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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2490 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Providing that each juvenile offender case length limit extension shall be for not longer than 90 days.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 5, 2024

Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on HB2490,

Jason Thompson provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 5)

Kevin Waring, Kansas Association of Court Services Office, provided testimony in support of the bill. Clarification and guidance provided by HB2490 still allows for case length limit extension when appropriate but helps ensure that juvenile cases do not unintentionally remain in the juvenile justice system longer than necessary. (Attachment 6)

Written-only testimony in support of HB2490 was submitted by Lara Blake Bors, Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee. (Attachment 7)

Mike Fonkert, Deputy Director, Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice provided neutral testimony.  He stated they support the spirit of the bill.  However, they disagree that 90 days per extension is the most appropriate and reasonable length of the extension.  Instead we urge that there be more intentional thought put into the length of the case extensions. (Attachment 8)

Senator Baumgardner questioned evaluations on illiteracy. Charwoman Warren asked staff from the research department if they have any information on juvenile evaluations on illiteracy.  Senator  Baumgardner suggested she would work on an amendment.

Nicholas Reinecker, Private Citizen, provided testimony in opposition of HB2490.  He supports the Controlled Substances Act and believes a hard-on-crime approach is better than a cycle of "don't do it again, or you will be locked up" attitude. (Attachment 9)

There being no further conferees, Chairwoman Warren closed the hearing on HB2490.