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Minutes for HB2120 - Committee on Higher Education Budget
Short Title
Authorizing the state board of regents to sell and convey certain real property in Riley county, Kansas, and Douglas county, Nebraska, on behalf of Kansas state university and Kansas state university veterinary medical center.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 3, 2025
Chairperson Howe opened the hearing on HB2120.
Jill Wolters, First Assistant Revisor, provided a bill summary and answered committee member's questions. (Attachment 1)
Chairperson Howe referred committee members to written testimony submitted by Representative Roeser on behalf of Riley County, a proponent to the bill. (Attachment 2)
Ethan Erickson, Vice President for Administration and Finance for Kansas State University provided proponent testimony for HB2120. Mr. Erickson noted that the property being sold will help eliminate deferred maintenance backlog and will save the university operational costs. Erickson answered committee member's questions. (Attachment 3)
There being no further conferees, Chairperson Howe closed the hearing on HB2120.