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Minutes for HB2021 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Authorizing the secretary of state, in consultation with county election officers, to adopt rules and regulations for the use of remote ballot boxes.
Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 30, 2025
Chairperson Proctor opened discussion on HB2021 and recognized Assistant Revisor, Mike Heim, Office of Revisor of Statutes who presented overview of the bill which would provide the Secretary of State with the authority to issue regulations for the use of remote ballot boxes. Currently, there are no enforceable standards for ballot drop boxes, only guidance. He answered questions from committee members.
Conferees testifying in support for HB2021 included:
Clayton Barker, Deputy Secretary of State, General Counsel testified in support for HB2021. (Attachment 1)
Conferees submitting written only proponent testimony included:
Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties, Deputy Director and General Counsel provided testimony in support of HB2021. (Attachment 2)
Rick Piepho, Master Certified County Clerk & Election Officer, CERA (Attachment 3)
Conferees providing written only opponent testimony included:
Rashane Hamby, ACLU (Attachment 4)
Dale Enyart, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 5)
Patricia DeDamos, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 6)
Brett Anderson, Private Citizen (Attachment 7)
Kari Sue Vosburgh, Sedgwick County Precinct (Attachment 8)
Dr. Gregory Seiler, DVM, Founder & Former Owner Heartland Veterinary Services, Inc. (Attachment 9)
Kent Seiler, ECI Electrical Contractors, Inc. of Wichita (Attachment 10)
Dr. Dwight L. Lindholm, Pediatri Neurology (Attachment 11)
George Palmer, GK Tires, Wichita, Kansas (Attachment 12)
Dennis Woods, Woods Tree Farm, Clearwater, Kansas (Attachment 13)
Jim Fouts, Tanganyika Wildlife Park (Attachment 14)
Fred Gorges, FCG Inc., Fed Ex Ground (Attachment 15)
Kevin Seiler, Seiler Forming (Attachment 16)
George Burwell, Burwell Construction (Attachment 17)
William Kramer, Kramer Trucking (Attachment 18)
Chairperson Proctor closed the hearing on HB2021.