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Minutes for HB2711 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Increasing the amount of KPERS retirant compensation subject to the statutory employer contribution rate to the first $40,000 earned in a calendar year, providing a KPERS working after retirement exemption for retirants employed by a community developmental disability organization in a licensed professional nurse, licensed practical nurse or direct support position and increasing the working after retirement earnings limit for members of the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 13, 2024


Chairperson Jeff Longbine opened the meeting and welcomed members, staff, visitors and guests.  Senator Brenda Dietrich introduced two students, Addyson Kaberline and Ariana Smith, from Washburn Rural High School, who were acting as Senate Pages today.  It was noted that Tamera Lawrence, Office of Revisor of Statutes, and Leighann Thone, Legislative Research Department, attended the meeting virtually via Webex.

Chairperson Longbine opened the hearing on HB2711.  Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes (ROS) provided the Revisor's Memorandum Brief of the bill.   (Attachment 1)

Jarod Waltner, Planning and Research Officer, on behalf of Alan Conroy, Executive Director, Kansas Pubic Employees Retirement System (KPERS) gave Informational testimony regarding the three main changes to KPERS and its experience and actuarial implications of working after retirement (WAR) that were included in HB2711.   He explained the current KPERS WAR rules, as well as the current Kansas Police and Firefighters (KP&F)  WAR rules, and further explained who is included and why; the waiting period; the requirement that no "prearrangements" be made to return to work during the waiting period, including no communication in any way about an interest or intent to return to work with a KPERS employer.  Mr. Waltner also discussed the statutory penalty for violations; the earnings limit, employer contributions, and statutory exceptions.   (Attachment 2)   Mr. Waltner answered questions from Senators Pittman, Gossage, Fagg, and Warren.

Four Proponents provided oral testimony:

     Rep. Jo Ella Hoye, 17th District, Lenexa, KS, Kansas House of Representatives  (Attachment 3)

     Rep. William Clifford, 122nd District, Garden City, KS, Kansas House of Representatives  (Attachment 4)

     Lori Feldkamp, President & CEO, Big Lakes Development Center, Manhattan, KS  (Attachment 5)

     Ed Klumpp, Kansas Associations of Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, and Kansas Peace Officers  (Attachment 6)


The Chairperson opened the floor for questions to all the proponents.  They answered questions from Senators Gossage, Warren, Fagg, Pittman, and Chairperson Longbine.  Following the questions and discussion, Chairperson Longbine pointed the members' attention to the written-only proponent testimony of: 

     Doug Wisby, President & CEO of MCDS, McPherson, Kansas, a not-for-profit Intellectual & Developmental Disability (IDD) service  (Attachment 7)

     Timothy Graham, Director of Government Relations and Legislative Affairs, Kansas National Education Association (KNEA)  (Attachment 8)


There being no other proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony submitted, and no further questions or discussion, Chairperson Longbine closed the hearing on HB2711.


Chairperson Longbine opened final action on previously heard bills and asked Eileen Ma (ROS) to give a refresher on HB2715.  Ms. Ma reported there was an amendment to the bill that changed the effective date from publication in the statute book, to its publication in the Kansas Register. (Attachment 9)    

Chairperson Longbine moved, seconded by Senator Fagg, that the amendment to HB2715 be adopted.  The motion to adopt carried. 

Senator Dietrich moved, seconded by Senator Holscher, that  HB2715, as amended, be recommended favorably for passage.  The motion carried.


Chairperson Longbine requested a refresher from Eileen Ma (ROS) on HB2787.  Ms. Ma reported that there was a balloon amendment for this bill that changed the effective date from publication in the statute book to its publication in the Kansas Register. (Attachment 10) 

Chairperson Longbine moved, seconded by Senator Kloos, that the amendment to HB2787 be adopted.  The motion to adopt carried. 

Senator Gossage then moved, seconded by Senator Warren, HB2787, as amended, be recommended favorably for passage. The motion carried.


The Chairperson announced the committee's work was completed for today and advised that we would work more bills tomorrow, possibly SB505, HB2560, HB2562, HB2577, and HB2663.  The meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.  The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 9:30 am in Room 546-South of the Capitol.