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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2579 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Authorizing the board of emergency medical services to distribute non-prescription over-the-counter medications.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 12, 2024

Chairperson Gossage opened the hearing on HB2579.

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 16) There were no questions.

Con Olson testified as a proponent for HB2579(Attachment 17) He stated that HB2579 would allow EMS the ability to distribute over the counter (OTC) medications that provide immediate relief for minor ailments or symptoms, such as pain, allergies, or gastrointestinal issues, without the need for a prescription or further medical intervention. HB2579 would also allow EMS to leave opioid reversing drugs like Narcan behind at scenes where opioid overdoses have been shown to occur.

Paul Davis gave testimony in support for HB2579. (Attachment 18) He said that the practice of EMS professionals leaving behind OTC Naloxone holds immense potential in stemming the tide of opioid-related fatalities.

They answered questions from committee members.

Written only, proponent testimony was submitted by:

Randy Bowman, Kansas Association of Local Health Departments (Attachment 19)

Charlie Hunt, Johnson County Department of Health & Environment (Attachment 20)

Rachelle Colombo, Kansas Medical Society (Attachment 21)

Alexandra Blasi, Kansas Board of Pharmacy (Attachment 22)

Bryan Beaver, MD, FAAEM (Attachment 23)

Erin Attebery, Kansas Public Health Association (Attachment 24)

Jess Boss, Mid-American Regional Council Emergency Rescue (Attachment 25)

Mark Heath, Kansas City, Kansas Fire Department (Attachment 26)

Written only, Neutral testimony was submitted by:

Joseph House, Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services (Attachment 27)

Chairperson Gossage closed the hearing on HB2579

Chairperson Gossage adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m. The next scheduled meeting is March 13, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.