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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for HB2533 - Committee on Insurance

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Requiring that per diem amounts, expenses and funding for examinations be reasonable and establishing a tiered fee structure for examinations of insurance companies and societies based on gross premiums.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 5, 2024

The Chair opened discussion on HB2533, an Act requiring that per diem amounts, expenses and funding for examinations be reasonable and establishing a tiered fee structure for examinations of insurance companies and societies. Assistant Revisor Ma, presented an overview of the bill.    A motion to amend HB2533, to replace the word "reasonable " with "an average and"; and occasionally with "an average and reasonable" was made by Representative Neighbor, seconded by Representative Woodard, motion carried.    (Attachment 1)   Representative Blew orally commended the amendment in concert with certain other committee members.   With no further discussion,  Representative Neighbor motioned to pass, favorably, HB2533, seconded by Representative Haskins.  Motion Carried.  The Chair closed the meeting.