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Minutes for HB2011 - Committee on Taxation
Short Title
Decreasing the rate of ad valorem tax imposed by a school district.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 28, 2025
Adam Siebers provided an overview for HB2011 that decreases the rate of ad valorem tax imposed by a school district from current 20 mills to 18.5 mills for school year 2025-2026. (Attachment 1)
Mr. Siebers stood for questions.
Representative Smith moved, seconded by Representative Hoheisel, to amend HB2011.(Attachment 2)
Mr. Siebers provided a summary on the amendment noting on the second page that refers to KSA 72-5133a is a new section from the special session bill that was created. The section backfills the current residential exemption amounts from 79-201X and raised the loss of revenue that was accounted for. This amount would be transferred from the State General Fund to the State School District Finance Fund. The same premise would calculate the amount of revenue generated from 20 mills and backfill whatever the difference is between what is raised and would be transferred from the State General Fund to the State School District Finance Fund.
Committee discussion ensued.
Representative Smith closed on his amendment for HB2011. Motion passed. Representative Sanders and Representative Chuck Smith requested their vote be recorded as Aye.
Representative Sawyer moved, seconded by Representative Hoheisel, to amend HB2011. (Attachment 3)
Representative Sawyer provided an overview on the amendment he presented to the Committee stating it would raise the residential property exemption to $100,000. He noted this would provide additional property tax relief to nearly every homeowner in the state. The fiscal note for the first year would be $42.8 million and by FY 2030 grows to $44.0 million.
Committee discussion ensued.
Representative Sawyer closed on his amendment for HB2011. Motion passed. Representative Sanders and Representative Chuck Smith requested their vote be recorded as Aye.
Representative Hoheisel moved, seconded by Representative Buehler, the Committee recommend HB2011 favorable for passage as amended. Motion passed.
There being no further business, Chairperson Smith adjourned the meeting.