AN ACT concerning economic development; relating to the STAR bonds financing act; authorizing the secretary of commerce to enter into agreements with major professional sports franchises to establish up to two STAR bond projects for a major professional sports complex or approve such projects of a city or county as authorized by the legislative coordinating council; expanding bond financing revenue sources and the discretion of the secretary and making other provisions in the STAR bonds financing act for the purpose of facilitating such projects; allowing the secretary to undertake or finance such projects independently or with local revenue when approved by a city or county; limiting the secretary’s authority to approve such projects to a period of one year and permitting the legislative coordinating council to extend such authority for an additional year; authorizing the Kansas development finance authority to issue STAR bonds for such projects when approved by the secretary; providing for transfers of certain funds from the state gaming revenues fund to the attracting professional sports to Kansas fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, and each fiscal year thereafter; amending K.S.A. 12-17,162, 12-17,164, 12-17,168, 12-17,169, 12-17,170, 12-17,174 and 79-4801 and K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 79-4108 and 79-41a03 and repealing the existing sections.