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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for SB514 - Committee on Ways and Means

Short Title

Making and concerning certain supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 and appropriations for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 for various state agencies.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 5, 2024

Chairperson Billinger opened the hearing on SB 514. Dylan Dear, Kansas Legislative Research Department (KLRD), provided an overview of the bill including a review of the SGF Profile for FY 2022-FY 2025 and responded to questions from Committee members.  (Attachment 1)

Mr. Dear also distributed the following documents:

Senate 2024 Appropriations Bill Senate Adjustments (Shorthand List)  (Attachment 2)

Items for review prior to finalization of the budget  (Attachment 3)

Items to be reviewed at Omnibus  (Attachment 4)

Children's Initiative Fund  (Attachment 5)

State Water Plan Fund  (Attachment 6)

Economic Development Initiatives Fund  (Attachment 7)

Expanded Lottery Act Revenues Fund  (Attachment 8)

Chairperson Billinger closed the hearing and called for final action on SB 514.

Chairperson Billinger asked the Committee members to review the items contained in Attachment 3.

Brianna Horton, KLRD, provided further details and responded to questions concerning the Board of Regents items.

Senator McGinn distributed a document concerning Item 4 for Public Broadcasting.  (Attachment 9)

Senator McGinn moved, Senator Pittman seconded, adoption of Item 4. Motion carried.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Masterson seconded, to move discussion on Item 5 concerning the Department of Education to Omnibus. Discussion ensued.

Jennifer Light, KLRD, provided further detail and responded to questions concerning the Department of Education budget.

Senator Pettey made a substitute motion, Senator Pittman seconded, to include funding for the child care accelerator grant and the public--private partnership in the budget recommendation. Motion failed. Senators Pettey and Pittman asked to be recorded as voting yes.

Back on the original motion by Senator Claeys, motion carried. Senator Pettey asked to be recorded as voting no.

Senator McGinn moved, Senator Claeys seconded, to amend Item 6 to be $10 million and to clarify that it includes hospitals other than Ascension Via Christie. Motion carried.

Steven Wu, KLRD, provided a review of what was and was not funded in the Judicial Branch budget and responded to questions from Committee members.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Masterson seconded, to add back funding and positions to the Judicial Branch in Item 3. Motion carried.

Jennifer Light, KLRD, distributed a document and responded to questions concerning Item 2 on grants for state libraries.  (Attachment 10)

Senator Pettey moved, Senator Pittman seconded, to increase the base state grant for libraries to $2,000. Motion failed.

Chairperson Billinger opened the discussion for any other items from the Committee members.

Senator McGinn moved, Senator Claeys seconded, to amend the previous addition of $600,000 for the Envision Program to move the funding from FY 2024 to FY 2025. Motion carried.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Masterson seconded, to add $366,122.68 from the State Highway Fund for a pay increase for the Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) dispatchers who were inadvertently omitted from the pay increase for the KHP. Motion carried.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Masterson seconded, to amend a previous proviso to delete FY 2026 from the DEI proviso. Motion carried.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, to delete the Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction transfer from FY 2026 through FY 2028. Motion carried. Senators McGinn, Pettey and Pittman asked to be recorded as voting no.

Staff distributed a document concerning the Office of Information Technology Services (OITS)  (Attachment 11)

Chairperson Billinger held open final action on SB 514.

Chairperson Billinger adjourned the meeting at 12:03 pm. The next meeting will be March 6, 2024.