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Minutes for HB2206 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Renaming the Kansas governmental ethics commission to the Kansas public disclosure commission, defining terms in the campaign finance act, requiring the filing of statements of independent expenditures and prohibiting agreements requiring contributions in the name of another.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 6, 2025
Chairperson Proctor opened discussion on HB2206 and recognized Assistant Revisor, Mike Heim, Office of Revisor of Statutes presented summary of HB2206. (Attachment 1)
Conferees testifying in support for HB2206 included:
Joshua Ney, Kriegshauser Ney Law Group testified in support for HB2206. (Attachment 2)
Conferees providing neutral testimony for HB2206 included:
Kaitlyn Bull-Stewart, General Counsel, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission provided neutral testimony for HB2206. (Attachment 3)
Chairperson Proctor closed the hearing on HB2206.