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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2793 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Prohibiting healthcare providers from performing healthcare services on minors without parental consent.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 15, 2024

Ron Bryce, Kansas Representative, provided testimony in support of HB2793 (Attachment 8). The bill was drafted after a series of conversations with constituents who were concerned that minor children had received medical evaluations and care without the knowledge or consent of a parent or guardian. Research has revealed that there has been an erosion of parental notification and consent requirements over the years. HB2793 seeks to uphold parental consent as a basic requirement in most cases involving medical care of minors. Possible exceptions were provided to the committee, including emergency care. An emancipated minor would continue to be able to give consent. The consent requirement involving abortion is also untouched.

Representative Bryce responded to questions from the committee.

Rachelle Colombo, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society, provided testimony in support of HB2793 (Attachment 9). HB2793 codifies the practice of acquiring informed consent for medical care from parents on behalf of minor children. It does not change the parameters or process of informed consent, it just clarifies that parents provide consent on behalf of their children. It is important to understand brain development as a continuum.

Ms. Colombo responded to questions from the committee.

Gary Morgan, Private Citizen, provided testimony in support of HB2793 (Attachment 10). It is important to stand up for the rights of parents in protecting their children.

The following provided testimony in support of the bill:

Douglas Mund, Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church (Attachment 11)

Jill O’Connor, Private Citizen (Attachment 12)

Debbie Detmer, Private Citizen (Attachment 13)

Patricia Lanter, Private Citizen (Attachment 14)

Darlene Coffey, Private Citizen (Attachment 15)