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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for SB18 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Providing for the hunter nation distinctive license plate and decreasing the guarantee number of distinctive plates required for production.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 30, 2025

The Chair opened the hearing on SB18.

Assistant Revisor Adam Siebers briefed the Committee (Attachment 1).  He explained that the bill provides a new distinctive license plate--the Hunter Nation, with registrations made through the county treasurer.  Development costs up to $5000 would be required prior to production of the plate and an annual logo use royalty payment of $25 up to  $100 would be paid to Hunter Nation.  Mr. Siebers said a second section of the bill decreases the requirements for initial and renewal commitment from 250 to 100 plates.

Members expressed concern regarding the reduction requirement from 250 plates to 100 plates.  Deanna Sheppard, Division of Vehicles, Kansas Department of Revenue, explained that the process of manufacturing the plates was facilitated by requiring 250 plates.

Keith Mark, Founder and President, Hunter Nation, testified as a proponent for the bill (Attachment 2). He noted he was not here in his position as Commissioner for the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and stated that Hunter Nation is a not-for-profit conservation organization that promotes and protects the hunting lifestyle at both the state and federal level.  Responding to questions, he replied that he would be amenable to leaving the minimum production number at the present 250 level.

Written-only support for the bill was provided by Kris Kobach a member of the board of Hunter Nation (Attachment 3) .

The Chair closed the hearing on SB18.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 6, 2025 or at the call of the Chair.