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March 13, 2025
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Minutes for HB2614 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Requiring state agencies to provide to the public notice of revocation of administrative rules and regulations and removing abolished state agencies from state agency review requirement.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 21, 2024

Jason Long, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, gave an overview of the bill.  HB2614 amends two statutes in the Rules and Regulations Filing Act.  The amendments require notice of revoked rules and regulations and removes certain agencies from the five-year review requirements because the agencies are inactive or have been abolished.  (Attachment 1)

After a period of questions for the revisor, the Chairman called for proponent testimony.

Oral Proponent Testimony

Clay Barker, Deputy Secretary of State, Office of the Kansas Secretary of State, spoke as a proponent of the bill.  He stated each state agency with rules and regulations must submit a report to the joint committee on administrative rules every five years, including a statement whether each regulation is necessary, or may be revoked.  Of the 116 agencies participating in the five year review, 22 no longer exist.  This bill strikes abolished agencies from the law to avoid confusion. The other provision in the bill is to add procedures for agencies to follow when notifying the public they are getting rid of a regulation. (Attachment 2)

Mr. Barker stood for a period of questions from the Committee.

The Chairman noted there was no neutral nor opponent testimony, and closed the hearing on HB2614.