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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2678 - Committee on Water

Short Title

Extending the period for how long a groundwater right can be deposited in a water bank and requiring a water bank to authorize a withdrawal of water on or before December 1 of the calendar year in which the withdrawn water is to be used.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 8, 2024

Chairperson Minnix opened the hearing for HB2678.

Chris Waggoner, Revisor of Statutes, provided a bill briefing (Attachment 1).


Vanessa Marks, Central Kansas Water Bank Association, (Attachment 2).

Orrin Feril, Manager, Groundwater Management District 5, (Attachment 3). Orrin responded to questions regarding the number of accounts with the water bank and the number of leases. Mr. Feril responded to questions on the mechanics of using a water bank.

Neutral Oral

David Barfield, Kansas Water Resource Consulting, (Attachment 4) Mr. Barfield was not concerned about the use of water banks or the extending conservation credits for 10 years.  Mr. Barfield expressed his concern about the banked saving of water how the water is handled in a drought year, especially in the Rattlesnake Creek basin.

Proponent written

Taylor Williamson, Kansas Corn, proponent, (Attachment 5).

Neutral written

Earl Lewis, Kansas Department of Agriculture, (Attachment 6).


Chairperson open the meeting for others in the gallery, Earl Lewis, Department of Agriculture, responded to questions on water usage and impact of water depletion in the Rattlesnake Creek basin.  Mr. Lewis provided some background on statutes, the use of the bank, they challenge of can create an impairment surface of water rights.

Chairperson Minnix closed the hearing on HB2678.