House Status:
Senate Status:
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Kansas Dome
The state legislature approved the dome in 1881 and construction began in 1885. The outer copper dome extends approximately 75 feet above the inner dome. There are 296 steps to the top of the dome.
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Ad Astra
"Ad Astra per Aspera," from the Latin for "To the Stars through Difficulties" is the state motto of Kansas. Richard Bergen's bronze sculpture takes its name from this motto and and reflects Kansas's American Indian heritage.
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Kansas House of Representatives
The House of Representatives is home to the state legislators who are elected every two years and was completed in the early 1880s. This was the second of the Capitol's
four wings to be completed.
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Kansas Senate
The Kansas Senate has 40 members elected every four years. The Senate Chamber is located in the east wing, the oldest wing of the Capitol, completed in 1873. The latest renovation was completed in 2005.
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Kansas State Capitol, Topeka
The Kansas State Capitol was voted one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Architecture because our forefathers had the vision and boldness to have such a magnificent structure designed.
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John Steuart Curry Mural
"Tragic Prelude," is Curry's interpretation of John Brown and the anti-slavery movement in Kansas Territory and he considered the murals in the State Capitol his greatest work.
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