, 39-948

Correction orders, 39-945

Disposition of civil penalties, 39-949

Fines and penalties, 39-945 et seq.

Informal dispute resolution procedure, 75-1517

Definitions, 39-923, 65-3501

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1456

Discharge of residents, limitations, 39-936

DNR, do not resuscitate orders, 65-4941 et seq.

Drugs and medicines. Medication, post

Employees, 39-936, 39-970

Background checks, 39-970

Registry, 39-936

Evaluation services, clients, 39-968

Exemption from medical care facility licensing law, 65-442a

Existing homes, 39-932, 39-942

Failure to comply with requirements, standards or rules and regulations, 39-931

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fire protection, 31-132 et seq.

Forms, 39-940

Functional impairment, 39-923

Health Facilities, generally, this index


Administrative procedure act, applicability, 39-964

Appeal of assessment, 39-947

Judicial review and civil enforcement of agency actions, act for, applicability, 39-964

Home plus, 39-923

Homes for aged. Aged Persons, this index

Individual living unit, 39-923

Informal dispute resolution, procedure, 39-947a

Injunctions, 39-944

Inspections, 39-928, 39-933, 39-946

Correction orders, 39-945


Final record, 39-935

Informal dispute resolution procedure, 75-1517

Exit interview, 39-935

Records, 39-940

Reports, 39-935

Risk management program, 39-935

Insurance, long-term care, 40-2225 et seq.

Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Intermediate care facility for mental health, medical assistance program, 39-782

Intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disability, 39-923

Intermediate nursing care home, 39-923

Investigations, 39-928, 39-933

Confidentiality of information, 39-934

Kitchen, 39-923

Licenses, 39-923 et seq., 65-3501 et seq., 74-139

Administration of law, 39-925

Administrators, ante

Appeals, denial, suspension or revocation, 39-931

Application, 39-927

Denial, 39-931, 39-931a

Exemption, 39-941

Existing licenses, 39-942

Fees, 39-930

Homes in less than entire building, 39-932a

Issuance, 39-928

Limitations, number of persons licensed, 39-926a

Operation without license, 39-926, 39-943

Provisional license, 39-929

Receivers and receivership, post

Settlement agreements, 39-931

State licensure fee fund, 39-930

Suspension or revocation, 39-931, 39-931a

Time effective, 39-928

Long-term care,

Insurance act, 40-2225 et seq.

Intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Ombudsman, 75-7301 et seq.

Long-term care resource information, 39-968

Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-411 et seq.

Medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.


Administration by unlicensed persons, 65-1124

Agreements relating to, 39-936

Emergency medication kit, 65-1648

Medication aide, 65-1,121

Supplier of, 39-936

Mental health, intermediate care facility for, participation, medical assistance program, 39-782

Notice of assessment, hearing, 39-947

Nursing facility, 39-923

Nursing facility for mental health, 39-923

Nursing facility services, intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Operation of,

Prohibited employees, 39-970

When precluded, 39-970

Operation without license, 39-926, 39-943

Operator, 39-923

Access to background checks, 39-970

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Personal allowance, certain nursing home residents, 39-972

Personal care, 39-923

Physicians, 39-936

Purpose of law, 39-924

Quality enhancement wage pass-through program, 39-971

Receivers and receivership,

Accounting and disposition of money, termination, 39-963

Application, 39-954

Answer, 39-957

Filing, 39-955

Posting in home, 39-956

Priority in court, 39-958

Service of copies, 39-956

Appointment, 39-954, 39-958

Appropriations, expenditures, 39-960

Assistance by department, 39-961

Costs, recovery by department, 39-961, 39-963

District court supervision, 39-962

Evidence, 39-958

Expenditures of moneys appropriated, 39-960

Expenses of department, recovery of, 39-961, 39-963

Final accounting, 39-962

Judicial review and civil enforcement of agency actions, act for, applicability, 39-964

Licenses, 39-958

Lien, payments by secretary 39-960, 39-961

Operating expenses, appropriations, 39-960

Powers and duties of receiver, 39-959

Procedure, administrative procedure act, applicability, 39-964

Removal, 39-962

Rules and regulations, 39-954

Supervision of receiver, 39-962

Termination, 39-963

Records, 39-932, 39-940

Forms, 39-940

Inspection, 39-940

Referral services, clients, 39-968

Reports, 39-932, 39-940

Abuse, neglect or exploitation of residents, 39-1401 et seq.

Client assessment, referral and evaluation program, 39-968

Confidential information, 39-934

Contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

Forms, 39-940

Inspections, 39-935

Risk management program, 39-935

Violations, annual report of, 39-953b

Residential health care facility, 39-923


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of, reporting, 39-1401 et seq.

Admissions, prohibiting, 39-953a

Discharge or transfer of, limitations on, 39-936

Medication needs, 39-936

Orders not to resuscitate, 65-4941 et seq.

Resuscitation of residents, orders not to, 65-4941 et seq.

Risk management program, 39-935

Rules and regulations, 39-923, 39-926, 39-927, 39-930, 39-931, 39-932, 39-935 et seq., 39-941, 39-943, 39-950, 39-954, 39-965, 39-968

Secretary for aging and disability services,

Access, criminal history, 39-970

Admissions, prohibiting, 39-953a

Appeal of assessment, 39-947

Citations, 39-945 et seq.

Correction orders, 39-945 et seq.

Duty to provide criminal history information, limitations on, 39-970

Fines and penalties, 39-945 et seq. 39-965

Licensing agency, 39-923

Powers and duties, additional, 39-951

Receivers and receivership, ante

Rules and regulations, ante

Skilled nursing care, 39-923

Skilled nursing care facilities, quality improvement assessments, 75-7435

Administration, department of health and environment, 75-7435

Assessments, disposition, uses, 75-7435

Definitions, 75-7435

Quality care fund, 75-7435

Quality care improvement panel, 75-7435

Skilled nursing homes, 39-923

Standards, 39-932, 39-936

State licensure fee fund, 39-930

Supervised nursing care, 39-923

Tax exemptions, 79-201b

Telephone system, toll free, of information for aged, 75-5923

Training and education of unlicensed personnel, 39-936

Unlicensed personnel, 65-1124

Examination, 39-936

Fees, 39-936

Registry, 39-936

Voluntary oversight council, 39-968

Volunteers, 39-970


See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Administration and supervision, 72-4518, 74-32,143

Administrators, authority over students, 72-4526

Adult education fund,

Community colleges, 71-617

Tax levy, 71-617

Transfer from general fund, 71-614

School districts, 72-4523

Tax levy, 72-4523

Adult supplementary education fund,

Community colleges, 72-4525

Transfer from general fund, 71-614

School districts, sources, expenses, 72-4525

Basic education programs,

Approval of programs, 72-4521

Cooperative agreements, 72-4520

Entitlements, determination of, 72-4522

Learning needs survey, 72-4522

Establishment, operation, 72-4520, 72-4521

Standards and criteria, 72-4520

Certificate of accomplishment, 72-4526

Colleges and universities, transportation, school bus use, 72-8316, 72-8317

Community colleges, 72-4517 et seq.

Adult education fund, 71-614, 71-617

Adult supplementary education fund, 71-614, 72-4525

Transportation, school bus use, 72-8316, 72-8317

Cooperative agreements, 72-4520

Definitions, 72-4517

Federal agencies, agreements authorized, 72-4518

Federal law, 72-4517

Agreements, federal agencies, 72-4518

Benefits, acceptance of, 72-4518

Field trips, transportation, school bus use, 72-8316

Funds, state and federal,

Allocation and distribution, 72-4519

Application, approval of programs, 72-4521

Deposited, where, 72-4519

Entitlements, determination of, 72-4522

Payments, 72-4519

Rules and regulations, 72-4519, 72-4524

General educational development credentials, fees, 72-4530

Higher education coordination act, 74-3201a et seq.

Learning needs survey, 72-4522

Nonresidents, participation in programs, 72-4526

Postsecondary education, transportation, school bus use, 72-8316, 72-8317

Regents, state board of, 74-3201a et seq.

Administration and supervision, 72-4518, 74-32,143

Reports, records, 72-4524

Rules and regulations, 72-4519, 72-4524

School bus use, fees, 72-8317

Schools and school districts, 72-4517 et seq.

State plan, 72-4518

Supplementary education programs, 72-4525

Tax levies,

Community colleges, 71-617

School districts, 72-4523

Teachers, 72-4526

Transportation, school bus use, 72-8316, 72-8317

Tuition, fees, 72-4525

Vocational education, transportation, school bus use, 72-8316, 72-8317


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of clients, reporting, 39-1401 et seq.


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of, reporting, 39-1401 et seq.

Confidentiality of information relating to, 39-1504

Medical care, 39-1504

Medications, assistance of provider, 39-1504

Physical activities, assistance of provider, 39-1504

Protective services for, 39-1505

Transportation, 39-1504

Confidential information concerning client, 39-1504

Definitions, 39-1501

Inspection, 39-1503, 39-1504, 39-1505

Medications, provider assistance, 39-1504

Physical activities, 39-1504

Providers, requirements, 39-1504

Records, inspection, 39-1504

Registration, 39-1502

Renewal, 39-1503

Requirements, 39-1503, 39-1504, 39-1505

Suspension or revocation, 39-1505

Reports, abuse, neglect or exploitation of clients, 39-1401 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 39-1505

Standards for operation, 39-1504


Chemicals, 65-1634

Drugs and medicine, 65-1634

Feeds, livestock and poultry, 2-1011

Food, drugs and cosmetics, 65-657

Poisons, 65-1634


Future advances, real estate mortgages, 58-2336

Insurance, this index

Real estate loans, future advances, priorities, 58-2336

Secured transactions,

Future advances, 84-9-204

Warehouse receipts,

Liens, 34-239

Statements, 84-7-202

Warehouses and warehousemen, 34-271


See, also, Adverse Possession, generally, this index

Documents of title, 84-7-603


Defined, statutory construction, 77-201

Ethics, Local Governmental, generally, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Receivers, 60-1301

Sand and gravel in river bed or stream, 70a-106


Appropriation of water, 82a-705

Deeds and conveyances, interest, 58-2208

Marketable record title, effect, 58-3404

Municipalities, park land, 58-2247

Park land, 58-2247

Partition action, pleading, 60-1003

Seized and possessed of property, 58-2201

Statute of limitations, 60-503


Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Bonded warehouseman, 82-162

Unlawful acts, 82-169

Cosmetologists, 65-1908

Dairy products, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Deceptive acts and practices, 21-6503

Dentists and Dental Hygienists, this index

Drugs, regulation of, 65-1650

Eggs, unlawful acts, 2-2503

Employment agencies, discrimination, 44-1009

Executions, this index

False advertisements,

Cosmetologists, 65-1908

Vehicle dealers, 8-2410

Feeds, livestock and poultry, 2-1011

Fees, newspaper printers, 28-137

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 65-655 et seq.

Funeral directors and embalmers, 65-1705, 65-1711

Healing arts, 65-2836, 65-2837

Hearing aids, prohibited acts, 74-5808

Highway advertising control, 68-2231 et seq.

Insurance, 40-235, 40-2415 et seq.

Kansas register, 64-103, 75-430 et seq.

Labor organizations, discrimination, 44-1009

Lease-purchase agreements, personalty, consumer protection, 50-689

Legal publications, 64-101 et seq.

Radio and television broadcasts, 64-110 et seq.

Optometrists, 65-1502

Podiatrists, 65-2002

Political advertisements, posting, 21-5820

Prescription-only drugs, regulation, 65-1650

Public notice, tampering with, criminal code, 21-5921

Roads and highways, 68-2231 et seq.

Seeds, 2-1415

Certification, 2-1430

False or misleading, 2-1421

Signs, 68-2231 et seq.

State fair, 2-205b

Strays, taken up, 47-230, 47-238

Unfair trade practices, dairy products, 50-503

Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index


See Boards and Commissions, generally, this index


Committees, generally, this index


Councils, generally, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index

Attachment, this index

Barber school or college, 65-1810

Continuance, support of motion, 60-240

Correctional institutions, state, report by wardens, 75-5255

County clerks, fees, certification, 28-103

Destruction, restoration, 60-2501 et seq.

Elections, this index

Fees, county clerks, 28-103

Habeas corpus, warrant in aid of writ, 60-1506

Healing arts, 65-2859

Judgment creditors, foreign, 60-3003

Lost or destroyed, restoration, 60-2501 et seq.

Mortgages, validity of claims, 58-2332 et seq.

Motion supported by, time for service, 60-206

Motor vehicles,

Dealers, assignment of foreign title, 8-135

Registration, 8-143

Musical compositions, blanket license, 57-205

Proof of service, 60-312

Replevin, 60-1005

Limited actions. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Security interest, foreclosure, civil procedure, 60-1006

Service of process,

Publication, 60-307

Time, 60-206

Subpoenas, custodian of business records, 60-245a

Summary judgment, 60-256

Tax foreclosure, receivership, 79-2802a

Trust deeds, validity of claims, 58-2332 et seq.

Warehouse receipts, duplicates, 34-257a


Oaths and Affirmations, generally, this index


Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Defenses, generally, this index

Pleadings, 60-208

Service of process, numerous defendants, 60-205


Generally, 74-9901 et seq.

Executive director, 74-9904

Advisors and assistants, 74-9906

Members, 74-9902

Expenses, 74-9903

Officers, 74-9903

Organization, 74-9903

Powers and duties, 74-9905


Secured Transactions, this index


Barbers, 65-1812

Blood donation, eligibility, 38-123a

Child labor, 38-601 et seq.

Cosmetologists, 65-1905

Licenses and permits, reciprocity, 65-1904b

Discrimination. Civil Service, generally, this index

Drivers' licenses, 8-237, 8-239, 8-2,100, 8-2,101

Instruction permits, 8-239

Nonresidents, 8-236

School buses, 8-238

Elections, this index

Firemen, retirement, 13-14a08, 14-10a08

Healing arts, 65-2804

License examination applicant, 65-2808

Highway patrol, 74-2113

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Majority, 38-101

Minority, period of, 38-101

Motor carrier vehicle operator, 66-1,129

Motor vehicle insurance, discrimination, 40-295

Notaries public, 53-101

Optometrists, 65-1505

Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, 65-2906

Podiatrists, 65-2003

Policemen, retirement, 13-14a08, 14-10a08

Retirement and Pensions, this index

School attendance, 72-1107, 72-1111

School retirement system, eligibility, 72-5512

Schools and School Districts, this index

Veterans' curators, 73-504 et seq.

Veterans' preference, 73-201


Abuse or neglect or exploitation, reporting, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq., 75-723

Adult Care Homes, generally, this index

Adult Family Homes, generally, this index

Advisory council on aging, 75-5911 et seq.

Aging, State Department on, this index

Alzheimer's disease, information and referral network, 75-5925

Assistance, Kan. Const., Art. 7, ยง 4

Old-age assistance, post

Care, senior care act, 75-5926 et seq.

Cities, service program for elderly, 12-1680

Client assessment, referral and evaluation (CARE) program, 39-968

Continuing care contracts. Insurance, this index

County nursing home facility, 19-2106d

County program for aged persons, 12-1680, 19-2678

Defined, Municipal Housing Law, 17-2339

Dentures, identification, 65-1465

Department on aging. Aging, State Department on, this index

Division of assets, 39-785 et seq.

Donated dental services program, needy persons, 75-5371

Ellsworth Home for Aged, 76-14a01 et seq.

Employment program, older Kansans, 75-5741

Food, sales tax refunds, 79-3632 et seq.

Foster grandparent program volunteers, insurance, 75-4101

Home maintenance, program for, 39-751

Supervisors, 39-752

Homes for aged. See, also, County Homes, generally, this index; Adult Care Homes, generally, this index; Adult Family Homes, generally, this index

Administrators, 19-2110

Cities, adult care homes, 12-4901 et seq.

Acceptance and use of grants and donations, 12-4910

Bonds, use of fees and charges, 12-4903 et seq.

Eminent domain, 12-4908

Funds, use, 12-4907

Leasing of homes, conditions, 12-4911

Operation of home, 12-4909

Plans and specifications, 12-4907

Rates and charges, use, 12-4903 et seq.

Revenues from home, use, 12-4903 et seq.

Tax levies, 12-4906

Repairs and improvements, counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Homestead property tax refunds, 79-4501 et seq.

Housing for, tax exemptions, 79-201b

In-home services program, 75-5928 et seq.

Meals, school facilities, 39-711a

Medical assistance, defined, 39-702

Mistreatment of a dependent adult, 21-5417

Mistreatment of an elder person, 21-5417

Norton state hospital, lease of part as, 76-1519a

Old-age assistance, Kan. Const., Art. 7, ยง 4

Eligibility, 39-709

Representative to manage payments, 59-2801

Residence requirements, 39-709

Older Kansans employment program, 75-5741

Ombudsman. Long-Term Care Ombudsman, generally, this index

Preventative health services program, 75-5928

Programs for, cities and counties, tax levies, 12-1680

Representative to manage public payments, 59-2801

Sales tax refunds, food, 79-3632 et seq.

Senior care act, 75-5926 et seq.

Senior companion program volunteers, insurance, 75-4101

Senior pharmacy assistance program, 75-5961

Service program for elderly, tax levies, 12-1680

Silver alert plan, Kansas, 75-754

Social welfare, generally, 39-701 et seq.

Tax levies, programs for, 12-1680

Tax refunds, homestead, 79-4501 et seq.

Telephone system, toll free, of information of services to, 75-5923, 75-5925

Transportation assistance, public, 75-5032 et seq., 75-5051 et seq.

Voting, 25-2710, 25-2909


Agister's lien, 58-220

Athlete agent act, uniform 44-1516 et seq.

Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-201

Banks, 9-1601, 9-1606

Business agents, public employment, 75-4336

Business trusts, resident agent, filing designation, 17-2030

Commercial code, supplementary, 84-1-103

Co-paying agents, municipalities, 10-501, 10-503

Corporations, this index

Crime committed for persons outside state, jurisdiction, 22-2612

Deeds and conveyances, 58-2205, 58-2209

Employment Security Law, representing claimant, 44-718

Fiscal Agents, generally, this index

Insurance Agents, Solicitors or Brokers, generally, this index

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Investment Securities, generally, this index

Issuer, defined, documents of title, 84-7-102

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, this index

Motor carriers,

Agent for service of process, 66-1314

Licensing agents, 8-143d

Physicians and surgeons, privilege of patient, 60-427

Power of Attorney, generally, this index

Sales financing, automobile, insurance, physical damage, 40-299

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Seeds, this index

Seller under sales act, 84-2-707

Service of process, 60-306

Signatures, warehouse receipts, 84-7-202

Taxes, liability, 79-2904

Trusts, business trusts, 17-2030

Uniform Athlete Agents, Act, 44-1516 et seq.

Warehouse receipts, 84-7-202

Workers compensation, notice of claim, 44-520, 44-520a


Abuse, neglect and exploitation of certain adults, definitions, 39-1430

Advisory council on aging, 75-5911 et seq.

Alcohol and drug abuse, 8-1008

Alzheimer's disease, information and referral network, 75-5925

Appeals, hearings, procedures, 75-5945, 75-5951, 75-5952

Area agencies on aging,

In-home services program, 75-5928 et seq.

Long-term care services,

Contracts, 75-5946

Federal financial participation in services provided, 75-5945

Matching requirement, senior care act, 75-5929

Preventative health services program, 75-5928

Surplus property from department, 75-5908

Assessment, prior to admission to adult care home, 39-968


Chief attorney, 75-2935, 75-5910

Long-term care programs and services, 75-5945

Unclassified service, 75-2935, 75-5910, 75-5945

Bidding exemption, service contracts, expert testimony, 75-5947

Client assessment, referral and evaluation (CARE) program, 39-968

Reports to legislature,

Activities, evaluation, 75-5940

Data analysis, 39-968

Commissioners, appointment, 75-5910

Creation, 75-5903

Definitions, 75-5902

Deputy secretaries, appointment, 75-5910

Developmentally disabled persons,

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Special fund, 75-5344

Disabled persons,

Facilities for, licensing and regulation, 75-3307b

Division of assests, 39-785 et seq.

Drugs and medicines, senior pharmacy assistance program, 75-5961

Employees, background information, 65-6205

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Federal Older Americans Act moneys, 75-5903

Foster care, placements in, 75-3329, 75-3330

Governmental operations accountability law, department subject to, 75-5903

Governmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Hearings, procedures, 75-5945

Home and commujnity based services programs, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a

Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, 75-5609a

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

In-home services program, 75-5926 et seq.

Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265


Reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1404, 39-1433

Caretaker internal investigations, 39-1409

K-GOAL, application, 75-5903

Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381

Appointment, 75-5383

Duties, 75-5382

Meetings, 75-5386

Leases of property of institutions, 75-3307

Legal actions and proceedings, rights saved, 75-5907, 75-5951

Liability for accrued compensation of employees transferred to, 75-5915

Long-term care,

Access to services, statewide, 75-5956

Administration, programs and services, 75-5321a, 75-5945

Appeals, hearings, procedures, 75-5945, 75-5951, 75-5952

Application process, 75-5956

Claims and appeals, hearings, procedures, 75-5945

Comprehensive and coordinated system, 39-7,159

Confidentiality, client information, 75-5945

Contracts for services, 75-5946


Income requirement, specific maximum prohibited, 75-5957

Process, presumption, 75-5956

Federal financial participation, 75-5321a, 75-5945

Hearings, claims, 75-5945, 75-5951, 75-5952

Intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Joint Committee on home and community based services, 39-7,160

Leases, real or personal property, 75-5945

Legal actions and proceedings, rights saved, 75-5951

Payment schedules, service providers, 75-5945

Programs and services, administration, 75-5945

Reimbursement rates, nursing facilities, base year model, 75-5958

Reports, 75-5940, 75-5945, 75-5946, 75-5954

Resource information, 39-968

Rules and regulations, 75-5945

State plan, 75-5945

Statewide access to services, 75-5956

Transfer from department of social and rehabilitation services, certain programs and services, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq.

Long-term care grant program, 75-4265

Long-term care loan program, 75-4265

Medical assistance,

Managed care organizaitons contracts,

Prompt payment, 39-709f

Mental health and developmental disabilities,

Commissioner of community services and programs, 75-5308e

Duties and authority, 75-3303, 75-5308d, 75-5308e

Institutions under supervision and authority of, 76-12a01 et seq.

Institutions under supervision and authority of 76-12a01 et seq.

Special projects,

Real estate, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316

Transfer of persons admitted to institutions, 75-3328

Nursing facilities,

Intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Reimbursement rates, base year model, 75-5958

Nursing homes, licensing, 39-923

Officers and employees, 39-708c, 39-746, 75-5309, 75-5331, 75-5338

Attorneys, 75-5910, 75-5945

Civil service laws applicable, 75-2935, 75-5905, 75-5910, 75-5945

Delegation of powers and duties, 75-5909, 75-5910

Liability for accrued compensation upon transfer to Kansas department for aging and disability services, 39-1906, 39-1907, 75-5915

Medical services coordinator, unclassified service, 75-5309a

Organization of department, 75-5909

Pay plans, certain, 75-2935c, 75-5309a

Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, unclassified services, 75-5309a

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Transfer from department of health and environment, 39-1911, 39-1912

Transfer from Kansas department for children and families, certain programs and services, 75-5945

Transfer from Kansas department for children and families, 39-1906, 75-5945

Transfers to, 75-5905

Unclassified service, certain 75-5910, 75-5945

Ombudsman. Long-Term Care Ombudsman, this index

Operator registration act, 39-973 et seq.

Citation of act, 39-973

Definitions, 39-974

Registration, 39-975

Fees, 39-979

Registration required, 39-976

Renewal, 39-978

Requirements, 39-975

Waiver, 39-977

Rules and regulations, 39-975

Secretary, powers and duties, 39-980

Violations, 39-980

Organization of, 75-5909

Payment schedules, long-term care service providers, 75-5945

Pharmacy assistance, senior pharmacy assistance program, 75-5961

Public information officer, unclassified service, 75-2935, 75-5910

Rainbow mental health facility, sale of facility to Kansas university endowment association or university of Kansas, 76-17a12

Real estate of institutions, 75-3307, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316

Referral services, adult care home clients, 39-968


Client assessment, referral and evaluation (CARE) program, 39-968, 75-5940

Activities and performance evaluation, 75-5940

Analysis of data, 39-968

Long-term care programs and services, 75-5945, 75-5946, 75-5954

Rules and regulations, 39-968, 39-1901, 39-1905, 39-1910, 75-5908, 75-5931

Adult care homes, 39-950, 39-965

Community facilities for people with intellectual disability, 75-3307b

Hospitals for care of mentally ill persons, 75-3307b

Mental health centers, community, 75-3307b, 75-3307c

Mental health clinics, 75-3307b, 75-3307c

Operator registration act, 39-975

Secretary ย for aging and disability services, 39-1901, 75-5301, 75-5902

Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, report, 39-1404

Acceptance and administration of funds, 75-5908

Appointment, subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-5903

Community education, 75-5908

Comprehensive plan for senior citizens, 75-5908

Continuation of services transferred from department of social and rehabilitation services,

Aging section, 75-5904

Long-term care programs, 75-5950

Cooperation with federal and state agencies, 75-5908

Delegation of powers and duties, 75-5909, 75-5910

Disability concerns, commission on, ex officio member, 74-6703

Drug abuse and prevention, 75-5375 et seq. See, also, Alcohol and drug abuse, ante

Citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq.

Duties, 75-5382

Cooperation of other state agencies, 75-5376

Expert testimony, service contracts, 75-5947, 75-5952

Facility licensure, 75-3307b

Home and community services programs, 39-784, 39-7,100

Home and community based services savings fund, 39-7,162

Hospitals for mentally ill persons, licensing and regulation, 75-3307b

Injunctions, 75-3307b

Intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Leases of real estate of institutions, 75-3307

Liens, 39-961

Long-term care grant program, 75-4265

Long-term care loan program, 75-4265

Long-term care programs and services,

Access to services, statewide, 75-5956

Administration, 75-5945

Application process, 75-5956

Appropriations, resources, obligations, 75-5949

Contracts for services, 75-5946

Federal financial participation, 75-5945

Intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Leases, real or personal property, 75-5945

Reimbursement rates, nursing facilities, base year model, 75-5958

State plan, 75-5945

Transfer from Kansas department for children and families, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq.

Transition plan, 75-5948

Medical assistance eligibility requirements, 39-709, 39-785 et seq.

Meetings with council, 75-5909

Mental health centers, community, licensing and regulation, 75-3307b, 75-3307c

Mental health clinics, licensing and regulation, 75-3307b

Officers and employees, appointment, 75-5910

Operator registration act, 39-973 et seq.

Organization of department, 75-5909

People with intellectual disability,

Community training facilities, licensing and regulation, 75-3307b

Powers and duties, 75-5908

Programs for aging, 75-5908

Provider licensure, 75-3307b

Real estate,

Custody of, 75-3307

Lease of, 75-3307

Referral sources with other agencies, 75-5908

Register, reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1411

Rules and regulations, 39-708c, 39-709b, 39-717, 39-968, 39-1613, 65-6220, 65-6233, 72-4311, 72-4314a, 75-3304, ย 75-3307b, 75-53,117, 75-5908, 75-5931

Adult care homes, 39-950, 39-954, 39-965

Alcohol and drug safety action program, 8-1008

Home and community based services programs, 39-7,100b

Hospitalization and treatment of mentally ill and people with intellectual disability, 75-3307b

Long-term care programs and services, 75-5945, 75-5946

Senior pharmacy assistance program, 75-5961

Senior pharmacy assistance program, 75-5961

Staff support for council, 75-5908

Surplus property, lending, 75-5908

Unclassified service, 75-5903

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Senior care act, 75-5926 et seq.

Funding, authority to apply for, 75-5936

Home and community based services programs, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a

In-home services program, 75-5928 et seq.

Contracts, area agencies on aging, 75-5928, 75-5932

Fees, 75-5933

Funding, 75-5929

Matching requirement, 75-5929

Preventative health services program, 75-5928

Contracts, area agencies on aging, 75-5928, 75-5932

Rules and regulations, 75-5931

Senior citizen, defined, 75-5902

Senior pharmacy assistance program, 75-5961

Special projects,

Real estate, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316

Surplus property, lending, 75-5908

See also, Surplus Property, this index

Telephone system, toll free, 75-5923, 75-5925

Transfers from department of health and environment,

Health occupations credentialing program, 39-1908, 39-1910

Psychiatric residential treatment facility licensure program, 39-1909

Transfers from Kansas department for children and families,

Aging section, 75-5904, 75-5905, 75-5907, 75-5915

Long-term care, certain programs and services, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq.

Transfers from Kansas department for children and families

Disability and behavioral health services section, 39-1903, 39-1905, 39-1906

Funding, 39-1907

Institutions, under authority and supervision of, 39-1904, 39-1905

Voluntary oversight council, adult care home assessment program, 39-968


Generally, 58-207 et seq., 58-220, 58-221

Assignment, 58-207


Bank deposits and collections, variation, 84-4-103

Commercial code, uniform,

Disclaimed diligence, prohibited, 84-1-302

Territorial application of act, 84-1-301

Varying provisions of act, 84-1-302

Contracts, generally, this index


Motor vehicles, dealers and manufacturers, 8-2401

Sales Act, 84-2-106

Uniform Commercial Code, 84-1-201

Escrow requirements, certain, 75-5128

Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Law governing, 84-1-301

Time for action, fixing by, 84-1-205

Transactions made subject to act, 16a-1-109

Waiver of rights, 16a-1-107


Generally, 2-2201 et seq.

Agricultural and specialty chemical remediation act, 2-3701 et seq.,

Abolition of program, 2-3714

Agricultural remediation board, 2-3709

Powers and duties, 2-3710

Assessments, 2-3712, 2-3713

Definitions, 2-3702

Kansas agricultural remediation fund, 2-3711

Remediation linked deposit loan program, 2-3703

Application, 2-3704

Procedure for making loans, 2-3706

Remediation linked deposit loan, 2-3705

Minimum interest rates, 2-3705

State not liable for loan, 2-3707

Remediation reimbursement program, 2-3708

Agricultural chemical fee fund, 2-2212

Agricultural Liming Materials, generally, this index

Appeals, administrative decisions, 2-2215

Stop sale orders, 2-2206

Brands, marks and labels,

Condemnation for misbranding, 2-2209

Containers or wrappers, 2-2203, 2-2204

Detach, alter, deface or destroy, 2-2203

Labeling requirements, 2-2202

Official publications, 2-2202

Registration, post

Stop sale orders, 2-2206

Uniformity, 2-2205

Warnings, 2-2202

Chemigation safety, 2-3301 et seq.

Administration of act, 2-3309

Antipollution devices, 2-3303, 2-3304, 2-3305

Rules and regulations, 2-3305

Civil penalties, 2-3317

Compliance with act, 2-3304

Crimes and punishments, 2-3308, 2-3313

Definitions, 2-3302

Enforcement of law, 2-3307

Equipment operator, examination and certification, fee, 2-3306

Fee fund, 2-3315

Fees, 2-3304, 2-3315

Hearings, 2-3311

Injunctions, 2-3314

Inspection, 2-3307

Records and reports, 2-3303

Registration, 2-3303, 2-3304

Rules and regulations, 2-3309

Safety, 2-3306

Secretary of agriculture,

Duties, 2-3307, 2-3309

Registration with, 2-3303, 2-3304

Subpoenas, 2-3316

Swine waste, 2-3318

User's permit, 2-3304, 2-3306

Denial, suspension, revocation, 2-3310, 2-3311, 2-3312


Exemptions, 2-2203

Stop sale orders, 2-2206

Toxic substance, label, 2-2203

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 2-2203, 2-2206 et seq.

Chemigation safety, ante

Exemptions, 2-2207

Second and subsequent offenses, 2-2208

Definitions, 2-2202

Emergency planning and community right-to-know. Emergencies, this index

Federal registration, 2-2204

Fees, disposition, 2-2212

Fertilizers, generally, this index

Formulas, disclosure, 2-2203

Hazardous materials, intrastate shipment, 66-1,129b

Injunction, 2-3204

Inspections, 2-2206

Jurisdiction, 2-2214

Labels. Brands, marks and labels, ante

Misuse of, 2-3204

Pest Control, generally, this index

Plant Pests, generally, this index

Registrations, 2-2203

Cancellation, 2-2204

Condemnation, failure to register, 2-2209

Exemptions, 2-2204

Failure of, stop sale orders, 2-2206

Mislabeling, 2-2204

Revocation, 2-2208

Rules and regulations, 2-2204, 2-3708, 2-3713

Sale, stop orders, 2-2206

Secretary of agriculture,

Powers and duties, 2-2204, 2-2206 et seq.

Special local need registration, 2-2214

Standards, 2-2205

State water plan fund, 2-2204

Storage tanks, generally, this index

Tests, 2-2204

Transportation, interstate or intrastate commerce, 2-2203, 2-2204

United States department of agriculture,

Cooperation, 2-2211

Standards, 2-2205

Weeds, generally, this index


Agricultural credit corporations, investments by banks, 9-1101

Dairy production facilities, authorization procedure, 17-5907

Definitions, 17-5903

Exceptions and limitations, 17-5904

Penalties, 17-5904

Reports required, 17-5902

Swine production facilities, authorization procedure, 17-5908


Agricultural Research-Extension Centers, generally, this index

Fertilizer research fund, expenditures, 2-1221

Fort Hays Agricultural Experiment Station, generally, this index

Kansas state university, acceptance of congressional act increasing appropriations, 76-434

Lakin, 76-430

Water office, Kansas, cooperation, 74-2610

Water resources, division of, information and assistance, 74-510


Extension Councils, generally, this index


Compact on, 2-3101

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index


Generally, 2-2701

Secretary of transportation, agricultural hall of fame, succession to right, title and interest, 2-2701


Administration of act, 2-2901

Adulteration, notice, 2-2903

Agricultural liming materials fee fund, 2-2911

Bulk sales, labeling, 2-2903

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 2-2908, 2-2909

Definitions, 2-2902

Disposition of moneys, 2-2911

Distribution, registration, 2-2905

False advertising, 2-2903


Disposition, 2-2911

Inspection, 2-2906

Registration, 2-2905

Inspection, 2-2907

Fees, 2-2906

Labeling required, 2-2903

Manufacture, registration, 2-2905

Registration, 2-2905

Annual statement, 2-2906

Expiration, 2-2905

Fees, 2-2905

Rules and regulations, 2-2910


Labeling required, 2-2903

Prohibited, when, 2-2904

Stop sale, use or removal orders, 2-2908

Violations of act, 2-2908


Contracts to maintain stock for resale, 16-1001 et seq.

Cancellation or discontinuance, 16-1002 et seq.

Civil actions, liability, 16-1004

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 8-142

Equipment dealership act, agricultural, 16-1201 et seq.

Dealership agreement,

Change in, 16-1203

Dealer's business ownership,

Transfer of, approval, 16-1204

Termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, 16-1204

Terms inconsistent with act, null and void, 16-1206

Dealership transfer, approval, 16-1204

Violations of act, 16-1205

Civil action for damages, 16-1207

Equipment on vehicles, 8-1701

Farm tractors,

Brakes, 8-1734

Defined, traffic regulations, 8-1420

Lights and lighting, 8-1717, 8-1726

Farm truck marking, when required, 8-143

Fees, 8-143h

Forage hauling, license, 8-143h

Franchise agreements, obligations of wholesaler, manufacturer or distributor, 16-1001 et seq.

Grain hauling, license, 8-143h

Grain storage and drying equipment, tax exemption, 79-201d

Highways, use, special moving permit, 8-1911

Implement of husbandry, defined, traffic regulations, 8-1427

Leases, liens, 58-2531 et seq.

Licenses and permits,

Farm tractors, 8-1742

Fees, 8-143

Number plates, 8-143f, 8-143h

Livestock hauling, 8-1906

Manufacturers, obligation upon cancellation of contract to maintain for resale, 16-1001 et seq.

Manufacturers' and dealers' registration, 8-2401 et seq.

Motor fuel tax, refunds, 79-3453 et seq.

Operation on interstate highways prohibited, 8-1902, 8-1911

Permit for movement on highway, nighttime, 8-1911


Exempt vehicles, 8-128

Farm tractor, defined, 8-126

Farm trailer, defined, 8-126

Repurchase of, 16-1003

Death of retailer or majority stockholder, 16-1005

Roads and highways,

Permit to operate, 8-1742

Restrictions on operating, 8-142

Self-propelled farm implement, defined, 8-126

Sales tax exemption, 79-3606

Stock for resale, contracts to maintain, 16-1001 et seq.

Cancellation or discontinuance,

Bankruptcy, repurchase of obligations in, 16-1007

Security interest, filing, 84-9-401

Size, 8-1901

Slow-moving vehicle, defined, 8-1717

Storage and drying equipment, tax exemption, 79-201d

Taxation, generally, this index

Property tax exemption, 79-201j, Kan. const., art. 11, ยง 1

Tires, 8-1742

Weight, 8-1901

Excessive, 8-142

Gross weight, marking, 8-143e

Wholesalers, obligation upon cancellation of contract to maintain for resale, 16-1001 et seq.

Width, 8-1902


ย Agriculture marketing and promotions program, 74-50,156 et seq.

Agricultural value added center, 74-50,156 et seq.

Alternative crops, center of excellence on, 76-4,103

Aquaculture, 47-1901 et seq.

Attachment. Liens and encumbrances, post

Brands, marks and labels, 2-2301 et seq.

Grading or inspection, 74-538

Misleading, 2-2302 et seq.

Seeds, 2-1416, 2-1417

Classification, 74-534

Certificate, evidence, 74-535

Conspiracy to monopolize line of business, 50-132

Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-207

Grain trade violations, 34-102

Grain transactions, 34-102, 34-231, 34-234, 34-293, 34-295, 34-298

Labeling, 2-2302 et seq.

Prosecutions, 34-111

Stamps, labels or marks, grades or inspection, 74-538


Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-206

Stock owned by freighters and drovers, 47-104

Definitions, 2-2301

Development, public policy, 74-5029

Eggs. Poultry and Poultry Products, generally, this index

Elevators. See Grain, post

Eminent domain, damages, 26-513

End intake air probes, 2-1116, 2-1117

Ethyl alcohol, development of, 74-5029

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index

Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index

Forage hauling, temporary license, 8-143h


Defrauding shipper, net weight, 50-131

Labeling, 2-2302

Standards, 2-2303

Gasohol, development of, 74-5029


Certificate, evidence, 74-535

Standard grades and classification, 74-531

Grading, 34-233

Services, 74-532


Adulteration of, 21-5837, 34-126 et seq.

Commodity commissions, 2-3001 et seq.

Conversion, 34-234

Elevators, terminal docks, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq.

Nondisclosure of ownership, 34-293

Public warehouse, 34-101

Refusal to withhold from storage, 34-234

Storage, 34-101

Tax situs of property, 79-1006

Warehouse receipts, 34-238, 34-293, 34-295


Annual statement, 34-2,109, 34-2,110

Licenses, 34-228, 34-230, 34-231

Wheat, this index

Grape and wine industry advisory council, 74-552, 74-553

Growing crops,

Contract for sale, 84-2-107

Goods, defined, 84-2-105

Insurable interest of buyer, 84-2-501

Hauling grain, temporary permit, 8-143h

Hawkers and peddlers, county license, 19-2205

Hay and Straw, generally, this index

Highways, transporting, 8-142

Hazardous materials, 66-1,129b

Industrial districts, distribution, 19-3802 et seq.

Injunctions, labeling, 2-2304

Inspection and inspectors, 74-534

Application of law, 74-536

Charges, 74-534

Reports, 74-505c

Services, 74-532

Withholding from storage, 34-234

Insurance, generally, this index

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index

Labels. Brands, marks and labels, ante

Liens and encumbrances,

Baler, 58-218

Broomcorn, seeder and baler, 58-218

Crop production input, 58-241 et seq.

Crops, 58-2524 et seq.

Harvesting, 58-203 et seq.

Livestock production input, 58-241 et seq.

Rent, 58-2524 et seq.

Loans, Kansas agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4268 et seq.

Monopolies and unfair trade,

Conspiracy, 50-132

Defrauding shipper out of portion of net weight, 50-131

Pooling, 50-136 et seq.

Warehouse control, 50-133

Motor carriers, exemption of producer transporting to market, 66-1,109

Partition fences, damages from neglect, 29-401

Peddles license or permit, 12-1617

Pooling, 50-136 et seq.

Production, Kansas agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4268 et seq.

Public policy to develop, 74-5029

Research, agricultural and marketing, 74-504a et seq.

Rules and regulations, 74-531

Rust, black stem, 2-712 et seq.


Harvesting lien, 58-206

State highway right of way, 68-432, 68-433

Sales Act, application, 84-2-102

Samples and sampling, grading, 34-233

Searches and seizures, unlawful label, 2-2304

Secured Transactions, this index

Seeds, generally, this index

Sheep, council, 47-2001 et seq.

Silage, property tax exemption, 79-201d

Specified crop, agency for certification, 2-1431

Standards and grades, 2-2301 et seq.

Statistical service, 74-504a et seq.

Storage and drying equipment, tax exemption, 79-201d

Storage tanks, generally, this index

Third-party rights, 84-2-107

Trade, Board of, generally, this index

Transporting, 8-142

Hazardous, 66-1,129b

Value added center, 74-50,156 et seq.


Control, illegal agreements or combinations, 50-133

Grain, ante

Warehouses and Warehousemen, generally, this index

Weeds, entry upon land, control, 2-1331

Weights and measures,

Defrauding shipper, 50-131

Wheat, generally, this index


Additional centers, 76-465

Agricultural research center-Hays, 76-465

Center of excellence on sustainable agriculture and alternative crops, 76-4,103

Definitions, 76-466

Disposition of moneys from sales and operations of centers, 76-466

Funds, 76-466, 76-467

Disposition, 76-467

KSU northwest research-extension center, 76-465

KSU southeast agricultural research center, 76-465

KSU southeast research-extension center, 76-465

Officers and employees, 76-465

Oil, gas, mineral leases, 76-518

Operation and administration, 76-465


Generally, 2-3601 et seq.


Membership, 2-3602

Powers and duties, 2-3603

Definitions, 2-3601


Generally, 74-50,156 et seq.


Powers transferred to department of agriculture, 74-50,156 et seq., 74-8122


Accidents, educational program, 75-5740

Agricultural and specialty chemical remediation act, 2-3701 et seq. See, also, Agricultural Chemicals, generally, this index

Agricultural value added center 74-50,156 et seq.

Agritourism Promotion Act, this index

Alternative crops, center of excellence on, 76-4,103

Anhydrous ammonia, 2-1212 et seq.

Animals, generally, this index

Annexation of land by cities, 12-520

Board. State board of agriculture, Agriculture, State Department of, this index

Chemicals, 2-2201 et seq., 2-3204, 65-1640. See, also, Agricultural Chemicals, generally, this index

Chemigation safety, 2-3301 et seq. See, also, Agricultural Chemicals, this index

Child labor, exempt services, 38-614

City boundaries, exclusion of farm land, 12-504

Conservation easements. Easements, this index

Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index

Corporations. Agricultural Corporations, generally, this index

Counties. Zones and Zoning, this index

County agent, weed control, 2-1315

County demonstration farms, 2-504 et seq.

County extension councils, 2-608 et seq.

Credit corporations, investments by banks, 9-1101

Credit unions, loans, 17-2216

Dairies and Dairy Products, generally, this index

Dairy interstate compact, 74-577

Dams for agricultural purposes, 82a-312 et seq.

Demonstration farms, 2-504 et seq.

Department of agriculture. Agriculture, State Department of, this index

Development credit corporations, 17-2328 et seq.

Educational program, accidents, 75-5740

End intake air probes, 2-1116, 2-1117

Equipment. See Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, this index

Experiment stations. Agricultural Experiment Stations, generally, this index

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index

Extension councils, 2-608 et seq.

Fair board, Kansas state, 74-520a et seq.

Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index

Farm, demonstration, 2-504 et seq.

Farm credit relief act, emergency, 74-541 et seq.

Farm land,

City boundaries, exclusion from, 12-504

Leases, 58-2531 et seq.

Farm organizations, leases, township parks and lakes, 80-933

Farm tenancies, termination, 58-2506

Farming, protection from nuisance lawsuits, 2-3201 et seq.

Federal agricultural program, dams, 82a-312 et seq.

Fences, 29-101 et seq.

Fertilizers, generally, this index

Functional units, 34-228

Grain commodities commission, service fund, 74-578

Grain marketing. See Agricultural Grain Marketing, this index

Grain storage and drying equipment, tax exemption, 79-201d

Hall of Fame, Wyandotte county, 2-2701

Hay and Straw, generally, this index

Hay storage structures, tax exemption, 79-201d

Hogs, generally, this index

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index

Lawsuits, immunity from nuisance lawsuits, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq.

Leases of farm land, 58-2531 et seq.

Levees, construction, 24-105

Liming materials act. Agricultural Liming Materials, generally, this index

Livestock. Animals, generally, this index

Loans, Kansas agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4268 et seq.

Local food and farm task force, 2-3805

Machinery. See Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, generally, this index

Migrant workers act, 44-125 et seq.

Milk and milk products. Dairies and Dairy Products, generally, this index

Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, 2-3201 et seq.


Agisters' liens, 58-220

Termination of tenancy, 58-2506

Pest Control, 2-2438a et seq.

Pest Control Compact, interstate, 2-2135 et seq.

Plant or weed blowing, 2-2001 et seq.

Plant pest and agriculture commodity certification act, 2-2112 et seq.

Poultry and Poultry Products, generally, this index

Production, Kansas agricultural production loan deposit program, 75-4268 et seq.

Railroads, farm crossings, 66-301 et seq.

Rent, pasture lands, agisters' liens, 58-220

Reports and publications, 74-504

Research, 74-504a

Sanitation, county codes, applicability, 19-3706

Seeds, generally, this index

Soil Amendments, generally, this index

Soil conservation, 2-2001 et seq.

Districts, 2-1901 et seq. See, also, Conservation Districts, generally, this index

Soldiers' home, farming operations, 76-1939

Spraying and dusting,

Pest control, 2-2438a et seq.

Plant pest and agriculture commodity certification act, 2-2112 et seq.

State board of agriculture. Agriculture, State Department of, this index

Statistical service, 74-504a

Agricultural statistics fund, 74-504e

Powers and duties of state department, 74-504b

Storage and drying equipment, tax exemption, 79-201d

Storage tanks, generally, this index

Swine. Hogs, generally, this index

Tax exemptions, property,

Hay, 79-201d

Storage structures, 79-201d

Silage, 79-201d

Storage and drying equipment, 79-201d

Taylor grazing fund, distribution, 27-119

Tenancy from year to year, 58-2506

Termination of tenancies, 58-2506

Landlord's liability for certain tenant improvements, 58-2506a

Trade, Board of, generally, this index

Transport of hay and feedstuffs to drought areas, 66-1344

Water office, Kansas, duties, 74-2608

Weights and Measures, generally, this index

Zones and Zoning, this index


Agricultural Chemicals, generally, this index

Agricultural liming materials, 2-2901 et seq.

Agriculture marketing and promotions advisory board, 74-50,163

Agriculture marketing and promotions program, 74-5,112, 74-50,156

Agricultural value added center, 74-50,156

Annual reports, 74-50,156

State board of agriculture, 74-567

Agritourism promotion act, this index

Animal health, division of, 74-5,119

ย ย ย ย ย ย Agency head, 74-5,121a

Animal health board transferred to, 74-5,122

Pet animal advisory board transferred to, 74-5,122

Powers, duties, functions,

Transfer from agriculture products development division, 74-5,113

Board of veterinary examiners, transfer to, 74-5,135

Chemigation safety law, 2-3301 et seq. See, also, subhead Chemigation safety under Agricultural Chemicals, this index

Commercial feeding stuffs, 2-1001 et seq. See, also, Commercial Feeds, generally, this index

Conservation division of, 74-5,126

Conservation commission transferred to, 74-5,126 et seq.

Powers and duties, 2-1904

Contract, authorization to, public warehouses, 34-101

Creation of, 74-560

Dairies and Dairy Products, generally, this index

Division of conservation, established, 74-5,126

Kansas water quality buffer initiative, 2-1915

Dust storms, 2-2001 et seq.

Egg law, 2-2501 et seq. See, also, subhead Eggs under Poultry and Poultry Products, this index

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Erosion, 2-2001 et seq.

Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index

Farm relief and assistance,

Emergency farm credit relief act, 74-541 et seq.

Fertilizers, 2-1201 et seq. See, also, Fertilizers, generally, this index

Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 et seq.

Penalties, 65-682

Food safety, 74-581 et seq.

Food safety fee fund, 65-688

Food Service and Lodging Establishments, generally, this index


Funds transferred, 74-573

Laboratory equipment fund, 74-554

Laboratory testing services fee fund, 74-5,134

Market development fund, 74-50,156

Trademark fund, 74-50,156

Warehouse fee fund, 34-101

Governmental operations accountability law, 74-560

Grading and inspection services, 74-531, 74-532

Fees, 74-534

Grain Commodity Commissions Act, generally, this index

Grain inspection department, transferred to the department of agriculture, limited powers, 34-128 et seq.

Grain storage, supervision and regulation of, 34-101

Grape and wine industry advisory council, 74-552, 74-553


Food establishments, 65-688 et seq.

Food processing plants, 65-688 et seq.

Slaughter locations, 65-6a20, 65-6a60

Voluntary inspection services, 65-6a59

K-GOAL, application, 74-560

Kansas farmers' market promotion act, 2-3801 et seq.

Assumption of risk by participant, 2-3804

Limited liability of operator, 2-3804

Labeling of agricultural products, 2-2301 et seq.

Laboratory testing services, 74-5,134

Liabilities transferred, 74-573


Definitions, 36-501

Powers, duties and functions transferred to, 74-5,104 et seq.

Employees, 74-5,107

Funds, 74-5,107

Records, 74-5,108

Markets, division of, abolished, 74-8122

Meat and poultry inspection. See subhead Inspection act of 1969 under Meats, this index

Meeting, public informational, 74-560

Noxious weeds, control and eradication, 2-1314 et seq. See, also, Weeds, generally, this index

Office, 74-505

Officers and employees,

Appointment, 74-561, 74-569, 75-3150

Civil service, 74-569, 75-3150

Transfer upon reorganization, 74-570

Official state agency, national poultry improvement plan, 2-907

Pesticide law, administration, 2-2439. See, also, Pest Control, generally, this index

Petroleum products inspection law, 55-422 et seq.

Plant pest and agriculture commodity certification act, 2-2112 et seq. See, also, Plant Pests, generally, this index

Public warehouses, supervision and regulation of, 34-101


Annual report, 74-504

Fertilizers, sample analysis, 2-1209

Noxious weeds, 2-1316, 2-1317

Publications, 74-504

Rust, black stem rust, eradication, 2-712 et seq.

Secretary of agriculture,

Abolishment of previous office of secretary, 74-568

Agricultural labor relations board, activation, 44-820

Appointment, 74-560


Agriculture marketing and promotions advisory board, 74-50,163

Animal health commissioner, 74-5,119

Assistant secretary, officers and employees, 75-3150

Conservation commission member, 2-1904

Grape and wine industry advisory council members, 74-552

Assistants, appointment, 74-561

Authority, 65-679

Chief engineer, review orders, 82a-1901

Civil penalties for violation of the lodging inspection act, 36-515b

Compensation, 75-3149

Confirmation, 74-560

Contract, authorization to, 34-101b, 34-101c, 74-576

Dairies and dairy products, generally, this index

Division of marketing, functions transferred, 74-575

Employees, appointment, 74-561

Farmers' market registration authority, 2-3803

Federal grants, application and receipt, 74-550

Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 et seq.

Grain sampling, 34-2,113

Grape and wine industry advisory council, functions transferred, 74-574

Labeling of agricultural products, functions transferred, 74-574


Cease and desist orders, hearings, 36-519

Definitions, 36-501

Enforcement, 36-510

Powers, duties and functions transferred, 74-5,104 et seq.

Employees, 74-5,107

Interest in property, 74-5,106

Orders and directives, 74-5,104

Rules and regulations, 74-5,104

Violations, hearings, 36-519

Lodging establishment inspections, 36-518

Lodging establishment license, 36-502

Lodging, rules and regulations, 36-506

Lodging fee fund, 36-520


State fair board, 74-520a

Water authority, 74-2622

Noxious weeds, control and eradication, 2-1315

Organization of department, 74-569

Pest Control Compact, interstate, 2-2135 et seq.

Compact administrator, 2-2138

Pesticides, claims for damages, 2-2457a

Petroleum products inspection fees and charges, 55-426 et seq.

Powers and duties, 74-576

Agricultural chemicals, 2-2204, 2-2206 et seq.

Special local need registration, 2-2214

Certificates of free sale, issuance of, 74-5,100

Dairy interstate compact, 74-577

Grain sampling, 34-2,113

Property, custody, 74-571

Records, custody, 74-571, 74-572

Rules and regulations, 82a-1905

Swine marketing and production contracts, 16-1506

Sericea lespedeza disaster areas, 2-1315

Standards and grades, functions transferred, 74-574

Unclassified service, 74-560, 75-3149

Water resources, review, 82a-1901, 82a-1905

Seeds, 2-1415 et seq. See, also, Seeds, generally, this index

Soil amendment act, 2-2801 et seq. See, also, Soil Amendments, generally, this index

State board of agriculture, 74-562 et seq.

Abolishment of previous board, 74-568

Agricultural products development, advisory role, 74-567

Compensation, 74-566

Creation of, 74-562

Expenses, 74-566

Meetings, 74-563

Members, 74-562

Officers, election of, 74-564

Official actions, 74-565

Powers and duties, 74-567

Quorum, 74-565

Terms, 74-562

Transfer of powers, 74-568

Statistical services, 74-504a, 74-504b

Fund, 74-504e

Swine marketing pools, 16-1501 et seq.

Transfer of powers, duties and functions, 74-568


Bonds, 34-229, 34-2,104

Commodity credit corporation, contracts, 34-101b, 34-101c

Contract, authorization to, 34-101b, 34-101c

Criminal penalties, 34-102, 34-231, 34-251, 34-298

Discontinuing operation, 34-299

Examinations, 34-228, 34-2,104

Federal agencies, contracts, 34-101b, 34-101c

Financial statement, current, 34-228

Functional unit, 34-228

Grain bank operations, 34-227b

Grain shortage, 34-2,104

Identity preserved grain, 34-241a

Information required on demand of secretary, 34-249a

Injunctions, 34-230b

Inspection, 34-230, 34-251

Insurance, 34-236

Investigation of complaints, 34-102

Licenses, 34-228

Fees, 34-228

Suspension or revocation, 34-230, 34-231, 34-298

Monitoring grain handling facilities, 34-228

Officers and employees, 34-130, 34-131

Perishable grain, 34-273

Powers and duties, 34-129

Prosecutions, 34-111

Rates and charges, 34-125

Receipts, 34-238, 34-246

Lost or destroyed, 34-257a

Rules and regulations, 34-102, 34-129, 34-136, 34-227b

Samples, grain for storage, 34-233

Schedule of charges, 34-125, 34-235

Storage grain, 34-227b

Supervision and regulation of, 34-101

Transferred to the department of agriculture, 34-128 et seq.

Warehouse fee fund, 34-101

Water Resources, Division of, generally, this index

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1314 et seq. See, also, Weeds, generally, this index

Weights and measures, 83-201 et seq.


Generally, 32-1430 et seq.

Assumption of risk by participant, 32-1435

Citation of act, 32-1430

Definitions, 32-1432

Liability of operator, 32-1436

Limitation of, 32-1437

Purpose, 32-1431

Registration of agritourism operators, 32-1433

Report to legislature, 32-1438

Rules and regulations, 32-1438

Tax credits, certain costs of liability insurance, 32-1438

Report to legislature by secretary of commerce, 32-1438

Warning notice requirements, 32-1434


Children and Minors, generally, this index

Children in Need of Care, this index


Accomplices and Accessories, generally, this index


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. See Diseases, this index


Licensure by cities or counties, 12-1540 et seq.

Certificate of competency, 12-1542

Codes, standards and regulations, 12-1543

Continuing education, 12-1542

Examinations, 12-1541, 12-1542, 12-1543

Fees, 12-1543

Inspections, 12-1543

Rules and regulations, 12-1542


Army and air national guard. Military Forces, this index


Generally, 65-3001 et seq.


Limits, 65-3019

Severability, 65-3020

Title, 65-3001

Approvals, 65-3008

Enforcement, post

Fees, post

Hearing, 65-3008a

Suspension, revocation, denial, 65-3008b

Assistance, small business, 65-3027

Compressed air storage, 66-1275

Conservation commission, abolition, 75-5622

Contaminant sources,

Approvals, ante

Classification, 65-3007

Emissions, post

Fees, post

Inspections, 65-3009

Motor vehicles, 65-3017

Permits, post

Records and reports, 65-3007, 65-3015

Standards, post

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-3018, 65-3025, 65-3026

Definitions, 65-3002


Emissions trading program, 65-3005

Fees, 65-3024

Standards, 65-3005, 65-3010

Motor vehicles, 65-3017

Variances, 65-3013


Civil, 65-3011, 65-3012, 65-3018

Criminal, 65-3025, 65-3026

Local authorities, 65-3016

Environment, division of, duties, 65-3003


Approvals, 65-3008

Emissions, 65-3024

Permits, 65-3008

Power generation facilities, 65-3023

Haze plan, regional, 65-3005

Health and environment, secretary of, powers and duties, 65-3003, 65-3005, 65-3006, 65-3019

Inspections, 65-3009

Local programs, 65-3010, 65-3016

Motor vehicles, 65-3017

Open burning requirements, 65-3010

Permits, 65-3008

Enforcement, ante

Federal law, compliance, 65-3008b

Fees, ante

Hearing, 65-3008a

Suspension, revocation, denial, 65-3008b

Time limits, issuance, 65-3008b

Power generation facilities, 65-3021, 65-3022, 65-3023

Records and reports, 65-3007, 65-3015

Regional haze plan, 65-3005

Rules and regulations, 65-3005, 65-3028

Local authorities, 65-3016

Publication, 65-3006

Sewage contamination protection, 65-171g

Small business assistance, 65-3027

Standards, establishment, 65-3005, 65-3010

Motor vehicles, 65-3017

Variances, 65-3013

Variances, 65-3013

Visibility transport commission, 65-3005


Generally, 3-201 et seq.

Accidents, alcohol and drug tests, 3-1004 et seq.

Affordable airfare fund, state, 74-50,150

Air commerce regulations, 3-203

Airports and Landing Fields, generally, this index

Alcohol and drugs,

Flying under influence, 3-1001 et seq.

Tests, 3-1004 et seq.

Ambulances, emergency medical services, 65-6112

Army and air national guard. Military Forces, this index

Aviation fuel, sale and compensating use tax proceeds, report, 75-5152

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Identification numbers, fraudulent acts, 21-5937

Offenses committed on, 22-2608

Registration of,

Failure to, 21-5935

Fraudulent, 21-5936

Defined, 3-201

Federal craft, 3-206

Fines and penalties, 3-205, 3-1003

Flying under influence, 3-1001 et seq.

Fuel exempt from motor fuel tax, 79-3408

Kansas state university, insurance, 76-491

Kansas state universityโ€”Salina, college of technology,

Insurance, 76-218

Purchases, 76-219

Sales, 76-217

Navigate, defined, 3-201

Ordinances, navigation over cities, 3-117

Pilots, 3-201

Certificate, 3-202

Federal aircraft or pilots, 3-206

Presenting license on demand, 3-204

Public use general aviation airport development, 75-5061

Research and development facilities, 76-789

Sales tax, exemptions, 79-3606

Taxation, property tax exemption, 79-201k, 79-220

University of Kansas, insurance, 76-391

Vehicular homicide, 21-5406


Generally, 3-113 et seq.

Acquisition of land, 3-128, 3-129

Additional airports or fields, 3-118, 3-119

Affordable airfare fund, state, 74-50,150

Airbases, 27-315 et seq.

Airport authorities, 3-162 et seq., 27-315 et seq., 27-327 et seq.

Airport funds, investment, 13-1348c

Airport revenue bonds, 3-145, 3-151

Bonds, 3-114

Cities over 250,000 (Wichita), 3-162 et seq.

Bonds, 3-167

Contracts, 3-166

Employees, 3-166

Leases, real property, 13-1348b

Members, 3-163, 3-165

Officers, 3-164

Powers, authority and control, 3-167

Tax levies, 3-167

City-county authority, 27-327 et seq.

Audits, 27-335

Board of directors, 27-330

Bonds, 27-334

Definitions, 27-329

Dissolution, 27-336

Election, 27-328, 27-337

Eminent domain, 27-331


Disposition on dissolution, 27-336

Transfer to authority, 27-332

Meetings, open, 27-335

Payments in lieu of taxes, 27-331

Powers, 27-331


Acquisition, 27-331

Disposition, 27-331, 27-336

Transfer to authority, 27-332

Records, public, 27-335

Sale of facility, 27-337


Exemption, 27-330

Levy, 27-333

Water and sewage utility systems, 27-331

Zoning, 27-331

Law enforcement officers, counties between 100,000 and 200,000, 3-168 et seq.

Leases and contracts, 3-116

Powers, 3-114

Surplus Property and Public Airport Authority Act, 27-315 et seq.

Annexation of property, 27-321

Audits, 27-324

Board of directors, 27-319

Bonds, 27-323

Boundaries, 27-321

Definitions, 27-318

Dissolution, 27-325

Establishment of authority, 27-316, 27-319, 27-321

Federal grants, matching funds, tax levy, 27-322


Disposition on dissolution, 27-325

Transfer to authority, 27-319

Joint city-county authority, 27-327 et seq.

No-fund warrants, 27-323

Powers, 27-320


Annexation, 27-321

Disposition on dissolution, 27-325

Transfer to authority, 27-319

Records, public, 27-324

Tax levies, 27-322

Taxation, exemption from 27-319

Airport commission, Johnson county, 3-307a et seq.

Allen county, 3-316 et seq.

Allocation of property tax revenues,

School districts, 72-6621 et seq.

Approaches, safety zones, 3-113

Assessed valuation, school districts,

Allocation of property tax revenues, 72-6621 et seq.

Assignments, 3-116

Joint ownership and operation, cities and counties, 3-122

Associations and societies, lease, assignment or sublease, 3-116, 3-122

Board of public utilities, jurisdiction, 12-1014

Bonds, 3-113, 3-114, 3-127, 3-132, 3-133, 3-145 et seq., 3-401

Allen county, 3-318, 3-319, 3-320, 3-324

Cities of first class, 13-1348a

Cities of third class, 3-113b

Cities over 65,000, 3-114

Cities over 100,000, 3-132

Election, 3-113, 3-113b

Fiscal agents, 10-501 et seq.

Johnson county, 3-302 et seq.

Joint ownership and operation, cities and counties, 3-120, 3-121

Payment, 3-150

Special facilities revenue bonds, 3-153 et seq.

Cities, joint ownership and operation with counties, 3-119a et seq.

Cities between 120,000 and 150,000, revenue bonds, 3-145, 3-145a

Cities of first class,

Acquisition of land, 3-128, 3-129, 13-1348a

Airport funds, investments, 13-1348c

Financing, 13-1254

Governing body of city, duties, 3-129

Park commissioners, powers, 3-114, 13-1348 et seq.

Public utilities board, powers and duties, 3-126 et seq.

Purchase, bonds, park commissioners, 3-114

Tax levy, 3-114

Cities of first class over 100,000, 3-126 et seq.

Employees and officers, 3-127, 3-131

Federal cooperation, 3-124

Cities of first class under 80,000, 3-152

Cities of second class, 3-113a

Discontinuance and sale of land, 3-144a et seq., 3-144h et seq.

National defense operations, depots, 3-404 et seq.

Sale, 3-144l et seq.

Airports near army or navy air base, 3-139, 3-140, 3-141

Cities of third class,

Bonds, 3-113b

Federal and state aid, 3-113b

Purchase of additional land, 3-144e et seq.

Sale of surplus land, proceeds, 3-144e et seq.

Cities over 65,000, 3-114

Board of park commissioners, powers, 3-114

Cities over 200,000, revenue bonds, 3-150

Cities over 250,000, revenue bonds, 3-145, 3-150, 3-151

Civil defense, 3-124

Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq.

Cooperation with adjoining states, 3-801 et seq.

Counties, 3-308 et seq.

Allen county, 3-316 et seq.

Departments of public works, 19-4501 et seq.

Johnson county, 3-302 et seq.

Airport commission, 3-307 et seq.

Joint ownership and operation with cities, 3-119a et seq.

National defense operations depots, 3-401

Powers of commissioners, 19-212

Revenue bonds, 3-145, 3-150, 3-151, 3-314, 3-315

State aid, 3-313

Taxation, 3-307, 3-310

Counties of 7,300 to 7,800, revenue bonds issued by city, 3-152a

Defense measures, cooperation, 3-124

Definitions, 3-701

Development, public use general aviation, 75-5061


Acquiring for zoning purposes, 3-711

Safety zones, 3-113

Elections, 3-144m, 3-151

Bonds, 3-113b, 3-132

Counties of 5,000 or less, 3-309

National defense operations depots, counties, 3-401

Sale of airport near army or navy air base, 3-140

Eminent domain, 3-129

Adjoining states or political subdivisions, 3-803

City-county authority, 27-331

Johnson county airport, 3-305

Joint ownership and operation by cities and counties, 3-123

Located outside municipal limits, 3-115

National defense operations depots, 3-402, 3-405

Cities of second class, 3-402, 3-405

Zoning regulations, 3-711

Equipment, bonds, park commissioners, 3-114

Federal aid, 3-113b, 3-601 et seq.

Cities over 100,000, defense cooperation, cities, 3-124

Counties, 3-313

Federal Airport Act, 3-604 et seq.

Joint ownership and operation, cities and counties, 3-125

Leases and contracts with federal agencies, 3-116


Operating revenues, 3-147

Cash-basis law, exemption, 10-1116

Proceeds from sale, disposition, 3-144o

Gifts, joint ownership and operation, cities and counties, 3-120


Defined, zoning regulations, 3-701

Marking and lighting, zoning permits or variances, 3-707

Zoning, city-county authority, 27-331

Improvements, 3-118

Johnson county, 3-301 et seq.

Joint acquisition and operation, 3-120, 3-121, 3-404

Leases, 3-113, 3-114, 3-116, 3-129

Additional airports or fields, 3-118

City of Lawrence, real estate from university of Kansas, 76-329

Counties, 3-309, 3-311

Federal agencies, 3-116

Johnson county, 3-306

Joint ownership and operation, cities and counties, 3-120, 3-122

National defense operations depots, cities of second class, 3-404, 3-406, 3-408

Park land, cities of first class, 13-1348b

Safety zones, servitudes or easements, 3-113

Liens, 3-148

Arising from bonds, 3-133

Located outside municipal limits, 3-115

Police power extended, 3-117

Joint ownership and operation, 3-124

Privileges and immunities, joint ownership and operation, 3-123

Manager, inspection, pilot's license, 3-204

National defense operations depots, 3-401 et seq.

Noise zoning, city-county authority, 27-331

Operating revenues,

Cash-basis law, exemption, 10-1116

Cities over 160,000, 3-147


Municipal airports and landing fields, 3-117, 3-129

Airports outside municipal limits, joint ownership and operation, 3-124

National defense operations depots, cities of second class, 3-404, 3-406

Park board,

Federal agencies, leases and contracts, 3-116

Leasing, assigning or subleasing, 3-116

Park commissioners,

Airport funds, investments, 13-1348c

Airport revenue bonds, 3-145, 3-150, 3-151

Planning and development, aid, 3-605

Poles and wires, nonconforming uses, 3-706

Police power, cities, 3-117, 3-407

Public use general aviation airport development, 75-5061

Purchase, 3-113

Safety zones, servitudes or easements, 3-113

Rates, use of airport facilities, 3-127

Reciprocity, cooperation with adjoining states, 3-804

Rehabilitation, public use general aviation, 75-5061

Repairs, cities over 250,000, 3-151

Revenue bonds, 3-145, 3-150, 3-151, 3-153 et seq., 3-314, 3-315

Tax exemption, 3-158

Rules and regulations, 3-113

Counties, 3-312

Federal aid, 3-601, 3-602

Johnson county, 3-306

Safety zones, 3-113


Airport near army or navy air base, 3-139 et seq.

Cities of second class, 3-144a et seq., 3-144h et seq.

Cities of third class, surplus lands, 3-144e et seq.

Surplus real estate, two or more cities, 3-142 et seq.

School districts,

Allocation of property tax revenues, 72-6621 et seq.

Secretary of transportation,

Acquisition of property, 3-605

Planning authority, 3-605

Special facilities revenue bonds, 3-153 et seq.


Defined, zoning regulations, 3-701

Nonconforming uses, zoning regulations, 3-706, 3-707

Supplemental airport or landing field, 3-118, 3-119

Taxation, 3-113

Allen county, tax levy, 3-321, 3-323

Cities having surplus airbase, 27-322

Cities of second class, 3-113a

Cities over 65,000, 3-114

Counties, 3-310

Exemption, 79-201q, 79-201r, 79-201s

Johnson county airport, tax levy, 3-307

Joint ownership and operation, cities and counties, 3-120, 3-121

Nonresident contractors, 79-1008 et seq.

Personal property situs, 79-304

Transfer of control to public utilities board, cities of first class over 100,000, 3-126

Transportation works for Kansas program, 68-2314b


Defined, zoning regulations, 3-701

Nonconforming uses, 3-706, 3-707

United States cooperation, 3-124, 3-125

United States navy, leases and contracts, 3-116

University of Kansas, lease of real estate to city of Lawrence, 76-329, 76-329a

Use regulations, 3-113

Wartime bond issues, 3-113

Works progress administration, cooperation, 3-125

Zoning regulations, 3-701 et seq., 27-331

Administration, 3-708

Airport hazards, 3-702, 3-703, 3-707

Definitions, 3-701

Eminent domain, 3-711

Johnson county airport, 3-307e

Permits and variances, 3-707

Regulations, power to adopt, 3-703

Comprehensive zoning regulations, 3-704

Enforcement and appeals, 3-709, 3-710

Procedure, hearings, zoning commission, 3-705

Requirements, 3-706


See, also, Chemical Control Act, generally, this index

Aging and disability services, secretary for, duties, 75-5375 et seq.

Alcohol and other drug addiction act, 65-4001, 65-4006 et seq.

Citation of act, 65-4024d

Definitions, 65-4024a

Rules and regulations, 65-4013, 65-4024c

Certified drug abuse treatment programs,

Assessments, presentence risk-need, 75-52,144

Cost of programs, 75-52,144

Services, 75-52,144

Treatment providers, certification, 75-52,144

Citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq.

Annual report, 65-4007

Commitment, court costs, 28-170, 28-170a, 59-104

Drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.), statewide coordinator, 75-721

Effects, preconception and perinatal, public awareness program, 65-1,160 et seq.



Involuntary commitment. Treatment, post

Voluntary commitment. Treatment, post

Admissions, 76-12a30 et seq.

Alcohol or other drug treatment, licensure, 65-4012 et seq.

Application, 65-4013

Crimes and penalties, 65-4012 et seq.

Definitions, 65-4024a

Denial, 65-4015

Employee qualifications, 65-4016

Fees, 65-4013

Remittance, 65-4024b

Inspections, 65-4018

Investigations, 65-4018

Issuance, 65-4014

Records, confidentiality, 65-4019

Renewal, 65-4014

Required, 65-4012, 65-4023

Revocation, 65-4015

Standards, 65-4016, 65-4017

Suspension, 65-4015

Unlicensed treatment facility, remedy, 65-4023


Involuntary commitment. Treatment, post

Voluntary commitment. Treatment, post

Private facilities, admissions, 76-12a30 et seq.

Purpose, 65-4001

State institutions, 76-12a30 et seq.


Service providers, loans to, 74-8917

Treatment, 41-1126, 41-2622

Insurance coverage, treatment, 40-2,105

Pregnancy, public awareness program and treatment, 65-1,160 et seq.


Certified, 75-52,144

Counties, tax levy, 65-4060

Development of, 76-12a32

Pregnancy, public awareness of effects on, 65-1,160 et seq.

Public awareness, preconception and perinatal effects, 65-1,160 et seq.

State institutions, admissions, 76-12a30 et seq.

Statewide drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.), coordinator, 75-721

Tax levies, programs, 65-4060

Testing for,

State employees, 75-4362

Unemployment benefits, 44-706

Workers compensation, 44-501

Treatment, 59-29b45 et seq.

Aging and disability services, secretary for, duties, 75-5375 et seq.

Application of law, 59-29b83


Involuntary commitment, post

Voluntary commitment, post

Costs, insurance coverage, 40-2,105

Costs of, 59-29b81

Death of patient, 59-29b82

Definitions, 59-29b46

Discharge, 59-29b56, 59-29b66, 59-29b73

Voluntary patient, 59-29b50, 59-29b51

Disclosure of record prohibited, 59-29b79


Commitment, 59-29b54, 59-29b67

Custody order, 59-29b57, 59-29b58

Detention, 59-29b53, 59-29b54

Discharge, 59-29b56

Evaluation, 59-29b60, 59-29b61, 59-29b62

Experimental medication and treatment, 59-29b76

Facilities, ante

Funds for, 41-1126, 41-2622


Continuances, 59-29b60, 59-29b64

Orders, this subhead

Review, patient status, 59-29b69

Temporary custody, 59-29b59

Trial, 59-29b65

Continuances, 59-29b60, 59-29b64

Jury, 59-29b65

Notice of, 59-29b63

Order, 59-29b66

Venue, 59-29b71

Venue, 59-29b71

Inpatient treatment. Involuntary commitment, generally, post

Insurance coverage, 40-2,105

Involuntary commitment, 59-29b54

Absence, unauthorized, 59-29b75

Counsel, 59-29b60, 59-29b65

Discharge, 59-29b73

Notice, 59-29b74

Hearings, this subhead

Investigation, 59-29b53

Jury, 59-29b65

Law enforcement officers, duties, 59-29b53, 59-29b54, 59-29b58

Leave, unauthorized, 59-29b75


Discharge, 59-29b74

Proceedings, 59-29b63

Order, 59-29b66

Outpatient, 59-29b67

Orders, this subhead

Review, patient status, 59-29b69

Trial. Hearings, this subhead

Unauthorized absence, 59-29b75

Voluntary patient, 59-29b52

Liability, civil or criminal, 59-29b54, 59-29b80

Medication and treatment, 59-29b76


Dismissal, 59-29b66

Evaluation, 59-29b60, 59-29b61, 59-29b62

Ex parte, 59-29b57, 59-29b58, 59-29b67

Inpatient treatment, 59-29b66

Outpatient treatment, 59-29b67

Preliminary, 59-29b60

Temporary, 59-29b59

Transportation of patient, 59-29b70


Inpatient, 59-29b66

Outpatient, 59-29b67

Outpatient treatment, 59-29b67

Patients' rights, 59-29b48, 59-29b55, 59-29b78

Petition for, 59-29b52, 59-29b57

Pregnant women, 65-1,160 et seq.

Programs, ante

Records, confidentiality, 59-2979, 65-4018

Restraints, 59-29b77

Review, patient status, 59-29b69

Rights of patient, 59-29b48, 59-29b55, 59-29b78

Seclusion, 59-29b77

Short-term, 59-29b64

Time computation of, 59-29b47

Trial. Hearings, this subhead

Unlawful acts, 59-29b78, 59-29b79

Voluntary commitment, 59-29b49, 59-29b53

Discharge, 59-29b50, 59-29b51


Alcohol and Drug Abuse, generally, this index

Alcoholic beverage control, division of. Revenue, State Department of, this index

Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index


Seed, tests, 2-1415 et seq.


Deeds and conveyances to citizen, 58-2238

Employment of, illegally within territory of U.S., 21-6509

Naturalization, fees, 28-170

Property, Kan. Const., Bill of Rights, ยง 17



Divorce or Annulment, this index

Separate Maintenance, this index


Airport, financing improvements, 3-316 et seq.

Boundaries, 18-101

General Frederick Funston memorial park, 76-2025

Highway advisory commission, 4th district, 75-5002

Landfill, financing, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

Solid waste disposal area, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.


Streets and Alleys, generally, this index


Information and referral network, 75-5925


Notarial acts, uniform law on, 53-501 et seq.


See, also, Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Attendants' certificates, 65-6129, 74-139

Authorized activities of applicants for, 65-6129

Authorized activities, applicants for certification, 65-6129

Authorized emergency vehicles, defined, traffic regulations, 8-1404

Bells, 8-1738

Communications, emergency medical services, 65-6114, 65-6115

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-6125, 65-6137

Defined, emergency medical services, 65-6112

Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Emergency medical technicians, certificates, 65-6129, 74-139

Emergency medical technicians-intermediate certificates, 65-6129

Establishment of service, 65-6113

Fees, 65-6128

Registration, 8-143

Fund for ambulance or fire-fighting equipment, 12-110b

Special replacement fund, 12-110d

Governing board, powers, 65-6116

Instructor-coordinator certificates, 65-6129b

Interlocal cooperation, 12-2904

Liability insurance exemption, 66-1314

Lights, 8-1720, 8-1729

Mobile intensive care technicians certificates, 65-6129, 74-139

Motor carriers, exemption, 66-1,109


Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq.

Hardship declaration, 65-6136

Negligence, 8-1506

Out-of-state requirements, 65-6136

Pedestrians yield right-of-way, 8-1541

Purchase and repair,

Cities, 12-110b

Emergency, cities, counties and townships, 12-110a

Records, maintenance of, 65-6130

Registry, trauma system, 75-5663 et seq.

Regulation of ambulance services, 65-6101 et seq.

Crimes and penalties, 65-6137

Definitions, 65-6112

Equipment requirements, 65-6110

Exemptions, 65-6136

Inspections, 65-6130

Licensure, requirements, 65-6110

Municipal regulation, 65-6131

Out-of-state services, requirements, 65-6136

Permits, 65-6125, 65-6127, 74-139

Denial, revocation or suspension of, 65-6128, 65-6132

Fees, 65-6127

Limitation or modification of, 65-6132

Renewal, 65-6128

Temporary limitation or restriction, 65-6134


Certification, 65-6129, 74-139

Qualifications, 65-6110

Records, 65-6130

Quality assurance and improvement program, requirements, 65-6110

Records, 65-6110, 65-6130

Service requirements, 65-6135

Types, classification of, 65-6110

Right-of-way, 8-1530

Rights, duties and liability of drivers, 8-1506

Safe driving, 8-1530

Signals, 8-1506

Sirens, 8-1738

Speed, 8-1506

Staffing requirements, 65-6135

Tax levy, 65-6113, 65-6118

Traffic regulations, 8-1507

Trauma, statewide system, registry, 75-5663 et seq.

Unlawful acts. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Whistles, 8-1738


Registrations, 75-421 et seq.


Disaster service volunteer leave act, state employees, 75-5546 et seq.

Monuments and memorials, nurse corps, 73-401 et seq.

Veterans' laws, nurse corps, 73-220


Abolishment, 73-1501


Generally, 72-1118 et seq.


Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index


Generally, 65-6b01 et seq.


Drugs and Medicines, this index


Generally, 65-3220 et seq.

Advance health-care directive, 65-3240

Application, 65-3222

Coroners, cooperation with procurement organizations, 65-3241, 65-3242

Crimes and punishments, 65-3235, 65-3236

Decedent donor,

Execution of gift, manner, amendment, revocation, 65-3229

First person consent organ and tissue donor registry, 65-3229

Persons authorized to make gift, priority, 65-3228

Declaration, life support, 65-3240

Definitions, 65-3221

Document of gift,

Delivery, 65-3231, 65-3232

Interpretation, governing law, 65-3238

Search for, 65-3231

Validity, manner and presumption, 65-3238

Donee, examination rights, 65-3233

Donees eligible, 65-3230

Duty to identify donor status, 65-3231

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 65-3244

Gift, effect of, 65-3227

Governing law, document of gift, 65-3238


Agreements or affiliations with procurement organizations, 65-3234

Referrals to procurement organizations, 65-3233

Liability, limitations, 65-3237

Living donor,

Amendment or revocation of gift, manner, 65-3225

Execution of gift, manner, 65-3224

First person consent organ and tissue donor registry, 65-3225

Persons authorized to make gift, 65-3223

Organ and tissue donor registry, 65-3239

Driver's licenses and identification cards, information required, 8-247, 8-1325

Physician, removing or transplanting part, 65-3233

Procurement organization,

Access to records, 65-3233

Agreements or affiliations with hospitals, 65-3234

Cooperation with coroners, 65-3241, 65-3242

Duties, 65-3233

Examination rights, 65-3233

Referrals from hospitals, 65-3233

Refusal to make gift, manner, amendment or revocation, effect of, 65-3226

Representations, reliance, 65-3237

Revocation, effect of, 65-3227

Uniformity, application and construction, 65-3243


Dead bodies, medical school use, 65-901 et seq.


Boundaries, 18-102

Highway advisory commission, 4th district, 75-5002


Dentists, 65-1436, 65-1444, 65-2899

Morbidity or mortality, studies, 65-177 et seq.

Nurse anesthetists. See subhead Registered nurse anesthetists under Nurses, this index

Podiatrists, 65-2002


Generally, 74-8131 et seq.

Citation of act, 74-8131

Definitions, 74-8132

Purpose, 74-8131

Qualified Kansas business,

Application contents, 74-8134

Designation criteria, 74-8135

Greatest economic benefit to state, secretary of commerce assessment, 74-8136

Loss of designation, 74-8136

Repayment obligations, 74-8136

Report required, annual, 74-8136

Review by secretary of commerce, annual, 74-8136

Tax credits, 74-8136

Qualified securities of a qualified Kansas business, tax credit for investment in, 74-8133

Administrative costs, reimbursement of, 74-8133

Credits, transfer of, 74-8133

Limitations, 74-8133

State not liable to investors for damages, 74-8137


Generally, 2-1212 et seq.

Fertilizers, this index

Stop sale order, 2-1222


Bang's disease. Brucellosis, post

Bill of health, 47-624

Bovine tuberculosis,

Appraisal, sale or disposal, 47-632

Condemnation of herd, 47-633a

Construction of law, 47-635

Disinfection of premises, 47-634

Records, lien claimants or mortgagees, 47-632a

Sale of cattle as tuberculosis tested, 47-663

Testing, 47-631

Brands and marks, disease control, 47-418, 47-418a


Quarantine, 47-657

Reactor animals,

Brands and marks, 47-658a

Identification, 47-658a

Sale, 47-658b

Shipping permit, 47-658b

Sale of cattle as brucellosis tested, 47-664

Tests, approved, 47-657

Vaccine, crimes and penalties, 21-1213, 21-1214

Chronic wasting disease,

Approved test methods, 47-1833

Test results reported to commissioner, 47-1833

Civil penalties, 47-624

Contagious, 47-635

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 47-624

Hog cholera, 47-653e

Virulent virus, 47-629c

Quarantine violations, 47-604, 47-624

Shipping violations, 47-607c

Testing animals, 47-662, 47-665

Vaccines, 21-1213, 21-1214, 47-653a, 47-653c


Food sacks, 47-654 et seq.

Premises, tuberculosis, 47-634

Disposition, diseased or injured animals, 47-632, 47-1803

Employees of commissioners, law enforcement, 47-626

Fees, killing and disposal, diseased animals, 47-618

Foot and mouth disease, 47-617

Hog-cholera control, 47-650 et seq.

Appraisal of animals, 47-653d

Commissioner, cooperation with federal agencies, 47-653g

Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Destruction of swine, 47-653d

Disposal of animals, 47-653e

Payment of owner, 47-653f


Crimes and penalties, 47-653a, 47-653c

Sale, 47-653a

Vehicle used in transporting animals,

Disinfecting, 47-653h

Virulent virus, 47-629 et seq.

Permit to inject hogs, 47-629

Unauthorized purchase or sale, 47-629a, 47-629b


Animals killed, 47-616, 47-617

Pseudorabies, swine, 47-673

Tubercular animals, 47-632

Vesicular exanthema, swine, 47-666

Infectious, 47-635

Killing affected or exposed animals, 47-614

Appraisal and inventory, 47-615

Indemnity, 47-616, 47-617

Payment to owner, 47-615, 47-617

Mange or itch, treatment, 47-627

Material or supplies to enforce law, 47-626

Orders, preventing stock entry, 47-620

Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index

Pseudorabies, swine, 47-673

Public livestock market, inspection of animals, 47-1008


Cities of second class, 14-307

Civil penalties, 47-624

Crimes and penalties, 47-604, 47-624

Establishment and enforcement, 47-610

Indemnity rights, owner violating, 47-616

Keeping of animals, 47-612

Notice, 47-611

Sheriff, duties, 47-613

Tubercular cattle, 47-634


Mammals exposed to, authority of law enforcement or local health officers, 75-5661

Vaccine, crimes and penalties, 21-1213, 21-1214

Records, lien claimants or mortgagees, 47-632a

Reports to commissioner, 47-622

Rules and regulations, 47-604, 47-610


Cattle as brucellosis tested, 47-664

Cattle as tuberculosis tested, 47-663

Fees, 47-612

Quarantined animals, 47-612

Tubercular animals, 47-632

Virulent hog-cholera virus, unauthorized vendors, 47-629a

Scabies, dipping equipment, 47-672

Sheep, 47-642 et seq.


Executing commissioner's orders, 47-618

Quarantine duties, 47-613

Slaughtering for human consumption. Animal Slaughtering, generally, this index


ย Animal health commissioner duties, 47-619

Testing animals, 47-660 et seq.

Tuberculosis. Bovine tuberculosis, ante

United States secretary of agriculture, commissioner cooperating, 47-608

Vaccines, crimes and penalties, 21-1213, 21-1214

Vesicular exanthema, swine, 47-666

Veterinarian, assisting commissioner, 47-610


Animal Dealers, this index

Animal Diseases, generally, this index

Animal Health Department, generally, this index

Appointment, 75-1901

Bonding, livestock dealers, 47-1808

Brands and marks, 47-414 et seq.

Brand commissioner, 47-414a

Inspection of, 47-417a

Fees, 47-417a

Reciprocity, 47-448

Fee, 47-448

Livestock brand, commissioner, 47-414a

Livestock commissioner, 47-414a

Registration, 47-417

Fees, 47-417

Brucellosis, identification of reactor animals, 47-658a

Shipping permit, 47-658b

Calfhood vaccination tags, 47-1831

Civil service, 75-3141, 75-3142

Compensation and salaries, 75-3141

Deputy commissioner, 47-653

Chronic wasting disease,

Reporting test results, 47-1833

Definitions, 75-1903

Deputy commissioner, 47-651

Diseases, contagious or infectious, 47-635

Domesticated deer, 47-2101 et seq.

Civil fine, 47-2103

Duties, 47-610, 47-619

Educational course in lieu of fine, 47-1707

Employees, 75-3142

Executive officer of ย department of agriculture, division of animal health, 75-1901

Exotic animals, 47-1832

Feed lots,

Planning assistance, 47-1511

Powers and duties, 47-1506

Feedlots, planning assistance, 47-1511


Animal dealers fee fund, 47-1721

Animal disease control fund, 47-672, 47-1011, 47-1218, 47-1503, 47-1805, 47-1831

Livestock brand emergency revolving fund, 47-432, 47-433

Livestock brand fee fund, 47-429

Garbage restrictions, 47-1301 et seq.

Hog cholera control, 47-650 et seq.

Cooperation with federal agencies, 47-653g

Vaccine approval before sale, 47-653a

Vaccine rules and regulations, 47-653b

Hog cholera vaccines,

Approval before sale, 47-653a

Rules and regulations, 47-653b

Inspections, 47-1709

Training for inspectors, publications of duties, 47-1709

Veterinary certificates, 47-1831


Animal distributor, 47-1702

Pet shop operators, 47-1703

Livestock sanitary commissioner, definitions, 75-1903

Oath of office, 47-605, 75-1901

Office abolished, 74-5,120

Poultry disease control act, 2-908 et seq.

Powers, duties, functions,

Transferred to state department of agriculture, division of animal health, 74-5,119

Premises registration system, 47-674

Prohibiting sale or gift of animals,47-1713

Pseudorabies, swine, 47-673

Public markets, 47-1001 et seq. See, also, Animals, this index

Qualifications, 75-1901

Rabies, powers, 47-635

Reciprocity agreements, brand inspection, 47-448

Fees, 47-448

Recommendations and reports, 47-674

Rules and regulations,

Domesticated deer, 47-2101

Exotic animals, 47-1832

Hog cholera vaccines, approval, 47-653b

Penalties, 47-653c

Pet animal act, 47-1712

Pseudorabies, swine, 47-673

Public livestock market, 47-1008

Scabies, dipping equipment, 47-672

Stockyards, duties, 47-619


Duties, 47-230 et seq.

Sale, receipt of proceeds, 47-239

Term of office, 75-1901

United States secretary of agriculture, cooperation, 47-608

Vaccination tags, calf, 47-1831

Vaccines, hog cholera, approval, 47-653a, 47-653b, 47-653c

Veterinary certificates of inspection, 47-1831

Voluntary premises registration and animal identification and tracking system, 47-674


Generally, 74-4001 et seq.

ย Advisory board, 74-4003

Animal health commissioner,

ย Appointment, 75-1901

ย Compensation, 75-3141

Animal health department, abolished, 74-5,120

Appointment and term, 74-4001

Brands and marks, registration, 47-417

Chairman, 74-4002

Compensation and expenses, 74-4002

Definition, 47-414a, 75-1903

Fees, established by, 47-1203, 47-1207, 47-1503

Livestock dealers, registration of, 47-1805

Meetings, 74-4002

Membership, 74-4001

Powers, duties, functions,

Transfer to state department of agriculture, division of animal health, 74-5,119

Transferred to animal health division of state department of agriculture, 74-5,122

Vacancies, 74-4001


Generally, 65-6a27 et seq.

Certificates, elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-201 et seq.

Cities of first class, regulation, 13-436

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 47-1403 et seq.

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-207

Meat inspection, 65-6a27, 65-6a40

Custom slaughtering, 65-6a31

Elevator or warehouse certificates, 82-201 et seq.

Humane slaughter, 47-1401 et seq.

Inhumane methods, 47-1404

Meat and Poultry Inspection Act, 65-6a18 et seq.

Meats, generally, this index

Payment for livestock, 47-1801, 47-1802

State institutions, operating in vicinity, nuisance, 76-142, 76-143

Tubercular animals, 47-632

Unlawful acts. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Warehouse receipts, 82-201 et seq.



Brands, 47-417

Kansas Veterinary Practice Act, 47-835

Age brand, 47-420

Amphibian, state, official, 73-2301

Animal health board, 47-414a

Animal health commissioner, generally, this index

Auctions, strays taken up, 47-230

Bill of sale, brand inspection area, 47-438 et seq.

Purchasing without receiving, 47-442


Advisory board, 74-4003

Animal health board, 47-414a

Livestock Commissioner, generally, this index

Brand books and supplements, 47-424

Brand commissioner, 47-414a

Brand inspection areas, 47-417a

Bill of sale, 47-438 et seq.

Purchasing without receiving, 47-442

Certificates, 47-436, 47-441, 47-442

County option brand fee fund, 47-437

Definitions, 47-434

Inspection of animals, 47-442

Inspection of brands, 47-436

Ownership of animals, evidence, 47-436

Petition, 47-435

Removing cattle without certificate, 47-441

Rules and regulations, 47-436

Sales, unlawful sale, 47-442

Termination as area, 47-435

Brand inspectors, 47-416

Appointment, 47-416

Contracts with, 47-1013

Inspection of livestock brands, 47-417a

Brands and marks, 47-414 et seq.

Abandonment, 47-417

Adoption, 47-417

Age numeral, 47-420

Assignment, 47-422

Attorney general, law enforcement, 47-425

Brand book, 47-424

Brand commissioner, 47-414a

Entry upon private lands, 47-428

Brucellosis, reactor animals, 47-658a

Certificate of brand title, 47-417

Certified copy of record, 47-419

Commissioner, 47-416

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 47-418a, 47-447

Defacing or obliterating brand, 47-421

Definitions, 47-414

Delinquent brand, use, 47-417

Digital branding system, 47-420

Examiners, 47-416, 47-416a


Forwarding to commissioner, 47-417

Publication, 47-424

Feedlot brands, 47-420, 47-446


Inspection fees, 47-417a, 47-437, 47-448, 47-1011, 47-1011a

Registering brand, 47-417

Renewal fees, 47-417

Sale, assignment or transfer, 47-422

Herd brand, 47-420

Identification numbers, 47-420

Inspection areas, 47-417a

Inspectors, 47-417a

Instruments evidencing sale, recording, 47-422

List on record, 47-424

Livestock brand commissioner, 47-414a

Livestock brand emergency revolving fund, 47-432, 47-433

Livestock from another state, permit, 47-423

Mingled livestock, expenses, establishing ownership, 47-433

Owner of registered brand, notice of taking up stray, 47-230

Permit, serial or herd brand, 47-420


Effect, 47-422

List, 47-424

Using unrecorded brand, 47-420

Records, 47-416

Registration, 47-417, 47-446

Rules and regulations, 47-418, 47-426


Brand book, 47-424

Brands, 47-422

Serial numbers, 47-420

Special examiners, 47-416, 47-416a

Strays, proceeds, 47-429

Transfers, 47-422

Unrecorded brand, using, 47-420

Use by another, penalty, 47-422

Buffalo, state animal, 73-1401

Catfish, imported, 65-6a53, 65-6a54, 65-6a55


Brand inspection certificate, 47-441, 47-442

Brand title, 47-417

Official inspection certificates, 47-436

Public livestock market, 47-1008

Transportation into state, 47-607

Commercial Feeds, generally, this index

Community sales. Public livestock markets, post

Confined feeding facilities, 65-171d

Hogs, 65-1,178 et seq.

Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

See, also, Crimes and Punishments, this index

Bonding of livestock dealers, 47-1808

Brands and marks, 47-418a, 47-447

Defacing or obliterating brand, 47-421

Cockfighting, unlawful conduct of, 21-6417

Dangerous animals, 21-6418

Ownership, illegal, 21-6415

Deliveries in motor vehicles, 47-1102

Disposal, dead animals, 47-1217

Driving from usual range, 47-121

Farm animal and research facilities protection, 47-1827

Feedlots, 47-1509

Feral swine, importation or possession, 47-1809

Garbage feeding, 47-1305

Public livestock market, 47-1005, 47-1010

Quarantine violations, 47-604

Running at large, 47-122

Shipping violations, 47-607c

Strays, 47-237

Testing animals, 47-662, 47-665

Uninspected animals, transportation into state, 47-607

Cruelty to animals, 21-6412, 29-409


Custody, trespassing animals, 47-124

Freighters and drovers, 47-104

Injury, highways through pastures, 68-128a

Railroads, cattle guards, 66-231

Running at large, 47-123

Dangerous animals,

Care of, 32-1306

Definitions, 32-1301

Exemptions, 32-1308

Inspection fees, 32-1304

Insurance or bond requirements, 32-1304

Notification, escape of, 32-1305

Permitting at large, 21-6418

Records, health and ownership, 32-1305

Registration of, 32-1303

Fees, 32-1304

Regulation of, 32-1301 et seq.

Reports, 32-1310

Sale or transfer of, 32-1309

Seizure of, 32-1307

Unlawful acts, 32-1302

Dead animals,

Definitions, 47-1201

Disposal, 12-2101 et seq., 47-1201 et seq.

Animal disease control fund, 47-1218

Appeals, 47-1216

Attorney general, enjoining, violation, 47-1217

Cities of first class, 13-436

Composting, 65-1,199

Crimes and penalties, 47-1217, 47-1219

Disposal plants, 47-1210, 47-1211

Fee, 47-1203

Hogs, 65-1,188

Injunctions, 47-1217

Investigations and inspections, 47-1204, 47-1212

Licenses and permits,

Application, 47-1203

Duration and renewal, 47-1208

Issuance, 47-1205

Rejection of application, 47-1206

Suspension and revocation, 47-1213

Transportation on public highways, 47-1202, 47-1207

Movement, from one farm to another, 47-1220

Refuse, defined, 47-1214

Release of portions of carcasses, 47-1211

Rules and regulation, 47-1215

Transportation on highways, 47-1214

United States bureau of animal industry, application of law, 47-1214

Dealers. See Pet animal act, generally, post

Definitions, 47-1402

Dangerous animals, 32-1301

Public livestock markets, 47-1001

Deliveries in motor vehicles, 47-1101, 47-1102

Diseases. Animal Diseases, generally, this index


Food sacks, 47-654 et seq.

Premises, 47-634

Dismembering carcasses, 47-1211

Disposition of animals,

Animals released from animal shelters, 47-1710

Criminal Code, 21-6413

Dogs, generally, this index


Assumption of risk, domestic animal activity, 60-4001 et seq.

Affirmative defense, 60-4002

Definitions, 60-4001

Limitations, 60-4003

Warning notices, posting, 60-4004

Diseased or injured, disposition, 47-1803

Domesticated deer, defined, 47-1001

Emus, 47-1001, 47-2201

Euthanasia, 47-1710, 47-1718

Exemption, forced sale, breeding stock, 60-2304

Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index

Farm animal and research facilities protection act, 47-1825 et seq.

Civil remedies, 47-1828

Definitions, 47-1826

Penalties, 47-1827

Prohibited acts, 47-1827

Feed and care, liens, 58-207 et seq.

Feeding facilities, 65-171d

Hogs, 65-1,178 et seq.

Feedlots, 47-1501 et seq.

Agricultural pursuit, 47-1502

Appeals, 47-1507


Compensation of members, 47-1508

Meetings, 47-1504

Brands, 47-420, 47-446

Crimes and penalties, 47-1509

Definitions, 47-1501

Licenses, 47-1503, 47-1506

Planning assistance for, 47-1505

Research studies, 47-1506

Rules of procedure, 47-1506

Standards of operations, 47-1505, 47-1506

Water pollution control, exemption, 65-171h

Feeds. Commercial Feeds, generally, this index


Brand inspection, 47-417a, 47-448

Dangerous regulated animal,

Premise inspection fee, 32-1304

Registration fee, 32-1304

Feedlot license, 47-1503

Herd or serial brand permit, 47-420

Inspection fees, brand inspection areas, use, 47-437

Public livestock markets, 47-1011, 47-1011a

Registering brands, 47-417

Fences, this index

Feral swine, 47-1809

Fines and penalties. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Food sacks, 47-654, 47-655


Public livestock markets, 47-1005

Gamecocks, unlawful conduct of cockfighting, 21-6417

Garbage, feeding to animals,

Crimes and penalties, 47-1305

Heating and processing requirement, 47-1302, 47-1303

Rules and regulations, 47-1304

Health board, 74-4001 et seq.

Herd brand, 47-420

Hogs, generally, this index

Horses, generally, this index

Injured or diseased animals, disposition, 47-1803


Brand inspection areas, ante

Certificates of inspection, 47-436

Dairy herds at state institutions, 76-412 et seq.

Dead animals, disposal, 47-1204

Disposal plants, 47-1212

Fees, ante

Public livestock markets, 47-1011, 47-1013

Transporting into state, 47-607

International meat and livestock program, 76-478, 76-479

Killing, transportation, 66-295 et seq.

Lawsuits, immunity from nuisance lawsuits, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq.

Licenses and permits,

Dead animals. See subhead Dead animals, ante

Feedlots, 47-1503, 47-1506

Grazing livestock from another state, 47-423

Public livestock markets, post

Serial or herd brand, 47-420

Shipments into state, 47-607, 47-607a


Agister's lien, 58-220

Assignment, 58-207

Damages, running at large, 47-123

Feeding, 58-207 et seq.

Livestock production input, 58-241 et seq.

Veterinary services, preference, 47-836

Livestock brand commissioner, 47-414a

Livestock brand emergency revolving fund, 47-432, 47-433

Livestock brand fee fund, 47-429

Livestock dealers, 47-1804

Bonding, 47-1808

Penalties, 47-1807, 47-1808

Records, 47-1806

Registration of, 47-1805, 47-1806

Livestock hauling, 8-1906

Livestock market fee fund, 47-1011

Meat inspection act of 1969, 65-6a18 et seq.

Meats, generally, this index

Misdemeanors. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Monopolies and unfair trade,

Conspiracy, 50-132

Defrauding shipper of net weight, 50-131

Pooling agreements, 50-136 et seq.

Motor carriers. Transportation, post

Mules, generally, this index

Occasional livestock sale,

Definition, 47-1001

License, 47-1001d

Ostriches, 47-1001, 47-2201

Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index

Pasturing, agister's lien, 58-220

Penalties. See Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Pet animal act, 47-1701 et seq.

Abuse of employees, 47-1735

Advisory board, 47-1723

Transferred to animal health division of state department of agriculture, 74-5,122

Animal breeder, license, 47-1733

Animal control officer, 47-1711

Animal dealers fee fund, 47-1721

Animal distributor, license, 47-1702

Animal shelter,

Disposition of animals, 47-1710

License, 47-1704

Notification to owners, 47-1710

Sale of animals, proceeds, 47-1710

Spayed or neutered, required, 47-1731

Boarding or training kennel operator, license, 47-1723

Bond to prevent disposition of seized animals, 47-1706a

Civil fine, 47-1707

Communicable disease, animals free of, 47-1712

Definitions, 47-1701

Euthanasia, approved methods, 47-1718

Fees, 47-1721

Hearings, 47-1707

Appeals to district court, 47-1708

Hobby breeder, license, 47-1719

Injunctive power of commissioner, 47-1727

Inspection of premises, 47-1709

Interfering with employees duties, 47-1735

Kennel operator, license, 47-1723


Animal breeder, 47-1733

Animal distributor, 47-1702

Animal shelter, 47-1704

Fees, 47-1721

Hobby breeder, 47-1719

Kennel operator, 47-1723

Lack of, unlawful to purchase from, 47-1724

Out-of-state distributor, 47-1734

Pet shop operator, 47-1703

Pound, 47-1704

Refuse to issue or renew, 47-1706

Research facility, 47-1720

Retail breeder, 47-1736

Suspension or revocation, 47-1706

Out-of-state distributor, license, 47-1734

Penalties, 47-1707, 47-1709, 47-1715


Fees, 47-1721

Lack of, unlawful to purchase from, 47-1724

Refuse to issue or renew, 47-1706

Suspension or revocation, 47-1706

Temporary closing, 47-1732

Pet animal advisory board, 47-1725

Pet shop operator, license, 47-1703


Disposition of animals, 47-1710

License, 47-1704

Notification to owners, 47-1710

Sale of animals, proceeds, 47-1710

Spayed or neutered, required, 47-1731

Prohibiting sale or gift of animals, 47-1713

Prorated fees, 47-1721

Purpose of act, 47-1726

Research facility, license, 47-1720

Restraining power of commissioner, 47-1727

Retail breeder, license, 47-1736

Right of entry by commissioner, 47-1709

Rules and regulations, 47-1712

Search warrant, 47-1709

Seizure of animals, 47-1706, 47-1707, 47-1715

Temporary closing permit, 47-1732

Unlawful acts, 47-1735

Violations of act, 47-1715

Pooling agreements, 50-136 et seq.

Pounds. Pet animal act, ante

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1201, 80-1202

Premises registration system. Animal Health Commissioner, this index

Public livestock markets, 47-1001 et seq.

Accounts, dealer, 47-1009

Arrest of violators, 47-1003

Bond, 47-1001a, 47-1002, 47-1002a

Brand inspection fees, 47-1011a

Certificate of inspection, 47-1008

Compensation of members of board, 47-1005c

Crimes and penalties, 47-1005, 47-1010, 47-1014

Definitions, 47-1001

Disinfection, failure, 47-1005

False or misleading statements, 47-1010

Federal veterinary inspection, 47-1010a

Fees, 47-1011, 47-1011a

Annual renewal, 47-1001e

Fraud, 47-1005


Per diem and subsistence of board, 47-1005c

Inspection, 47-1008, 47-1013

Fee, 47-1011

Investigation, complaints, 47-1003, 47-1004

License, 47-1002

Application form, 47-1001a

Expiration date, 47-1002

Fee, 47-1001a, 47-1001e

Fraud in procurement, 47-1005

Hearing on application, 47-1001b, 47-1001c

Issuance, 47-1001c, 47-1002

Period of, 47-1001e

Refusal, revocation or suspension, 47-1004 et seq.

Renewability, 47-1001f

Transferability, 47-1001f

Misdemeanors. See subhead Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Operator, payments, 47-1008

Packers and Stockyard Act of 1921, 47-1010a

Records, failure to keep, 47-1005

Removal to other location within county, 47-1001b

Reports, dealers, 47-1009

Sales, 47-1007

Sanitation measures, failure to practice, 47-1005

State brand inspector, 47-1013

Stolen livestock, receiving or selling, 47-1005

Veterinary inspector, contract, 47-1008

Purchase for slaughter, payment, 47-1801, 47-1802

Rabies. Animal Diseases, this index

Racing. Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index


Attorney fees, killing or injuring animals, 66-296, 66-298

Brand inspection certificate, 47-441

Cattle guards,

Crossings, 66-230, 66-231

Damages, 66-231

Fences, 66-308 et seq.

Negligence, killing or injuring animals, 66-295 et seq.

Transportation, post

Ratite family, creatures of, 47-1001, 47-2201


Brands and marks, 47-416, 47-420, 47-422, 47-424

Deliveries in motor vehicles, 47-1101

Feedlots, 47-1506

Refuse, defined, disposal of dead animals, 47-1214

Rheas, 47-1001, 47-2201

Roads and highways,

Injury, highways through pastures, 68-128a

Transportation, carcasses, permit, 47-1209, 47-1214

Rules and regulations,

Brand inspection areas, 47-436

Brands and marks, 47-426

Disposal, dead animals, 47-1215

Inspecting animals shipped into state, 47-607d

Running at large, 47-122

Custody, trespassing animals, 47-124

Damages, 47-123

Freighters and drovers, damages, 47-104

Hogs, this index

Strays, 47-229 et seq.

Taking up by sheriff, 47-122a

Unlawfully driving animals, 47-121


Brand, 47-422

Brand books, 47-424

Diseased animals. Animal Diseases, this index

Food sacks, disinfection, 47-654 et seq.

Goods, defined, 84-2-105

Insurable interest, 84-2-501

Public livestock markets, ante

Satisfaction of liens, 58-209

Secure holding area, 47-122a

Secured transactions,

Security interest, attaching, 84-9-204

Seizure of animals,

Bond to prevent disposition, 47-1706a

Dangerous regulated animal, 32-1307

Sheep, generally, this index


Animals placed because of fighting or cruelty, criminal code,

Disposition of animals, 21-6412, 21-6414

Shipments. Transportation, post

Shows, buildings and equipment, county furnishing, 19-1561 et seq.

Skinning carcasses, domestic animals, 47-1211

Slaughtering. Animal Slaughtering, generally, this index

Spayed or neutered, required for dogs or cats in pound or animal shelter, 47-1731

Stables, liens and charges, 58-207 et seq.

State animal, 73-1401

State biological survey, university of Kansas, 76-338, 76-339


Cities of first class, regulation, 13-436

Storms, mingling, establishing ownership, 47-433

Strays, 47-229 et seq.

Adverse claimants, district courts, 47-232

Advertising by sheriff, 47-238

Affidavits, claims, 47-232

Branded livestock, proceeds from sale, 47-429

Care, strays taken up, 47-236

Compensation for keeping, proceeds of sale, 47-239

Crimes and penalties, 47-237

Delivery to market, 47-238

Description, 47-230

Notice, publication, 47-230

Ownership, establishing, 47-239

Costs, 47-230

Proof of ownership, recorded brands, 47-428

Recording certificate, fees, 28-103

Sale, 47-230, 47-238

Conditions, 47-238

Disposition of proceeds, 47-232, 47-239

Notice, publication, 47-239

Special stray fund, 47-239

Taking up, 47-122a, 47-230, 47-238

Trespassing animals, 47-124

Stream pollution detrimental, 65-171a

Swine. Hogs, generally, this index

Swine technology center, 76-487 et seq.

Taking up, strays, 47-122a, 47-230, 47-238

Tax exemptions, 79-3606

Taxation, generally, this index


Brand inspection area, certificate, 47-441, 47-442

Carcasses on public highways, permit, 47-1207, 47-1209, 47-1214

Deliveries, 47-1101, 47-1102

Exemption of owner transporting to market, 66-1,109

Food, disinfected or fumigated sacks, 47-654 et seq.

Inspection and certificate of health, imports, 47-607

Killing or injuring, 66-295 et seq.

Shipments into state, 47-607

Special permit, 47-607a


Breaking into enclosures, 29-402 et seq.

Fences, this index

Strays, ante

United States secretary of agriculture, testing animals, 47-660

Veterinarians, generally, this index

Warranties, exclusions, 50-639, 84-2-316

Waste, transportation, motor carrier exemption, 66-1,109

Water pollution detriment, 65-171a

Wildlife, generally, this index

Wildlife sanctuary, regulation of, 32-1301 et seq.


Cemetery districts, 15-1017, 17-1335i, 17-1356 et seq.

Cities, Kan. Const. Art 12, ยง 5, 12-519 et seq.

Boundary lines, 12-517, 12-518

Military reservations, 12-529

Overland Park, 19-2657

Community building districts, 15-11b11 et seq.

Counties, 18-201 et seq.

Drainage districts, 24-127 et seq.

Fire Districts, this index

Hospitals, cities of second class, 14-695

Improvement districts, 19-2782 et seq.

Annexation by city, 19-2786d et seq.

Municipalities, this index

Retail electric supplier, certified territory of, 66-1,176

Schools and School Districts, this index

Taxation, effective date, 79-1807

Township fire district territory, 80-1513

Township sewer system territory, annexation by municipality, 80-2022, 80-2024, 80-2026


Division of money, 80-102

Water districts, 19-3512


Annuity tables. Mortality and Annuity Tables, generally, this index

Municipal universities, 13-13a13

Payment to relative of decedent, 59-1507a

Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

School Retirement System, this index

Tax sheltered annuities,

Community colleges, 72-8603

Municipal universities, 13-13a18

School districts, 72-8603

Veterans, waiver of annuity payments, 73-206b


See, also, Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index

Generally, 23-2701 et seq.


Pleadings, this index


Validity, 23-2607


Sales, this index


Motor vehicles, license and registration, 8-171, 8-172


Artifacts and materials to historical society, 74-5406

Compensation and expenses, 74-5402

Definitions, 74-5401

Establishment, 74-5402

Excavation or removal of materials,

Agencies authorized, 74-5405

Authorization required, 74-5403

Permits, 74-5404

Exception, 74-5403

Membership, 74-5402

Penalties for violation of act, 74-5408

Reports of discoveries, 74-5407

Secretary, 74-5402


Generally, 50-101 et seq.

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, generally, this index


Apartment Ownership Act, 58-3101 et seq.

Baggage, lien for charges, 36-201 et seq.

Condominium ownerships, definitions, 58-3102

Disability, individuals with, 58-1301 et seq.

Fire protection, 31-132 et seq.

Lien, charges due, 36-201 et seq.

Priority, lien for charges due, 36-202

Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, 58-2540 et seq.

Sale, guests' property for charges due, 36-203 et seq.


Bylaws, 58-3118, 58-3119

Common areas and facilities, 58-3106

Common profits and expenses, 58-3110

Condominium, defined, 58-3102

Condominiums unaffected by act, 58-3115c

Convertible lands, 58-3115, 58-3115a

Defined, 58-3102


Contents, 58-3111

Recording, 58-3115

Deeds of apartments or condominium units, contents, 58-3112

Definitions, 58-3102

Expandable condominiums, 58-3115b

Defined, 58-3102

Expenses, common, 58-3110

Plots of survey, legal description, 58-3115

Profits, common, 58-3110

Recordings, 58-3115

Records, receipts and expenditures, 58-3120


Bees, this index


Generally, 65-1625 et seq.

Druggists, generally, this index

Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index; see, also, specific subjects

Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Admission of evidence, 60-404

Appeals to district court, filing copies of proceedings, 60-2101

Appellate courts,

Criminal prosecutions, see Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Defined, 60-2101

Powers when appeal pending, 60-262

Bills of review, abolished, 60-260


Appeals from district court, 60-2103

Application for leave to file supersedeas bond, 60-2103

Cities of first class, 13-1407

Master settlement agreement, tobacco, limitation, 50-6a05

Stay of proceedings, with or without, 60-262

Certification of Questions of Law Act, 60-3201 et seq.

Cigarette or tobacco infractions, 22-3609

Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Class action certification, 60-223


Appeals to district courts, docket fees, 60-2101

Decisions and opinions of appellate court, 60-2106

District courts, 60-2101

Military forces, civil and criminal actions, 48-241a

Security, 60-2103

Taxation, 60-2002, 60-2107

Counterclaims, 60-213

Court of appeals,

Invoking jurisdiction, 60-2102

Jurisdiction, 60-2101

Criminal Procedure, this index

Cross-appeals, 60-2103

Crossclaims, 60-213

Decisions, 60-2106

Article 6 violations, 60-2106

Depositions, perpetuation of testimony pending appeal, 60-227

Discipline, state employees, Kansas whistleblower act, 75-2973

Dismissal of appeal, 60-2103

District courts, appeals from, 60-2101

Expedited, 65-28,128

Pro tem judges, 20-310a

District magistrate judges,

Appeals from, 20-302b, 60-2102, 60-2103, 60-2103a


Notice of hearing, publication, 75-430

Record on appeal, 60-2103

Errors, disregarding, 60-2105

Evidence, specific objections, 60-404

Exclusion of evidence, 60-405

Habeas corpus, 60-1505, 60-1507, 60-2102

Instructions to jury, 60-251

Interlocutory appeals, 60-2102

Intermediate rulings, 60-2103

Judicial notice, 60-412

Juvenile cases,

Children in need of care, 38-2273 et seq.

Juvenile offenders, 38-2380 et seq.

Mandamus, 60-2102

Memorandum opinions of court, 60-2106

Motions, rehearing, 60-2106

Municipal courts, 12-4601, 12-4602

Criminal cases, 22-3609

Notice of appeal, 60-2101, 60-2103, 60-2103a

Dismissal of appeals, 60-2103

District magistrate judges, appeals from,60-2103, 60-2103a

Opinions of court, 60-2106

Pending appeal,

Clerical mistakes, correction, 60-260

Stay of proceedings, 60-262

Political subdivisions, appeals from orders of, 60-2101

Pro tem judges, 20-310a

Provisional remedies, 60-2102

Quo warranto, 60-2102

Receivers and receivership, 60-2102

Order appointing, 60-1305

Record on appeal, 60-2104

Clerical mistakes, correction, 60-260

Contents, 60-2104

Docketing, 60-2103

Master's proceeding, filing, 60-253

Rehearings, 60-2106

Rendition of final judgment, 60-2105

Schools and school districts,

Article 6 violations, 60-2106

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

State agencies. Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Supersedeas or Stay, generally, this index

Bond, 60-2103

Supreme court,

Jurisdiction, 20-101, 60-2101, 60-2102

Power pending appeal, 20-101

Surety, judgment against, supersedeas bond, 60-2103

Syllabus, points of law, decisions and opinions, 60-2106

Tax Appeals, State Board of, this index

Taxation of appeal costs, 60-2107

Taxing subdivisions, appeals from orders of, 60-2101


Appeals to court of appeals, 60-2103

Appeals to district court, 60-2101

Appeals to supreme court, 60-2103

Decisions and opinions, 60-2106

Traffic infractions, 22-3609

Uniform Arbitration Act, 5-418

United States Supreme Court, counsel for indigents, 22-4505

Water right holder, lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2310

Workers Compensation, generally, this index


Bond, aggravated failure to appear, criminal code, 21-5915

Default, pleading, service, 60-205

Discrimination proceedings, 44-1005

Docket, 60-2601

Docket, computer system, urban areas, 60-2601a

Entry of appearance, 60-203

Service, 60-203

Failure to appear, criminal code, 21-5915

Aggravated, 21-5915

Municipal courts,

Appeal to district court, 12-4602

Appeal bond, 12-4602

Appearance bond, 12-4602

Procedure, 12-4402

Sales, notice to seller to defend action for breach of warranty against buyer, 84-2-607

Service of pleadings, 60-205

Service of process, 60-203, 60-303

Traffic violations,

Appearance not required, when, 8-2104, 8-2106, 8-2118

Bond, 8-2107

Mandatory court appearance, when, 8-2104


Abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-136, 74-137, 74-138


See table preceding 4-101

Board of education, state, 4-514 et seq.

Congressional districts, 4-137 et seq.

County commission districts. See subhead Districts under County Commissioners, this index

Education, state board of, 4-514 et seq.

Judicial Districts, this index

Legislative, Kan. Const. Art. 10, ยง 1

Supreme court jurisdiction, 20-101a

Representative districts, state, 4-3,731 et seq.

Population data, 11-301 et seq.

Senate districts, state, 4-4,451 et seq.

Population data, 11-301 et seq.


See, also, Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Attachment, 60-706

Carriers, assessment of expenses, 66-1502 et seq.

Corporations, this index

County jails, sale, 19-1925

Decedents' estates. See subhead Appraisal and appraisement, under Probate Proceedings, this index

Drainage districts, land in abandoned watercourse, 24-454

Eminent Domain, this index

Highways, 68-413, 68-413a

Levees and flood control, 12-640 et seq.

Partition, 60-1003

Personal property, sales, 59-2242

Probate Proceedings, this index

Public utilities, assessment of expenses, 66-1502 et seq.

Real estate,

Purchase by state or agency thereof, 75-3043a

Real Property Appraisers, generally, this index

State certified and licensed real property appraisers act, 58-4101 et seq.

Rivers and streams, abandoned channels, 82a-204, 82a-209

Roads and highways, 68-413, 68-413a

State, property purchased by, 75-3043a

Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Unified school districts, equitable payments, 72-6776

Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3517

Waters and watercourses, abandoned channels, 24-454, 82a-204, 82a-209

Watershed district projects, 24-1217


Generally, 44-639 et seq.

Apprenticeship council,

Establishment, organization, expenses, 44-661

Powers and duties, 44-662

Cosmetologists, 65-1902, 65-1905

Crimes and punishments, 44-648

Funeral directors and embalmers, 65-1701a

Hearings, secretary of labor, 44-645

Investigations, 44-645

Orders, secretary of labor, 44-645

Review, 44-647

Unlawful acts, 44-640

Wages and hours, 44-639 et seq.

Investigations, 44-645

Standards, secretary of labor, 44-643

Working conditions, 44-639 et seq.

Detrimental, unlawful, 44-640

Hearings, 44-645

Investigations, 44-645

Order, secretary of labor, 44-643

Standards, secretary of labor, 44-643


Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 2, ยง 24

Accounts of expenditures, 75-3026

Actions concerning, venue, 60-614

Allotment estimate, prerequisite to grant, 75-3724

Attorney general, transfer of items, 75-3726b

Biennial budgets,

Certain state agencies, 75-3717

Grants, juvenile justice programs, 75-7024

Capital improvements, 46-155

Committee of house of representatives, 46-134a, 75-3718a

Computer services, multiple-year appropriations, 75-4704b

Exemption from,

Bar discipline fee fund, 20-1a01

Employee use funds, 75-3080

Employment security fund accounts, 44-712

Expenditures, state agencies, limitations, 75-3025

Allocations by governor, 75-3711

Reductions, general fund expenditures and transfers, 75-6704

Refunds, improper setoff of amounts owed to state, not subject to limitations, 75-6214

Fiscal notes for certain legislative bills, 75-3715a, 75-3715b

General fund, joint estimates of revenues, 75-6701

Governor, transition in office, 75-137

Items of appropriation,

Guns, prohibitions, 75-6705

Limit on state general fund appropriations and transfers, 75-6702

Time limitations and exceptions, 46-155

Veto by governor, Kan. Const., Art. 2, ยง 14; 45-307

Legislature, state, Kan. Const. Art. 2, ยง 24

Term of, 46-155

Veto, Kan. Const. Art. 2, ยง 14

Limitations on commitments, 75-3711a

Moneys appropriated for salaries and wages, required expenditure therefor, 75-5552

Officers and employees, appointment, limitation, 75-1202d

Omnibus reconciliation spending limit bill, 75-6702

Ordinances, 12-3003, 12-3006 et seq.

State printing, limitations inapplicable, 75-1033

State Treasurer, generally, this index

Term of appropriations, 46-155


Capital improvements, completion, 46-155

Computer services, 75-4704b

Transfer of items, 75-3726a, 75-3726b

Veto of item by governor, Kan. Const. Art. 2, ยง 14; 45-307


Generally, 47-1901 et seq.

Defined, 47-1901

Fund, 47-1905

Plan, state, 47-1902

State department of agriculture, coordinator, 47-1902


Generally, 5-201 et seq.

Affirmative defense, pleadings, 60-208

Arbitrator, subpoena of, 60-452a

Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520

Awards, signatures and copies, 5-207

Blind person, board, 75-3341

Bonds, 5-202, 5-203, 5-208, 5-212

Compensation, arbitrator or umpire, 5-213

Contempt, 5-205, 5-210

Costs, taxation, 5-213

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Process, disobedience, 5-205

Dispute resolution act, 5-501 et seq.

Advisory council, 5-504

Duties, 5-505

Annual report, 5-506

Avoidance of mediation order, 5-518

Cases accepted, 5-509

Confidentiality, 5-512

Public employment relations, 75-4332

Definitions, 5-502

Director, 5-503

Duties, 5-506

Dispute resolution fund, 5-517

Ethics, 5-511

Fees, 5-508

Funds, 5-508, 5-517

Individuals, approval of, 5-507, 5-510

Liability, 5-513

Mediation agreement, 5-514


Public employment relations, 75-4332

Neutral persons, 5-510

Program, approval of, 5-507, 5-510

Registration, 5-510

Rules, Supreme Court, 5-511, 5-516

Statute of limitations, 5-515

Training of neutral persons, 5-510

District court clerk, process for witnesses, 5-204, 5-205

District court judges, oath, administration, 5-206


Disclosures in process of arbitration, 60-452a

Party enforcing award, 5-212

Examinations, oath or affirmation, 5-206

Fees, 5-213

Fines and penalties, process, disobedience, 5-205

Forfeitures, process, disobedience, 5-205

Incapacitated persons, foreign states, legal residence and return of nonresidents, 39-110

Judgment and execution on award, 5-209

Labor disputes, mediation, 44-817

Metropolitan transit authority, working disputes, 12-2825

Noncompliance with award, 5-208

Oaths and affirmations, 5-206

Administration, fees, 5-213

Penalties, process, disobedience, 5-205

Process, disobedience, 5-205

Public employment, 75-4330 et seq.

Social welfare recipients, foreign states, legal residence and return of nonresidents, 39-110

Submission of controversy, 5-201 et seq.

Taxation of fees, 5-213

Teachers' contracts, 72-5413 et seq.

Time and place, arbitration, 5-203

Uniform Arbitration Act, 5-401 et seq.

Agreement, validity, exceptions, 5-401

Summary disposition, court, 5-402

Appeals, 5-418

Appearance, hearing, effect, 5-405

Application of act, 5-419


Appointment, 5-403

Award, 5-408, 5-409

Failure or inability to act, 5-403

Fees and expenses, 5-410

Majority action, 5-404, 5-405

Partiality, fraud, vacating award, 5-412

Powers, 5-403, 5-405

Awards, 5-408

Compulsory process, 5-407

Depositions, 5-407

Fees and expenses, 5-410

Hearing, 5-405

Majority action, 5-404, 5-405

Oaths, 5-407

Subpoenas, service, enforcement, 5-407

Attorney, right to counsel, waiver, 5-406

Award, 5-408, 5-409

Compulsory process, 5-407

Confirmation of award, 5-411, 5-412

Contract, validity, exceptions, 5-401

Costs, court proceedings, 5-414

Depositions, 5-407

District court, jurisdiction, 5-416

Employer-employee agreements, exclusion, 5-401

Fees and expenses of arbitration, award, 5-410

Hearing, 5-405

Adjournment, 5-405

Appearance, effect, 5-405

Counsel, right to, 5-406

Fees, witness expenses, 5-407

Notice, time and place, 5-405

Rights of parties, 5-405, 5-406

Subpoenas, 5-407

Witnesses, 5-407

Insurance contracts, exclusion, 5-401

Interpretation, uniformity, 5-420

Judgment or decree, 5-414

Jurisdiction, district court, 5-416

Modifying or correcting award, grounds, 5-409, 5-413

Oaths, 5-407

Orders of court,

Appeals, 5-418

Applications by motion, 5-414

Compel or stay arbitration, proceedings, 5-402

Confirmation of award, 5-411, 5-412

Costs, 5-414

District court, jurisdiction, 5-416

Enforcement of subpoenas, 5-407

Judgment or decree, 5-414

Modifying or correcting award, grounds, 5-413

Notice, applications to court, 5-415

Proceedings, compel or stay arbitration, 5-402

By motion, 5-415

Related actions or proceedings, 5-402

Summary disposition, 5-402

Rehearing before arbitrators, 5-412

Right to counsel, 5-406

Vacating award, grounds, 5-412

Venue, 5-417

Related actions or proceedings, 5-402

Proceedings, compel or stay arbitration, 5-402

Related actions or proceedings, 5-402

Summary disposition, 5-402

Related actions or proceedings, effect, 5-402

Right to counsel, waiver, 5-406

Subpoenas, 5-407

Time limits,

Applications to modify, correct or vacate,

Arbitrators, 5-409

Court, 5-412, 5-413

Entering award, 5-408

Tort claims, exclusion, 5-401

Vacating award, grounds, 5-412

Venue, 5-417

Waiver, right to counsel, 5-406

Written agreement, validity, exceptions, 5-401

Vacating or setting aside, 5-211

Witnesses, 5-204

Fees, 5-213

Oaths, 5-206

Subpoenas, 5-204

Disobedience, 5-205


Observation, 35-204


Archeologist, state, appointment, 75-3148

Historical Property, generally, this index

State Historical Society, generally, this index


See, also, Technical Professions, this index

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, Kansas, 75-37,141 et seq.

Architectural services, state,

Architectural services, contracts for, 75-1250 et seq.

Architectural services division, see Administration, State Department of, this index

Board, state board of technical professions, 74-7001 et seq. See, also, Technical Professions, generally, this index

Certificate of authorization, 74-139, 74-7001, 74-7036

Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025

Renewal, fees, 74-7025

Revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026

Appeals, 74-7028

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Counties, employment, 19-1420

Courthouses, 19-511

Counties over 250,000, 19-15,100

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 74-7029

Definitions, technical profession, 74-7003

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017

Fees, 74-7009

State board of technical professions, 74-7013

Exemptions, 74-7035

Fees, 74-7009

Immunity from liability in certain circumstances, 60-4201

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Johnson county park district, 19-2868

Landscape Architects, generally, this index

License, 74-139, 74-7001 et seq.

Application, 74-7018

Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025

Certificate of authorization, ante

Continuing education, 74-7013, 74-7025

Denial, 74-7028

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017

Fees, 74-7009, 74-7025, 74-7026

Loss or destruction, reissue, 74-7025

Reciprocity, 74-7024

Renewal, 74-7025

Suspension or revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026

Appeal, 74-7028

Unlawful practice, 74-7001, 74-7029

Oaths and affirmations, 74-7007

Rights and privileges saved, 74-7040

Roster, 74-7010

Seal, 74-7023

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

State services,

Architectural services division, 75-1202a et seq.

Contracts for, 75-1250 et seq.

Veterans state capitol memorials, selection, 75-2252, 75-2255


Appointment, 75-3148

Electronic government records, 45-414

Electronic signature, certification of, 45-406

Government records, preservation, 45-406, 45-407, 45-412

State Historical Society, generally, this index

State records board member, 75-3502


Career Technical Education, this index


Basin compact, Kansas-Oklahoma, 82a-528

Compact, 82a-520

Litigation, monetary recovery,

Disposition of, 82a-1801

Interstate water litigation, 82a-1802

Water conservation projects, 82a-1803


Military Forces, generally, this index


Generally, 48-301 et seq.

Alcoholic liquor, consumption at, 41-719

Allowance for use of building by state military units, 48-220

Armory board, abolished, 74-131, 74-132, 74-137, 74-138

Bonds, 48-308

Reversion of real property donated for site, 48-310

Sale of unused armory, 48-307

Construction of law, 48-311

Elections, bond issues, cities or counties, 48-308

Establishment, 48-301

Financial assistance in construction, 48-308

Funds, armories and units general fees fund, 48-273

Gifts, 48-305

Municipalities, 48-308

Site for armory, 48-303

Reversion, 48-310

Inspections of military units, 48-223

Leasing of portions of armories, 48-324

Management by military board, 48-304

Memorial building, cities of second class, 73-445

Military board, Kansas, 48-214

Municipalities, funds for equipment and maintenance, 48-309

Plans and specifications, 48-313

Rent, 48-301

Allowance, use by military units, 48-220

Disposition of revenue, 48-301, 48-309, 48-324

Reports, 48-312

Rules and regulations, 48-304

Sale, unused armory, 48-307

Storage of military property, 48-303

Taxation, 79-201a

Equipment and maintenance, 48-309

Levies for equipment and maintenance, 48-309

Transfer of armory,

City of Horton, 48-325

Use, 48-301, 48-324

Revenues, disposition, 48-309, 48-324

State guard, 48-504

Warrants, state payments, 48-314


Weapons, generally, this index


Military Forces, this index


Criminal Procedure, this index


See, also, Criminal Procedure, this index; Municipal Courts, this index

Bail, generally, this index

Citizen's arrest, 21-5228

Coroners, 22a-230

Credit reporting, obsolete information, 50-704

Criminal database check, 22-4605

Criminal Procedure, this index

Detaining person without arrest,

Law enforcement officer, 22-2402

Merchant, 21-5411

Drainage districts, authority of overseers, 24-635

Elections, privileges, 25-107

Expungement of arrest records, 22-2410

Federal law enforcement officers, 22-2411

Firefighters, arrest powers, 31-145, 31-157

Habeas Corpus, generally, this index

Highway patrol, 74-2109

Information of arrest information, study, 22-4604

Limitation of actions, official bond or undertaking, 60-511

Motor fuel tax laws, enforcement deputies and inspectors, 55-515

Municipalities, law enforcement officer, 12-4212, 12-4213, 12-4214

Order of arrest, endorsement of time received, 60-2602

Searches and Seizures, generally, this index

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Specimens, biological, 21-2511

State guard member on active duty, 48-512

Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index


Execution by sheriff or deputy, 19-812

Speed violations, 8-1564

Wildlife and parks violations, 32-1048


State arsenal, 48-205

United States, acquisition of property, 27-101


See, also, Crimes and Punishments, this index

Arson reporting-immunity act, 31-401 et seq.

Definitions, 31-402

Disclosure of information, 31-403

Confidentiality of information, 31-405

Duty of insurance company, 31-403

Immunity of individual, 31-404

Immunity of insurance company and authorized agency, 31-403

Unlawful acts, penalty, 31-406


Ad astra sculpture, state capitol, placement, 75-2256

Cities of first class, art museum board, 13-460 et seq.

Commemorative coin design, 73-2504

Creative arts industries commission, 74-5207 et seq.

Checkoff, 79-3221m

Creative industries fund, 74-5208

Kansas wildlife arts council, 74-7901

Powers and duties, 74-5209

State capitol dome sculpture, 75-2249

Transferred from arts commission and film services commission, 74-5210

Deines cultural center, art objects, collection donated by Kansas state university, 76-490

Film services commission,

Transferred to creative arts industries commission, 74-5210

Kansas wildlife art series, 74-7901 et seq.

Artists, 74-7902, 74-7903

Compensation, 74-7903

Artwork, 74-7902, 74-7903, 74-7904, 74-7905

Prints and stamps, 74-7904

Sale, 74-7904

Property of Fort Hays state university, 74-7903

Council, 74-7901, 74-7902, 74-7905

Chairperson, 74-7901

Duties, 74-7902

Staff, clerical services, 74-7901

Fort Hays state university Sternberg museum,

Artwork, property of museum, 74-7903

Director, 74-7901

Personnel, 74-7901

Printing, 74-7904

Fund, 74-7905

Promotion expenses, 74-7905


Water Wells, this index


Banks and Banking, this index

Cooperative Marketing Associations, this index

Cooperatives, this index

Corporations, this index

Credit unions, 17-2201

Electric Cooperatives, this index

Insurance, 40-301 et seq.

Irrigation districts, amendment, 42-730

Seed Capital, Local Pools, generally, this index


Children as natural child, 23-2302

Consent, 23-2302, 23-2303

Parentage determination, 23-2208

Performance, 23-2301


Actions and proceedings, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

Control projects, 12-5401, 65-5302, 72-8801

Bonds, general obligation, 12-5401

Financing, 12-6a01, 12-6a02

School districts, tax levies, 72-8801 et seq.

Removal or encapsulation, 65-5301 et seq.

Bids, limitations on acceptance, 65-5312

Business entities, 65-5301 et seq.

By individual, 65-5308

Certificates, 65-5308 et seq., 74-139

Civil penalties, violations, 65-5314

Disposal sites, 65-5303

Fees, 65-5309

Health and environment, secretary of,

Duties, 65-5303

Rules and regulations, 65-5303, 65-5309

Waiver of certificate or license, 65-5311

Injunctions, 65-5315

Inspections, 65-5303

Licenses, 65-5304, 65-5305, 65-5306, 65-5309, 65-5310, 65-5311, 74-139

Exception, 65-5302

Required, 65-5302

Prohibitions, 65-5312

Records, requirements, 65-5307

Rules and regulations, 65-5303

Violations, 65-5313, 65-5314, 65-5315

Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901

Successor corporation asbestos-related liability fairness act, 50-1301 et seq.

Workers compensation, handicapped employee, 44-566


Crimes and Punishments, this index


Peaceable assembly, right of, Kan. Const., Bill of Rights, ยง 3

Unlawful assembly,

Cities of first class, 13-514

Criminal Code, 21-6202

Suppression, duty of sheriff, 19-813


Generally, 79-1485 et seq.

Definitions, 79-1486

Duties and authorities of director of property valuation, 79-1437d, 79-1488

Duties of county officials, 79-1487

Notification to county of ratios, 79-1489

Publishing of ratio study, 79-1490

Real estate sales validation questionnaires required, 79-1437c, 79-1437d

Availability of questionnaires, 79-1437f

Transfers of title not applicable, 79-1437e

Records, access by director of property valuation, 79-1487


Insurance, this index

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Labor organizations, 44-806, 44-809

Rules and regulations, 79-1491

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Workers Compensation, this index


Tax Appraisers, generally, this index


Auction sales, 58-1023

Definitions, 84-1-201


Accounts, perfecting security interest in, 84-9-302

Attachment, 60-701

Auction of new goods, 58-1023

Bank, assignee, 9-1601, 9-1606

Bonds, 10-602, 10-605

Brand of animal, 47-422

Consumer Credit Code, this index

Counterclaims and crossclaims, effect, 60-213

Damages, breach of sales contract, 84-2-210

Defined, Fiduciary Security Transfers, 17-4903

Easements, rights of way, state agencies, 75-2133

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-201, 82-203

Employment Security Law, benefits, 44-718


Right of redemption of real property, 60-2414

Successor to interest of judgment holder, 60-2405

Exemptions, pensions, benefits and annuities,

Cities of first class, 13-14,102

Judges, 20-2618

Insurance, this index

Inventions, employee rights in, 44-130

Land patents, certificate for issuance, 75-2807

Lease, landlord and tenant, 58-2511, 58-2512


Harvesting liens, 58-205

Mechanics' liens, 60-1104

Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-406

Mortgages, this index

Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Motor vehicle title certificate, 8-135

Antique vehicle, 8-170

Oil and gas leases, 55-217, 55-218

Pensions, officers and employees, cities of first class, 13-14,102

Public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Rents, 58-2343

Sales contract, 84-2-210

School retirement system benefits, 72-5526

Secured Transactions, this index

Trust deeds,

Action to set aside, 58-2253

Defect, validation, 58-2252

Unemployment compensation benefits, 44-718

Warehouse receipts, 82-201, 82-203

Workers compensation,

Cause of action against negligent third party, 44-504

Payments, nonassignable, 44-514


4-H Clubs, generally, this index

Abstracters, 58-2801 et seq.

Actions, 60-223a, 60-223b

Benevolent Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Building and loan associations. Savings and Loan Associations, generally, this index

Business Trusts, generally, this index

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index

Charitable organizations. Charities, generally, this index

Churches. Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Class actions, derivative actions, 60-223a; see, also, Actions and Proceedings, this index

Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index

Cooperatives, generally, this index

Deeds and conveyances, return to owner, 58-2256

Fraternal Associations or Societies, generally, this index

Labor Organizations, generally, this index

Mortgages, return of instrument to owner, 58-2256

Organization as including association, 84-1-201

Patriotic Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Process, service agent, appointment, fee, 60-306

Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Service of process, agent, appointment, fee, 60-306


Juvenile Correctional Facility at Atchison, generally, this index

Sewer and water lines and easements, sale to city or instrumentality by state, conditions, 76-1722

United States property, 27-112


Boundaries, 18-103

County buildings,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189

Highway advisory commission, 1st district, 75-5002


See, also, Kansas Professional Regulated Sports Act, this index


Athletics, this index


Athlete agent act, uniform, 44-1516 et seq.

Athletic trainers, licensure act, 65-6901 et seq.

Abbreviations, usage, 65-6903

Athletic trainer, defined, 65-6902

Athletic trainers council, 65-6912

Athletic training, defined, 65-6902

Board of healing arts,

Administration of act, 65-6905

Contracts, 65-6908

Disciplinary actions, grounds, 65-6911

Fees, 65-6910

Injunctions, violations of act, 65-6913

Rules and regulations, 65-6905, 65-6909

Clinical experience requirements, 65-6905, 65-6906

Continuing education, 65-6905

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-6903

Educational requirements, 65-6905, 65-6906, 65-6907

Fees, 65-6906, 65-6909, 65-6910

Injunctions, violations of act, 65-6913


Application for, 65-6906

Denial of, 65-6911

Disciplinary actions, grounds, 65-6911

Examination, 65-6907

Expiration, 65-6909

Inactive license, 65-6909

Limitation of, 65-6911

Probation, 65-6911

Qualifications for, 65-6906, 65-6907

Reinstatement of, 65-6909

Renewal, 65-6909, 65-6911

Reprimand, 65-6911

Suspension of, 65-6911

Temporary permit, 65-6906

Without examination, 65-6906

Practice protocols, 65-6905, 65-6906

Registry, 65-6905

Rules and regulations, 65-6905, 65-6909

Temporary permit, 65-6906

Unlawful acts, 65-6903

Boxing and Wrestling, generally, this index

Bribery, sports, criminal code, 21-6507

Commission, 74-2901

Boxing and wrestling, 21-1801

Executive secretary, 74-2901

Expenses, 74-2901

Fee fund, 74-2902a

Licenses, 74-2902, 74-2902a

Powers and duties, 74-2902

Rules and regulations, 74-2902

Sunset Law, application, 74-2901

Kansas Professional Regulated Sports Act, generally, this index

Lottery, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8704

Motor carriers, transportation of teams, exemption, 66-1,109

Officials, immunity from liability, 60-3606, 60-3607

Sports hall of fame, state of Kansas, 74-2906a et seq.

Achievement mementos, awards,

Display, 74-2909

Property of hall of fame, 74-2910

Administration, contracts for, 74-2909

Audits, 74-2912

Bank account, 74-2912

Board of trustees, 74-2906a

Contracts, administration of hall of fame, 74-2908, 74-2909

Gifts, grants, bequests, acceptance, 74-2909

Powers and duties, 74-2906a, 74-2912

Rules and regulations, 74-2911

Gifts, grants, bequests, 74-2909, 74-2912

Induction, ceremonies, 74-2907, 74-2908

Maintenance and operating expenditures, 74-2912

Membership, continuation of, 74-2910

Property and records, retention, 74-2910

Rules and regulations, 74-2911

Trainers. Athletic trainers, licensure act, ante

Uniform Athlete Agents Act, 44-1516 et seq.


Nuclear Energy, generally, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Generally, 60-701 et seq.

Absconded persons, 60-701


Amendments, 60-712

Filing, 60-703

Form, 60-704

Motion to dissolve attachment, 60-712

Appraisal, personal property attached, 60-706

Arbitration and award, failure to perform, 5-210

Assignment of property, 60-701

Bank in hands of state bank commissioner, 9-1910


Amount, 60-705

Filing affidavit and bond, 60-703

Issuing upon bond given, 60-702

Retention or repossession of property, 60-707

Car companies, delinquent taxes and penalties, 79-915

Cemetery districts, 15-1017

Compensation, officer in possession of seized property, 60-709

Concealment of persons or property, 60-701

Conditions, bond, retention or repossession of property, 60-707

Conflicting claims, settlement, 60-713

Contract to pay price or value, 60-701

Conversion of property, 60-701

Corporations, 17-6419, 60-701

Costs, order of attachment, 60-706

Counterclaim, 60-213

County actions, exception from bond requirements, 60-703

Credits attached, 60-706

Criminal cases, liability for damages, 60-701

Crops, landlord and tenant, 58-2524 et seq.

Damages, liability for as grounds, 60-701

Delaying creditors, 60-701

Demands not due, 60-702

Discharge, 60-707

Disposal of property, 60-701

Dissolution, 60-712

Documents of title, goods, 84-7-602

Domicile, intent to change, 60-701

Earnings, certain exempt before judgment, 60-703

Employment Security Law, benefits, 44-718

Endorsement of order, 60-2602


Order of attachment, 60-706

Proceedings in aid of, 60-2419

Exempt property, claim, 60-712

Exemptions, 60-703, 60-2301 et seq., 60-2313

Cemetery lots, 17-1302

Election of, 60-2312

Family postsecondary education savings account, 60-2308

Head of family, 60-2304

Innkeeper's lien for charges, 36-202

Kansas postsecondary education savings account, 75-646

Municipal, county and state property, 60-2314

Pensions, benefits and annuities, 60-2308

Cities of first class, 13-14,102

Court reporters, 74-49,105

Highway patrol, 74-4978g

Judges, 20-2618

Policemen and firemen, 12-111a, 12-5005, 14-10a10

Exception, domestic relations orders, 12-111a

Public employees retirement system, 74-4923

School retirement system benefits, 72-5526

Personal property as wages not exempt, 60-2307

State property, 60-723

Support, court ordered, 60-2308

Unemployment compensation benefits, 44-718

Wages earned out-of-state, 60-2309

Workers compensation payments, 44-514

Failure to assert right or defense available, 60-713

Filing, petition, 60-703

Foreign corporations, 60-701

Form, order of attachment, 60-706

Fraud, 60-701

Fraudulent conveyances, joinder of grantee, 60-713

Garnishment, generally, this index

Goods under document of title, 84-7-602

Grain in warehouse, 34-264

Grounds, 60-701

Hindering creditors, 60-701

Injuries, liability for damages, 60-701

Interest, order of attachment, 60-706

Intervention, conflicting claims, 60-713

Inventory, personal property attached, 60-706

Issues, motion to dissolve attachment, 60-712


Certain earnings exempt before, 60-703

Demand not due, 60-702

Landlord and tenant, crops, 58-2524 et seq.

Leases, oil, gas or mineral, action to obtain release after forfeiture, 55-202

Legal holiday, 60-703

Life insurance, interests of beneficiaries, exemption, 40-414, 40-414a

Limitation of actions, official bond or undertaking in, 60-511

Maps and plats, 12-409

Monopolies and unfair trade, investigations, compelling attendance of witnesses, 50-153

Multiple attachments, 60-713

Nonresidents, 60-701

Oil field equipment, transporter, lien, 55-215


Directed and delivered to sheriff, 60-706

Garnishment, 60-730

Issuance, 60-703, 60-706

Multiple attachments, levy, 60-713

Park and recreational lands, cities of third class, 15-911, 15-912, 15-913