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Feb. 13, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number


Agriculture, feeding livestock and animal husbandry, 47-1507

Airports and Landing Fields, this index

Capitol area, changes in zoning, 75-3620

Cities, 12-741 et seq.

Building code outside of city limits, procedure, 12-751a

Comprehensive plan,

Adoption procedure, 12-747

Annual review, 12-747

Notice to other units of government, 12-743

Definitions, 12-742

Development rights, vesting of, when, 12-764

Group homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-736

Land outside city limits, 12-715b, 12-715c, 12-715d

Major streets or highway plans,

Setback lines, 12-765

Modification or variances, 12-765

Manufactured homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-763

Mining operations, 12-757a

Nonconforming uses, 12-770

Elimination of, 12-770, 12-771

Planning commission, 12-744

Budget, 12-746

Comprehensive plan, 12-747

Interlocal agreements, 12-744

Membership, 12-744

Metropolitan or regional planning, 12-744

Plat approval, 12-745

Powers, 12-745

Vacancies, 12-744

Plat approval, 12-752

Dedication of land for public purposes, 12-752

Fees, 12-752

Filing, 12-752

Replatting, when required, 12-752

Public improvements, facilities or utilities, conformance with comprehensive plan, 12-748

Subdivision regulations,

Adoption, 12-749

Amendment, 12-749

Building permits, compliance with subdivision regulations, 12-751, 12-752

Land outside city limits, 12-750

Joint committee, 12-750

Notice and hearing, 12-749

Open spaces, dedication of land, 12-749

Fees in lieu of, 12-749

Plat approval, 12-749, 12-752

Stormwater runoff, 12-749

Zoning permits, compliance with subdivision regulations, 12-751


Adoption of, procedure, 12-756

Agricultural land, 12-758

Appeals, board of zoning appeals, 12-759

Exceptions, 12-759

Fees, 12-759

Hearings, notice, 12-759

Variances, 12-759

Appeals to the district court, 12-760

Continuation of existing plans and regulations, 12-762

Districts, 12-753

Establishment of, procedure, 12-756

Notice and hearing, 12-756

Downzoning, 12-757

Flood plain zones, 12-754, 12-766, 12-767

Jurisdiction, 12-754

Map, 12-753

Nonconforming or existing uses, 12-758

Protest petition,

Excluded property, 12-757

Regulations, 12-753, 12-755, 12-756

Amendment and revision of, 12-757

Restrictions, 12-753

Rezoning, 12-757

Notice, 12-757

Protest petition, 12-757

Violations, penalties, 12-761

Zoning amendments, mining operations, 12-757

Cities of first class, master plan, 13-1114b et seq.

Counties, 12-741 et seq., 19-2956 et seq.

Comprehensive plan,

Adoption procedure, 12-747

Annual review, 12-747

Notice to other units of government, 12-743

Definitions, 12-742

Development rights, vesting of, when, 12-764

Group homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-736

Major streets or highway plans,

Setback lines, 12-765

Modification or variances, 12-765

Manufactured homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-763

Nonconforming uses, 12-770

Elimination of, 12-770, 12-771

Park districts, lakes, 19-2893

Planning commission, 12-744

Budget, 12-746

Comprehensive plan, 12-747

Interlocal agreements, 12-744

Membership, 12-744

Metropolitan or regional planning, 12-744

Plat approval, 12-745

Powers, 12-745

Vacancies, 12-744

Plat approval, 12-752

Dedication of land for public purposes, 12-752

Fees, 12-752

Filing, 12-752

Replatting, when required, 12-752

Public improvements, facilities or utilities, conformance with comprehensive plan, 12-748

Special or conditional use permits,

Mining operations, 12-757a

Subdivision regulations,

Adoption, 12-749

Amendment, 12-749

Building permits, compliance with subdivision regulations, 12-751, 12-752

Land outside city limits, 12-750

Joint committee, 12-750

Notice and hearing, 12-749

Open spaces, dedication of land, 12-749

Fees in lieu of, 12-749

Plat approval, 12-749, 12-752

Stormwater runoff, 12-749

Zoning permits, compliance with subdivision regulations, 12-751

Townships, transfer of certain moneys, 12-769

Wabaunsee county, 19-2950 et seq.


Adoption of, procedure, 12-756

Agricultural land, 12-758, 19-2908, 19-2921

Appeals, board of zoning appeals, 12-759

Exceptions, 12-759

Fees, 12-759

Hearings, notice, 12-759

Variances, 12-759

Appeals to the district court, 12-760

Continuation of existing plans and regulations, 12-762, 19-2908, 19-2921

Districts, 12-753

Establishment of, procedure, 12-756

Notice and hearing, 12-756

Downzoning, 12-757

Flood plain zones, 12-754, 12-766, 19-2908, 19-2921

Jurisdiction, 12-754

Map, 12-753

Nonconforming or existing uses, 12-758, 19-2908, 19-2921

Protest petition,

Excluded property, 12-757

Regulations, 12-753, 12-755, 12-756

Amendment and revision of, 12-757

Restrictions, 12-753

Rezoning, 12-757

Notice, 12-757

Protest petition, 12-757

Violations, penalties, 12-761

Zoning amendments, mining operations, 12-757

Dedication of land for public purpose, 12-752

Floodplain zoning, 12-754, 12-766, 19-2908, 19-2921

Building codes, 12-767, 12-768

Group homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-736

Highway advertising control act of 1972, application to local zoning authorities, 68-2234, 68-2244

Housing projects, municipalities, 17-2350

Improvement districts, 19-2950 et seq.

Industrial districts, impairment of zoning board's powers, 19-3818

Interlocal agreements, 12-744

Manufactured homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-763

Master city plan, cities of first class, 13-1114b et seq.

Metropolitan or regional planning, 12-744

Mobile homes, subject to zoning, 75-1218

Nonconforming use, eminent domain, damages, 26-513

Planning commission,

See, also, Planning Commission, this index

Master city plan, 13-1114b et seq.

Plat approval, 12-752

Sanitation zones, areas surrounding water impoundments, 65-184 et seq.

State office buildings and grounds, 75-3619 et seq.

State zoning area in Topeka, changes, 75-3620

Subdivision of land, 12-749

Urban areas, 19-2956 et seq.

Board of zoning appeals, 19-2962

Building permits, 19-2961

Comprehensive plan, 19-2958

Consolidated zoning board, 19-2957

Officers and employees, 19-2957

Existing plans and regulations, application of act, 19-2965

Group homes, exclusion of, prohibited, 12-736

Interlocal planning, 19-2959

Joint planning, 19-2959

Penalties, 19-2963

Planning commission, 19-2957

Comprehensive plan, 19-2958

Meeting, 19-2957

Officers and employees, 19-2957

Plats and platting, 19-2961

Regulations, zoning, 19-2960

Violations, penalties, 19-2963

Unincorporated areas, subdivision of, 19-2961

Variances, 19-2960

Zones, zoning districts and classifications, 19-2960

Agricultural exemption, 19-2960

Conditional use permits, 19-2960

Damaged buildings, 19-2960

Existing uses, 19-2960

Fees, 19-2960

Hearing and notice, 19-2960

Streets and highways, 19-2960, 19-2961

Zoning board, 19-2957

Urban renewal, 17-4744

Vehicle sales, 8-2404

Wabaunsee county,

Improvement districts, 19-2950 et seq.

Appeals, 19-2954

Damaged buildings, 19-2952

Existing buildings or use, 19-2952

Notice, 19-2951

Resolution, notice, 19-2951

Termination of authority, 19-2955

Violations, 19-2953


Cities of first class, parks, 13-1335


Counties over 300,000, tax levy, 19-28,112

2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-02-13T21:57:46. Head Rev No: 817960(I)