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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2040 - Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications

Short Title

Extending the time in which the state corporation commission shall make a final order on a transmission line siting application.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 30, 2025

Chairman Delperdang opened the hearing on HB2040.

Nick Myers provided the Revisor of Statutes review of the bill. (Attachment2) Mr. Myers responded to questions from committee members.

Chairman recognized proponents for in person testimony:

Justin Grady, Kansas Corporation Commission (Attachment3) testified in support of the bill. Mr. Grady explained the staff of the Commission was proposing a narrow change to increase the time allowed for the Commission to issue a final order in transmission line siting applications from 120 days to 180 days. He added the Commission believes the change would improve the Commission's evaluation of a transmission line siting application by allowing more opportunity for landowner input and involvement in the process, because landowners along a potential route may be impacted by the line for many decades to come.

Proponents - Written only testimony as follows:

Jackie Garagiola, Kansas Livestock Association and Claudia Hissong, Kansas Farm Bureau (Attachment4)

Joseph Astrab, Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board (Attachment5)

Chairman asked the audience if anyone would like to speak.

There were no opponent testimony.

Chairman Delperdang recognized neutral testimony as follows:

Darrin Ives, Evergy, (Attachment6) testified neutral on the bill.  Mr. Ives explained lengthening the approval process could have potential impact to electric reliability and could dramatically slow the process pm everything when siting infrastructure, including acquiring equipment. He added an extension to the approval process would be an additional barrier to timely completion of any new or extended transmission line greater than 5 miles. He also added, Evergy would be happy to discuss some alternatives to the extension, such as having it only apply to certain lines or only having the 180 days apply if the line was not classified as a Reliability or Economic Development project.  He explained rather than mandate a 60 day extension, could the KCC staff be allowed to request for good cause an extension up to 60 days.

Reagan McCloud, Kansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc. (KEC)  (Attachment7) testified as neutral on the bill. Mr. McCloud determined KEC members understand the additional time would be necessary for the KCC to provide comprehensive orders regarding line siting dockets. He added, KEC acknowledge that increasing the deadline for final orders from 120 to 180 days could increase costs for those engaging in transmission line siting dockets, however, KEC realizes the additional time might increase the quality of the final KCC orders for the best for KEC members and utilities.

Neutral - Written only testimony: J.R. Behan, ITC Great Plains (Attachment8)

The conferees responded to questions from committee members.

Chairman Delperdang asked the committee for any further questions.

Chairman closed the hearing on HB2040.

The next House Energy committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 10:19am.