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Minutes for HB2729 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Enacting the Kansas specie legal tender act and the Kansas bullion depository act, authorizing the state treasurer to approve electronic currencies backed by specie legal tender and establish, administer or contract for the administration of bullion depositories and allowing for state moneys to be deposited in such bullion depositories and invested in specie legal tender.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 19, 2024

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on HB 2729 and recognized David Wiese, Senior Revisor of Statutes who provided an overview. (Attachment1) A brief question and answer period followed.

Proponents - Chair Hoheisel recognized the following individuals who spoke in support of HB 2729: Representative Michael Murphy, District 114, Sylvia, (Attachment2); Kevin Freeman, (remote) Interested American, (Attachment3); Jason Cozens, Founder and CEO of Glint Pay. (USA) and Glint Pay (UK), (Attachment4); Mike Carter, Private Citizen, (Attachment5); Josh McCleary, Co-Founder and COO, OWNx, (Attachment6); and Jp Cortez, Executive Director, Sound Money Defense League, (no written testimony). A question and answer period followed.

Proponents-Written Only - Chair Hoheisel announced that Brett Anderson, We The People Kansas-Sedgwick County; (Attachment7); Kari Sue Vosburgh, We The People Kansas-Sedwick County; (Attachment8); and Jamie Kissinger, constituent, Sedgwick County, (Attachment9); provided written only testimony in support of HB 2729.

Opponents-Written Only - Chair Hoheisel announced that Alex Orel, Senior Vice President Government Relations, Kansas Bankers Association; (Attachment10), and Michael Murray, Executive Director, Kansas Credit Union Association, (Attachment11), provided written only testimony in opposition of HB 2729.

Neutral - Chair Hoheisel recognized Steven Johnson, Kansas State Treasurer, neutral testimony, (Attachment12), who responded to a series of questions from committee members.

Chair Hoheisel closed the hearing on HB 2729.