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March 13, 2025
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Minutes for SB455 - Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications

Short Title

Authorizing electric public utilities to retain certain electric generating facilities in the utility's rate base, prohibiting the state corporation commission from authorizing the retirement of fossil fuel-fired electric generating facilities unless certain requirements are met, requiring the commission to report annually on retirements of fossil fuel-fired facilities and revising commission procedures when conducting proceedings for predeterminations of ratemaking principles and treatment.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 19, 2024

Chairman Delperdang called for final action on SB455.

Nick Myers provided an overview of the bill and responded to questions from the committee members.

The chair asked the committee for amendments.

Representative Hoheisel presented a balloon amendment (Attachment1).

Chairman Delperdang asked committee for discussion on the amendment.

Representative Hoheisel moved to adopt the amendment, seconded by Representative Williams. Motion carried.

Representative Schreiber presented an amendment that would include nuclear power generation to the bill. (Attachment2).

The chair asked committee for further discussion on the amendment.

Representative Schreiber moved to adopt the amendment, seconded by Representative Williams. Motion carried.

Chairman asked committee for further discussion on the bill.

Representative Neighbor made a motion to favorably pass out SB455 as amended, seconded by Representative Ohaebosim. Motion carried.

Next committee meeting scheduled for Thursday March 21 with Southwest Power Pool and Kansas Corporation Commission providing a presentation on Kansas Electric Generation, Future Regional Electric Transmission Projects and Transmission Cost Allocations.

Chairman Delperdang adjourned the meeting at 9:22am.