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Minutes for HB2761 - Committee on Veterans and Military

Short Title

Prohibiting certain conduct and improper collection of veterans benefits fees.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 13, 2024

Staff briefed the Committee on the contents of HB2761. (Attachment 10)

Representative Poskins spoke over WebEx in support of this bill.

Chairman recognized Jim Karleskint as the first proponent. (Attachment 11)  He said the purpose of this bill is to prevent individuals or companies who charge fees to "assist" or "consult" a veteran with filing their benefit claims. This bill prohibits certain conduct and improper collection of veterans benefit fees.  Mr. Karleskint said there has been an increase in the number of "claim sharks."  He concluded by saying this bill will help protect the veterans of Kansas from being taken advantage of.  He introduced a guest, David Kennedy, a VFW Service Officer from Wichita, who spoke briefly to the Committee.

Mike Kelly came forward in support of this bill. (Attachment 12)

Representative Poskins moved to suspend the rules, seconded by Representative Johnson, motion carried.  Representative Johnson moved to pass HB2761 favorably out of Committee, seconded by Representative Poskin, motion carried.

There were no other proponents, opponents or neutrals so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2761 and called for final action on HB2623.