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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for SB458 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Specifying that certain drug offenses do not give rise to forfeiture under the Kansas standard asset seizure and forfeiture act, requiring courts to make a finding that forfeiture is not excessive, restricting actions prior to commencement of forfeiture proceedings, requiring probable cause affidavit filing and review to commence proceedings, increasing the burden of proof required to forfeit property to clear and convincing evidence, providing persons involved in forfeiture proceedings the ability to request a jury trial, authorizing courts to order payment of attorney fees and costs for certain claimants and requiring the Kansas bureau of investigation to submit forfeiture fund financial reports to the legislature.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 12, 2024

Vice-Chairman Lewis opened the hearing on SB458.

Natalie Scott, Revisor of Statutes, gave a briefing on SB458. (Attachment 3)  Ms. Scott stood for questions.

Greg Glod, Senior Fellow for Public Safety and Criminal Justice, Americans for Prosperity, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 4)

Sam MacRoberts, Litigation Director and General Counsel, Kansas Justice Institute, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 5)

Lucrecia Nold, Public Policy Specialist, Kansas Catholic Conference, gave written only testimony. (Attachment 6)

Noah Bein, State Policy Manager, Justice Action Network, gave written only proponent testimony. (Attachment 7)

The proponents stood for questions.


Tony Mattivi, Director, Kansas Bureau of Investigation, opponent testimony. (Attachment 8)

Colonel Erik Smith, Kansas Highway Patrol, gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 9)

Greg Smith, M.Ed., Special Deputy for Government Affairs, Johnson County Sheriffs Office, gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 10)

Sheriff Jeff Easter, Kansas Sheriffs Association; Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police; Kansas Peace Officers Association, gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 11)

Spencer Duncan, Government Affairs Director, The League of Kansas Municipalities, gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 12)

Daniel Burrows, Chief Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Kansas Attorney General, gave written only testimony. (Attachment 13)

Michael Koss, City Attorney, City of Overland Park, gave written only testimony. (Attachment 14)

Amanda Stanley, City Attorney, City of Topeka, gave written only testimony. (Attachment 15)

The opponents stood for questions.

Vice-Chair Lewis closed the hearing on SB458.

The meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.