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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for HB2819 - Committee on Taxation

Short Title

Providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Rawlins county for the purpose of financing costs of attendance centers or other district facilities.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 12, 2024

Chair person Smith opened the hearing fore HB2819.

Adam Siebers provided an overview for HB2819 that provides Rawlins County the authority to submit a proposition to the electors to impose a countywide retailers' sales tax in an amount up to 1.0 percent and pledging the revenue received for the purpose of financing the costs of construction, remodeling, capital improvements or maintenance of attendance centers or other district facilities of any school district or school districts within the county. (Attachment 10)

The fiscal note for HB2819 has no impact to the state.


Eric Stoddard, Superintendent, USD 105 Rawlins County, testified by WebEx as a proponent for HB2819 stating the bill will allow voters of Rawlins County to vote for a 1.0 percent County Sales Tax in support of the USD 105, Rawlins County Buffalo Strong Rebuilding Campaign.  He stated their historic Junior-Senior High School suffered extensive structural and smoke damage June 5, 2023, and it was determined that the building could not be saved.  He noted the Legislative support in allowing the community to vote on an additional 1.0 percent county-wide sale tax will provide for a new school. (Attachment 11)  Mr. Stoddard stood for questions from Committee members.

Lincoln Pochop, Chairman, Rawlins County Board of Commissioners, testified by WebEx as a proponent for HB2819 to let the taxpayers voice their opinion by voting on a countywide sales tax to rebuild the USD 105 Junior-Senior High School.  Mr. Pochop stated the school did not receive enough insurance money to rebuild the school so in order to rebuild it will be up to the taxpayers. (Attachment 12)  Mr. Pochop stood for questions from Committee members.

Jordan Dunker, Board of Education Vice President, USD 105, Rawlins County, testified by Webex as a proponent for HB2819 to rebuild school facilities for USD 105 Rawlins County.  He noted there is a high level of support within the community for a county sales tax increase.  The USD 105 Board of Education conducted a survey recently with over 400 responses and the results were 88.0 percent are in support of a 1.0 percent county sales tax increase. (Attachment 13)  Mr. Dunker stood for questions from Committee members.

Chairperson Smith advised the Committee there were no opponent or neutral testimonies submitted for HB2819.

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing on HB2819.