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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for HB2749 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Requiring medical care facilities and providers to report the reasons for each abortion performed at such facility or by such provider to the secretary of health and environment.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 14, 2024

Mackenzie Haddix, Communications Director, Kansans for Life, provided testimony in support of HB2749 (Attachment 8). Accurate data is necessary for the establishment of policies and programs that address the needs of Kansans. This includes data regarding circumstances that lead to abortions. Studies show that there are a variety of reasons women have abortions, with the most common being financial concerns and relationship status. The most recent study is 10 years old. The bill puts into statute several elements of abortion data already required under KDHE rules and regulations and requires biannual reporting to KDHE. The data is also to be released within 30 days of reporting.

Ms. Haddix responded to questions from the committee.

Brittany Jones, Director of Policy and Engagement, Kansas Family Voice, provided testimony in support of HB2749 (Attachment 9). Most of the current reporting is in rules and regulations. The bill will place the requirements into statute and will ensure ongoing consistency in reporting. A current flaw is that there is no timeline for KDHE to issue their report. The timely release of the data allows the Legislature the opportunity to reflect on services women may need that it may consider providing them. Abortion reporting laws are commonplace, even in more permissive states.

Ms. Jones responded to questions from the committee.

Erica Steinmiller-Perdomo, Legal Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom, provided testimony in support of HB2749 (Attachment 10). HB2749 will require medical care facilities and licensed providers to report the reasons for each abortion performed to the Secretary of KDHE. The bill does not alter or infringe on the right of a woman to obtain an abortion. The bill simply requires collection of demographic and statistical information to promote better maternal health outcomes. The bill ensures the confidentiality for women and girls who obtain abortions. Accurate abortion reporting advances public health and safety by enabling responsible medical and public health decision making.

Ms. Steinmiller-Perdomo responded to questions from the committee.

The following provided written only testimony in support of the bill:

Lucrecia Nold, Public Policy Specialist, Kansas Catholic Conference (Attachment 11)

Glen Burdue, Private Citizen (Attachment 12)