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Sept. 8, 2024
House Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 13, 2025 at 02:00 p.m.
Senate Status:
Adjourned until Monday, January 13, 2025 at 02:00 p.m.
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Federal and State Affairs
Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Committee Assistant: Sheila Wodtke 785-296-4335
[email protected]
To request committee agendas or submit testimony please email
[email protected]
. All testimony submissions must be in pdf format.
Meeting Day: Daily Time: 10:30 am Location: 144-S
Room 144-S Audio Stream
Agendas & Minutes
Committee Documents
Committee Testimony
2023 Action Index
2024 Action Index
Bills, Resolutions and Appointments
Sponsored Bills
SB34 - Expanding the use of bond proceeds under the Kansas rural housing incentive district act, the transferability of income, privilege and premium tax credits issued under the Kansas housing investor tax credit act and enacting the Kansas urban housing incentive district act.
SB35 - Increasing the rate of compensation for legislators for service during regular and special sessions and the interim period between regular sessions.
SB36 - Amending the definition of ancestry in the Kansas act against discrimination to include traits historically associated with ancestry, including hair texture and protective hairstyles.
SB37 - Expanding the transferability of income, privilege and premium tax credits issued under the Kansas housing investor tax credit act.
SB38 - Increasing the maximum compensation benefits payable by an employer for permanent total disability suffered by an injured employee.
SB39 - Directing the capitol preservation committee to develop and approve plans for a mural honoring the 1st Kansas (Colored) Voluntary Infantry regiment.
SB65 - Authorizing cities and counties to enact local laws to regulate abortion as stringent as or more stringent than state law.
SB77 - Authorizing the Kansas human rights commission or any city or county to remove an unlawful restrictive covenant by recording a redacted plat or declaration.
SB92 - Creating a procedure for appointment of delegates to a convention of the states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States and prescribing the duties and responsibilities of such delegates.
SB93 - Creating the constitution and federalism defense act to establish a joint legislative commission to evaluate the constitutionality of federal mandates.
SB95 - Permitting a prosecution for childhood sexual abuse to be commenced at any time, permitting victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages caused by such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
SB99 - Establishing the advisory commission on Asian-American Pacific Islander affairs.
SB100 - Prohibiting ownership in certain real property in this state by foreign individuals and entities.
SB107 - Providing that family members of deceased crime victims have the right to sit in a designated seating area at or near the prosecution table during court proceedings.
SB116 - Standardizing firearms safety programs in school districts.
SB117 - Authorizing the state historical society to convey certain real property to the Shawnee Tribe.
SB118 - Expanding the duties of the secretary of health and environment when investigating maternal deaths to include promoting continuity of care, helping develop performance measures and establishing an external review committee to study cases and make recommendations to prevent maternal deaths.
SB133 - Providing for the enforcement of donor-imposed restrictions on philanthropic gifts of endowment funds or property to charitable organizations.
SB134 - Adding members to the commission on peace officers' standards and training and requiring the new members to be appointed with a preference to increase diversity.
SB135 - Creating the medical cannabis regulation act to regulate the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of medical cannabis.
SB149 - Expanding the crime of promoting obscenity to minors to include drag performances.
SB156 - Repealing statutes that prohibit, limit and otherwise restrict municipal regulation of firearms.
SB157 - Designating February 15 of each year as Susan B. Anthony Day in the state of Kansas.
SB158 - Enacting the community defense and human trafficking reduction act to regulate sexually oriented businesses and human trafficking and to impose criminal penalties.
SB159 - Creating the Kansas rural grocery store development incentive act to provide tax incentives for the development of grocery businesses in rural areas of the state.
SB160 - Require commercial entities that produce material harmful to minors on the internet to require age verification for access to such internet sites, establishing a civil cause of action against such commercial entities by persons harmed to recover actual and punitive damages, court costs and attorney fees.
SB170 - Enacting the Kansas assistance animals in housing act, authorizing housing providers to require documentation of the need for an assistance animal and creating the crime of misrepresentation of entitlement to an assistance animal in housing.
SB201 - Prohibiting the expenditure of state moneys for the production or performance of drag shows for which minors are the primary audience.
SB202 - Enacting the Kansas ranked-choice voting act to establish the use of the ranked-choice method of voting for elections in this state.
SB208 - Restricting the number of remote ballot boxes that may be used in each county and requiring certain monitoring conditions for such use.
SB209 - Requiring all advance voting ballots be returned by 7 p.m. on election day.
SB210 - Allowing nonpartisan candidates for office to include such candidate's political party affiliation on the ballot with the candidate's name.
SB214 - Prohibiting public utilities from recovering any dues, donations or contributions to any charitable or social organization or entity through customer rates.
SB218 - Requiring county election officers to assign registered voters whose residence has no corresponding mailing address to the voting precinct where the residence of such voter is located.
SB219 - Designating certain healthcare providers as being ineligible to purchase professional liability insurance from the healthcare stabilization fund.
SB220 - Establishing uniform requirements for all advance voting ballot envelopes.
SB221 - Amending statutes concerning election officials, election crimes and election procedures.
SB222 - Removing liability protections from online platforms and requiring certain wireless communication devices to have a default setting notifying parents of application downloads.
SB223 - Changing the candidate filing deadline and the primary election date to two months earlier than current law, increasing campaign contribution limits and modifying restrictions on campaign activities during legislative sessions.
SB224 - Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.
SB233 - Creating a civil cause of action against a physician who performs childhood gender reassignment service and requiring revocation of a physician's license who performs childhood gender reassignment service.
SB237 - Requiring a criminal conviction for civil asset forfeiture and proof beyond a reasonable doubt that property is subject to forfeiture, remitting proceeds to the state general fund and requiring law enforcement agencies to make forfeiture reports more frequently.
SB245 - Enacting the commercial financing disclosure act, requiring certain disclosures when making commercial financing product transactions, requiring registration with state bank commissioner, obtaining a surety bond, providing for civil penalties and rules and regulations by the commissioner and authorizing enforcement of such act by the attorney general.
SB249 - Substitute for SB 249 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Providing for the filling of a vacancy in the office of state treasurer, commissioner of insurance or lieutenant governor by appointment of a person of the same political party as the incumbent office holder and making such appointment subject to senate confirmation.
SB250 - Removing state department fees for concealed-carry licenses.
SB251 - Providing sampling rules for alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages for spirits distributors, wine distributors and beer distributors in regard to the amount of products used for samples for distributors, retailers and club and drinking establishment licensees.
SB253 - Authorizing home delivery by licensed retailers, licensed clubs and drinking establishments and restaurants and third-party delivery services.
SB254 - Substitute for SB 254 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Providing for the filling of a vacancy in the office of United States senator by appointment of a person of the same political party as the incumbent office holder and making such appointment subject to senate confirmation.
SB255 - Requiring school districts to provide separate accommodations for students of each biological sex on overnight school sponsored trips.
SB257 - Requiring that closed captioning be enabled on televisions and television receivers in public areas of places of public accommodation.
SB258 - Enacting the act against abusive access litigation to create a civil action for determining whether litigation that alleges any access violation under the Americans with disabilities act or similar law constitutes abusive litigation and authorize penalties for such abusive litigation.
SB259 - Prohibiting the use of ballot copies for purposes of any audit or recount of an election, setting a 7:00 p.m. deadline for receipt of advance mail ballots, requiring the use of paper ballots and hand counting, establishing legislative oversight, requiring that certain ballot records and all election records be publicly available and mandating use of a uniform paper for ballot printing.
SB260 - Prohibiting remote ballot boxes, providing for reporting and publication of voting results and public access to voting records and materials, limiting advance voting provisions and requiring receipt of advance voting ballots by election day, limiting the size of precincts, making the general election a state holiday, providing that the sheriff has sole jurisdiction for and shall provide security at voting places, establishing the authority of the legislature over elections with preeminence over rules and regulations of the secretary of state and federal election law and making certain election crimes felonies.
SB261 - Authorizing appeals from certain decisions related to a citizen-initiated grand jury.
SB262 - Requiring voting and vote tabulation by hand and prohibiting electronic poll books or electronic or electromechanical voting or tabulation systems after January 1, 2024, mandating legislative approval of certain election matters and providing for the reporting of vote counts to the secretary of state and publication of the vote counts by the secretary.
SB268 - Eliminating the statutory qualifications listed for the chief inspector for boiler safety appointed by the state fire marshal.
SB269 - Exempting charitable raffle prizes of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages from the Kansas liquor control act, the club and drinking establishment act and the Kansas cereal malt beverage act.
SB270 - Including acts that occur in the course of the taking of property in the crimes of robbery and aggravated robbery.
SB271 - Limiting the length of trains to 8,500 feet on any main line or branch line and providing for minimum distance for storage of rolling stock.
SB276 - Specifying the delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration amount for final hemp products and allowing certain hemp products to be manufactured, marketed, sold or distributed.
SB278 - Requiring public utilities to report information regarding customer assistance programs, account delinquencies and disconnections.
SB279 - Granting law enforcement officials access to the prescription monitoring program database without a warrant and replacing the member of the program advisory committee representing the Kansas bureau of investigation with the attorney general or the attorney general's designee.
SB280 - Modifying self-defense and use of force provisions related to the initial aggressor standard, changing immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action to an affirmative defense and requiring reporting and publication of certain data related to use of force cases by the Kansas bureau of investigation and the judicial administrator.
SB281 - Creating the position of dementia services coordinator within the department of aging and disability services.
SB282 - Establishing child care licensing requirements relating to license capacity and staff-to-child ratios, eliminating certain license fees and training requirements, permitting a 16 year-old staff member to staff a unit with children at least 12 months old without supervision, creating a process for day care facility licensees to apply for temporary waiver of certain statutory requirements and authorizing the secretary to develop and operate pilot programs to increase day care facility availability or capacity.
SB283 - Prohibiting conveyance of certain real property in this state to foreign adversaries.
SB285 - Eliminating the senate confirmation requirement from the appointment of national guard officers.
SB286 - Prohibiting abortion procedures except when necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman and providing a private cause of action for civil enforcement of such prohibition.
SB287 - Expanding the Kansas silver alert plan to include persons 18 years of age or older who have dementia, a developmental disability or a cognitive impairment.
SB288 - Authorizing certain individuals with revoked driver's licenses to be eligible for restricted driving privileges.
SB289 - Permitting functional incapacitation release and terminal medical condition release for persons sentenced to imprisonment for an off-grid offense and extending terminal medical condition release to inmates in the custody of the secretary of corrections with a condition likely to cause death within 180 days.
SB290 - Requiring a presidential preference primary election to be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in May every fourth year and changing the primary election date for all primary elections to the first Tuesday following the first Monday in May.
SB291 - Enacting the Kansas public investments and contracts protection act concerning environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, prohibiting the state and political subdivisions from giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against companies based on such ESG criteria in procuring or letting contracts, requiring KPERS fiduciaries to act solely in the financial interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the system, restricting state agencies from adopting ESG criteria or requiring any person or business to operate in accordance with such criteria, directing registered investment advisers to provide ESG criteria notice to clients and providing for enforcement of such act by the attorney general.
SB292 - Updating statutes related to the Kansas army and air national guard, providing for the appointment of a state judge advocate, providing for the adjustment of death and disability benefits and updating the Kansas code of military justice relating to certain definitions, unlawful acts and punishment requirements thereof.
SB296 - Prohibiting persons in charge of a building from requiring off-duty police officers carrying a concealed handgun from providing certain personal information or wearing anything identifying such persons as a law enforcement officer or as being armed.
SB297 - Revising the definition of "abortion" to clarify procedures that are excluded from such definition.
SB298 - Providing for child support orders for unborn children with a detectable heartbeat.
SB299 - Providing a Kansas exemption for state income tax purposes for an unborn child with a detectable heartbeat.
SB302 - Suspending fidfin transactions, custodial services and trust business of technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions until the legislature expressly consents to and approves such activities by an act of the legislature and requiring the legislature to conduct a forensic audit of technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions.
SB303 - Establishing the Kansas legal tender act and providing for an income tax subtraction modification for sales of specie.
SB304 - Authorizing the state board of education to establish a new unified school district, if necessary, for the attachment of territory of a school district disorganized via voter petition and providing for administrative and judicial review of resolutions to permanently close a public school building.
SB305 - Enacting the massage therapist licensure act to provide for regulation and licensing of massage therapists.
SB310 - Creating the medical cannabis regulation act to regulate the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of medical cannabis.
SB314 - Prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring COVID-19 vaccination for children attending a child care facility or school.
SB315 - Requiring child care facilities, elementary, secondary and postsecondary educational institutions and employers to grant exemptions from vaccine requirements without inquiring into the sincerity of the request and repealing the meningitis vaccine requirement to live in student housing.
SB317 - Permitting a prosecution for childhood sexual abuse to be commenced at any time, extending the time to file civil actions for recovery of damages caused by childhood sexual abuse and providing exceptions in the Kansas tort claims act for claims arising from such abuse.
SB321 - Providing for a presidential preference primary election on March 19, 2024, and establishing voter registration and voting procedures for such election.
SB322 - Authorizing any gaming compact regarding sports wagering to include provisions governing sports wagering outside the boundaries of Indian lands.
SB333 - Providing hiring, promotion and retention preferences for persons with disabilities for certain state executive branch positions and extending the expiration provision for the state use law committee.
SB341 - Authorizing certain individuals with revoked driver's licenses to be eligible for restricted driving privileges and permitting such individuals to drive to and from dropping off or picking up children from school or child care.
SB342 - Providing for the Sedgwick county zoo distinctive license plate.
SB343 - Prohibiting the mailing of advance voting ballot applications to voters unless by a county election official pursuant to a request by the voter.
SB344 - Requiring voter verification of identity when returning an advance voting ballot.
SB345 - Enacting the commercial financing disclosure act.
SB346 - Restricting who can propose rezoning amendments to city and county zoning regulations.
SB358 - Prohibiting school districts and local libraries from prohibiting, banning or restricting books or other media unless certain requirements are met.
SB365 - Requiring all advance voting ballots be returned by 7:00 p.m. on election day.
SB366 - Requiring that county election officers receive a request for an application for an advance voting ballot from a voter before mailing such application to such voter.
SB367 - Prohibiting the use of funds provided by the United States government for the conduct of elections and election-related activities unless approved by the legislature.
SB368 - Prohibiting the use of any form of ranked-choice voting method for the conduct of elections.
SB369 - Requiring a candidate's non-government issued email address be provided with declarations of intent, nomination petitions or nomination certifications for national, state and local offices.
SB370 - Requiring legislative approval of any national heritage area or national historic trail in the state of Kansas and prohibiting state funding of any national heritage area or national historic trail unless such funding is first approved by the legislature of the state of Kansas.
SB371 - Expanding the Kansas silver alert plan to provide public notice of missing persons 18 years of age or older who have an intellectual disability.
SB372 - Enacting the civil liability for doxing act to prohibit intentionally publishing another person's personally identifiable information without the consent of the person whose information is published under certain circumstances and authorize a civil action for violations of the act to recover damages and obtain injunctive relief.
SB373 - Prohibiting the use of public moneys for lobbying activities.
SB374 - Allowing a voter to declare or change such voter's political party or voter affiliation on the day of a primary election.
SB375 - Prohibiting the use of generative artificial intelligence to create false representations of candidates in election campaign media or of state officials.
SB401 - Requiring critical thinking be integrated into elementary and secondary instruction.
SB408 - Changing driving training requirements to allow driving school instructors to hold a valid driver's license from any state.
SB409 - Prohibiting any county or city legislation that would modify the established classes of individuals protected from discrimination under the Kansas act against discrimination.
SB424 - Providing for geographic positions or locations of points within the state of Kansas under the Kansas plane coordinate system act.
SB425 - Providing for child support orders for unborn children from the date of conception.
SB435 - Providing a sales tax exemption for period products, diapers and incontinence products.
SB445 - Establishing minimum training requirements for law enforcement and emergency medical services personnel on interacting with individuals with dementia.
SB446 - Prohibiting acquisitions of ownership interests in certain Kansas real property by foreign individuals and entities unless authorized by the state land council and establishing the state land council.
SB447 - Directing the state treasurer to establish a mortgage insurance program for certain individuals and establishing the homes for every local protector, educator and responder act of Kansas.
SB471 - Prohibiting a state agency, city or county from restricting the sale or use of motor vehicles based on the energy source used for the vehicles; allowing a state agency, city and county to have their own purchase policies for motor vehicles.
SB472 - Creating the crime of unlawful sexual communication and providing criminal penalties therefor.
SB474 - Eliminating the administrative ordinance restriction in the city initiative statute.
SB475 - Eliminating school district open enrollment requirements and authorizing school districts to determine nonresident student enrollment.
SB487 - Authorizing counties to contract with other counties to share 911 public safety answering point services and authorizing the distribution of 911 fee moneys to counties for such purposes.
SB497 - Establishing the Pike reservoir project district act to provide for a lake and related commercial and residential development in Bourbon county and authorizing a governing board and sales and property tax increment financing for such project.
SB502 - Terminating the KPERS 3 cash balance plan and transferring the members of such plan to the KPERS 2 plan.
SB503 - Increasing the criminal penalties for knowingly and maliciously abandoning any animal in any place without making provisions for the proper care of the animal.
SB504 - Prohibiting the use of any prone restraint on a juvenile who is in custody at a juvenile detention facility or juvenile correctional facility or being assessed as part of the juvenile intake and assessment system.
SB506 - Invalidating restrictive covenants that limits or prohibits the installation of solar panels and allowing the adoption of reasonable rules concerning solar panels.
SB508 - Permitting homeless veterans to use alternative forms of proof of identity and residency when applying for nondriver identification cards and eliminating fees for homeless veterans to obtain birth certificates and nondriver identification cards.
SB510 - Requiring cities to reconnect property to the city sewer system if the property owner requests such reconnection and the disconnection was not a result of failure to pay sewer fees.
SB511 - Permitting beer and hard cider sales by microbreweries to retailers, public venues, clubs, drinking establishments, holders of temporary permits and caterers and allowing such sales at special events to consumers.
SB512 - Prohibiting insurance companies from using environmental, social and governance criteria in the process of writing contracts of insurance, indemnity or suretyship, authorizing the attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney where a violation occurred to enforce such prohibition and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.
SB513 - Enacting the Kansas specie legal tender act and the Kansas bullion depository act, authorizing the state treasurer to approve electronic currencies backed by specie legal tender and establish, administer or contract for the administration of bullion depositories and allowing for state moneys to be deposited in such bullion depositories and invested in specie legal tender.
SB517 - Prohibiting the closure of an electric generation facility without a reliable and readily dispatchable replacement and notification of such closure.
SB523 - Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
SB525 - Creating the protection against deep fakes act to provide a cause of action for damages arising from the use of generative artificial intelligence to create an image or likeness of another person without such person's consent for use in obscene material.
SB526 - Creating the crime of aggravated sexual extortion, providing criminal penalties for violations thereof and adding making a demand for money or other thing of value to the elements of sexual extortion.
SB527 - Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion and providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.
SB528 - Establishing the Kansas ultrasound act, requiring that an obstetric ultrasound be performed on a woman prior to an abortion, permitting a woman to avert her eyes from the ultrasound images, establishing civil and criminal penalties and providing an emergency exception to requirements of the act.
SB530 - Providing that residential housing constructed through loans or grants from the state housing trust fund shall meet certain energy conservation standards.
SB531 - Creating a civil cause of action against schools that give or make available harmful material to minors and removing the affirmative defense to promotion to minors of material harmful to minors for public and nonpublic schools.
SB533 - Limiting the use of past evictions and rental arrears to deny applicants from renting a home.
SB534 - Authorizing the secretary of corrections to use hypoxia for the purpose of carrying out a sentence of death and requiring the district court to issue a warrant to the secretary of corrections to carry out a sentence of death.
SB535 - Exempting certain gaming suppliers from the certification requirement of the Kansas expanded lottery act when such suppliers do not contract with the state or the lottery gaming facility manager.
SB538 - Establishing a commencement date for candidate nomination filings for municipal elections.
SB541 - Creating the regulatory relief division within the office of the attorney general and establishing the general regulatory sandbox program to waive or suspend rules and regulations for program participants.
SB547 - Amending the Kansas pet animal act to require the Kansas department of agriculture to maintain records of inspections for not less than five years and removing the requirement that the commissioner only apply federal rules and regulations to United States department of agriculture licensed animal distributors and animal breeders.
SB548 - Requiring a concealed carry license to lawfully carry a concealed handgun and exempting colleges and universities from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
SB549 - Requiring criminal history record checks for all sales of firearms and providing criminal penalties for violations thereof.
SB550 - Prohibiting persons under 21 years of age from purchasing and possessing semiautomatic rifles with high capacity ammunition magazines.
SB551 - Creating the crime of unlawful storage of a firearm and providing criminal penalties for violations thereof.
SB553 - Permitting a plan sponsor to authorize electronic delivery as the standard method of delivery of all plan documents and health insurance identification cards made to health benefit plan covered persons covered by a health benefit plan.
SB554 - Providing that a fertilized human ovum or embryo existing outside the uterus of a human body shall not be considered an unborn child or human being.
SB555 - Creating the medical cannabis pilot program act to establish the medical cannabis pilot program for limited cultivation, processing and dispensing of medical cannabis and medical cannabis products.
SB556 - Expanding the Kansas silver alert plan to provide public notice of missing persons 18 years of age or older who have an intellectual disability.
SB557 - Authorizing professional employees employed by a board of education to cease the withholding of professional employees' organization dues from their wages upon request.
SB558 - Creating the Kansas medical cannabis act to authorize the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of medical cannabis and medical cannabis products and the Kansas cannabidiol regulation act to regulate the testing and retail sale of cannabidiol products.
SB559 - Preserving child labor protections by requiring a legislative review process when considering bills proposing to reduce or eliminate child labor protections, providing that the joint committee on administrative rules and regulations review such bills and that the secretary of labor provide a report to the legislature to assist the legislature’s consideration of such bills.
HB2053 - Senate Substitute for HB 2053 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Providing for a presidential preference primary election on March 19, 2024, and establishing voter registration and voting procedures for such election.
HB2056 - Senate Substitute for HB 2056 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
HB2058 - Senate Substitute for HB 2058 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Authorizing any gaming compact regarding sports wagering to include provisions governing sports wagering outside the boundaries of Indian lands and crediting tax revenue generated from wagers on historical horse races to the horse breeding development fund and the horse fair racing benefit fund.
HB2124 - Senate Substitute for HB 2124 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Permitting beer and hard cider sales by microbreweries to retailers, public venues, clubs, drinking establishments, holders of temporary permits and caterers and allowing such sales at special events to consumers.
HB2170 - Senate Substitute for HB 2170 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the donor intent protection act to provide enforcement of donor-imposed restrictions on philanthropic gifts of endowment funds or to endowment funds.
HB2422 - Senate Substitute for HB 2422 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Exempting certain gaming suppliers from the certification requirement of the Kansas expanded lottery act when such suppliers do not contract with the state or the lottery gaming facility manager.
HB2436 - Senate Substitute for HB 2436 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion and providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.
Sponsored Resolutions - 2023 Legislative Session
SCR1606 - Constitutional amendment proposing the Kansas Citizen Involvement Amendment to reserve the powers of initiative and referendum to the citizens of Kansas.
SCR1607 - Making application to the United States congress to call a convention of the states for the purpose of proposing amendments to limit the federal government.
SCR1608 - Urging the adoption of a student bill of rights.
Sponsored Resolutions - 2024 Legislative Session
SCR1606 - Constitutional amendment proposing the Kansas Citizen Involvement Amendment to reserve the powers of initiative and referendum to the citizens of Kansas.
SCR1607 - Making application to the United States congress to call a convention of the states for the purpose of proposing amendments to limit the federal government.
SCR1608 - Urging the adoption of a student bill of rights.
SCR1617 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to require that vacancies in the offices of the secretary of state and the attorney general be filled by election at a state party delegate convention.
to download a spreadsheet compatible file of Legislator information for this committee.
Sen. Mike Thompson
Vice Chair
Sen. Rick Kloos
Ranking Minority Member
Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau
Sen. Chase Blasi
Sen. Cindy Holscher
Sen. Jeff Longbine
Sen. Mike Petersen
Sen. Ronald Ryckman
Sen. Alicia Straub
Sheila Wodtke - Committee Assistant
Elaina Rudder - Legislative Research
Nicole Fielder - Legislative Research
Leighann Thone - Legislative Research
Jason Long - Office of Revisor of Statutes
Mike Heim - Office of Revisor of Statutes
2024. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2024-09-08T05:46:20. Head Rev No: 796239(I)