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Minutes for HB2047 - Committee on Insurance
Short Title
Providing for the establishment of an online insurance verification system for the verification of evidence of motor vehicle liability insurance.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 29, 2025
The Chair opened the hearing on HB2047. Assistant Revisor Ma presented an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 10)
There were several proponents for this bill including:
Ed Klumpp, Legislative Liaison, Kansas Association Chiefs of Police, Kansas Sheriffs Association, Kansas Peace Officers; suggested a real-time verification system will allow enforcement action to be taken immediately, plus beliefs this bill will help to reduce the number of uninsured motorist. (Attachment 11)
Colonel Erik Smith, Kansas Highway Patrol spoke in favor of this bill; believes the enactment would help to reduce the number of citations for failure to provide proof of insurance; additionally, would not change the current requirement nor it alter the penalties for failure to provide proof. (Attachment 12)
Steve Kearney, Executive Vice President, Kansas State Troopers Association, suggested this bill would provide troopers with actionable information at the time of contact. (Attachment 13)
Mandy Roe, Chief of Staff, KDI, presented the case for the KDI for passage of this bill, reiterating the bill does not change current penalties, but provides another tool for law enforcement. This bill would allow the KDI to issue a request for proposal of a new system and to contract with a company to assist the state in lowering the uninsured motorist rate. (Attachment 14)
Elizabeth Smoller, General Counsel, Kansas Association of Insurance Agents The establishing of an on-line verification system would allow for on-demand status of insurance information. (Attachment 15)
All conferees stood for questions. Committee discussion included concern that this tool would be utilized, somehow, to profile motorist.
Greg Anderson gave written testimony in favor of the bill. (Attachment 16)
There were no neutrals or opponents present.
The Chair closed the hearing on HB2047 and closed the meeting.