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Minutes for HB2050 - Committee on Insurance
Short Title
Authorizing the commissioner of insurance to set the amount of certain fees and requiring the publication of certain fees in the Kansas register.
Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 27, 2025
The hearing on HB2050 was opened by the Chair. Assistant Revisor, Ma, gave an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 11) Eric Turek, Director of Government Affairs, Kansas Department of Insurance gave proponent testimony; giving the commissioner flexibility to lower more than 100 statutorily set fees pertaining to applications, licensure, licensure renewals, certificates of authority, and other fees. Additionally, this bill would eliminate the annual appointment renewal fee. Collectively, it is anticipated this bill will reduce fees imposed on insurance agents in the amount of $6 million. (Attachment 12)
Written testimony in favor of the bill was provided by Elizabeth Smoller, General Counsel, Kansas Association of Insurance Agents. (Attachment 13) Questions included, but were not limited to, clarification of rate mandates and how life-time appointments could be terminated. There were no neutrals or opponents present.
There were no additional questions, the Chair closed the hearing on HB2050. The Chair closed the meeting at approximately 5:45 pm.