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Minutes for HB2576 - Committee on Elections

Short Title

Requiring the publication of signed statements of fair campaign practices and providing a cause of action for violations of such statements.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 1, 2024

Chairperson Proctor opened the hearing on HB2576 and recognized Asistant Revisor, Mike Heim, Office of Revisor of Statutes who presented overview of the bill.

Proponents for HB2576 included:

Mari-Lynn Poskin, Representative, District 20 provided testimony in support of HB2576. (Attachment 10)

Proponents submitting written only testimony of HB2576 was submitted by:

Barbara Foster, J.D., Kansas Citizen (Attachment 11)

Cille King, League of Women Voters of Kansas (Attachment 12)

Michael Poppa, Mainstream (Attachment 13)

Neutral written only testimony for HB2576 included:

Wendy Underhill and Adam Kuckuk, National Conference of State Legislatures, testimony (Attachment 14) and slides (Attachment 15)

Mark Skoglund, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission (Attachment 16)

There were no opponents for HB2576.

Chairperson Proctor closed the hearing on HB2576.