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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for HB2749 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Requiring medical care facilities and providers to report the reasons for each abortion performed at such facility or by such provider to the secretary of health and environment.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 14, 2024

Taylor Morton, Policy Analyst, Planned Parenthood Great Plains Vote, provided testimony in opposition to HB2749 (Attachment 13). This bill is motivated by anti-abortion stigma and a desire to harass, intimidate and shame healthcare providers and patients in Kansas. The bill would require providers to ask and report each patients "reasons" for seeking an abortion. The bill also aims to increase the administrative burden on medical care facilities where abortions are preformed. The proposed reporting requirements provided no benefit to patient safety. Patients are not asked such intrusive and personal questions where seeking other forms of necessary health care.

Amber Sellers, Director of Advocacy, Trust Women Foundation, provided testimony in opposition to HB2749 (Attachment 14). HB2749 is constitutionally problematic and would create unnecessary burden in the normal provision of abortion care. From the standpoint of a provider, the line of questioning in the bill would be more appropriate in a survey environment.

Ms. Sellers responded to questions from the committee.

The following provided written only in opposition to the bill:

Alayna Ashworth, Private Citizen (Attachment 15)

Ashly Nelson, Private Citizen (Attachment 16)

Caitlin DeFilippo, Private Citizen (Attachment 17)

Campbell, McNorton, Private Citizen (Attachment 18)

Carla Oppenheimer, Private Citizen (Attachment 19)

Connie Xiong, Private Citizen (Attachment 20)

Delaney Cay Jones, Private Citizen (Attachment 21)

Dr. Elizabeth Wichstrom, Private Citizen (Attachment 22)

Erica Benson, Private Citizen (Attachment 23)

Hayley Spellman, Private Citizen (Attachment 24)

Jason Anderson, Private Citizen (Attachment 25)

Jonathan Smith, Private Citizen (Attachment 26)

Kate Healy, Private Citizen (Attachment 27)

Kayla Gabel, Private Citizen (Attachment 28)

Melissa Stiehler. Loud Light Civic Action (Attachment 29)

Mikaela Ashworth, Private Citizen (Attachment 30)

R. Elaine Hines, Private Citizen (Attachment 31)

Ronald Szymankowski, Private Citizen (Attachment 32)

Sheilah Philip, Private Citizen (Attachment 33)

Laural Burchfield, Advocacy Director, Mainstream (Attachment 34)

The hearing on HB2749 was closed.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:01 PM.