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Minutes for HB2772 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Establishing the Kansas Indian child welfare act and providing additional requirements for child custody proceedings involving an Indian child.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 19, 2024

Chair Concannon opened the hearing on HB2772.

Jessie Pringle, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes, gave an overview of HB2772. (Attachment 6).

Missty Slater, Chief of Staff, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 7)

Russell A. Brien, Attorney, Brien Law, LLC, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 8)

Jaylon Romine, President, Iota Chapter, Phi Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc., gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 9)

Patricia Pena (Mne-Snoh-Quah), Director of Social Work, Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 10)

Representative Christina Haswood, District 10, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 11)

Joseph Rupnick, Chairman, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, gave written-only proponent testimony. (Attachment 12)

Laura Ramirez, Citizen, Turtle Mountain, Band of Chippewa Indians, gave written-only proponent testimony. (Attachment 13)

Monique Mercurio, Citizen, Esselen Nation, gave written-only proponent testimony. (Attachment 14)

Martin Bauer, Attorney, Martin Pringle Oliver Wallace and Bauer L.L.P., gave opponent testimony via WebEx. (Attachment 15)

Shawn Kane, Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer, American Adoptions, gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 16)

Scott C. Nehrbass, Attorney, on behalf of American Adoptions, gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 17)

Michael J. Belfonte, Attorney, Michael J. Belfonte, P.C. [Professional Corporation], gave opponent testimony. (Attachment 18)

Amanda Marino, Attorney, Martin Pringle Oliver Wallace and Bauer L.L.P., gave written-only opponent testimony. (Attachment 19)

Megan S. Monsour and Kayla L. Stavinoha, Attorneys, Hinkle Law Firm, gave written-only opponent testimony. (Attachment 20)

Kansas Department for Children and Families gave written-only neutral testimony. (Attachment 21)

Rachel Marsh, Chief Executive Officer, Children's Alliance of Kansas, gave written-only neutral testimony. (Attachment 22)

Chair Concannon closed the hearing on HB2772.