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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for HB2556 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Expanding medical assistance eligibility and enacting the cutting healthcare costs for all Kansans act.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 20, 2024

Kari Bruffett, President and CEO, Kansas Health Institute, provided neutral testimony on HB2556 (Attachment 29). Enrollment estimates were provided. 66,455 currently uninsured Kansans would be newly eligible which would include approximately 13,000 adults who would likely lose coverage in the unwinding process. 1,781 currently uninsured adults already eligible but not enrolled would be included. 38,214 currently insured adults are projected to switch to Medicaid if it is expanded. Numbers were also provided reflecting eligible children not enrolled in Medicaid if their parents became eligible. The estimated net cost to the state totals $171 million over a 10 year period. A breakdown of how the estimate came about was provided in testimony. Additional data was provided to the committee.

Written only testimony testimony was provided by the following:

Megan Word, Kansas Government Relations Director, American Cancer Society Action Network (Attachment 30)

The hearing on HB2556 was closed.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM.