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Minutes for HB2101 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Regulating contract for deed transactions, authorizing recording of contract for deeds or affidavits of equitable interest, listing deceptive practices constituting violations of the consumer protection act, requiring notice to the buyer of default and allowing buyers to cure such default.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 29, 2024

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on HB 2101, recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, who provided an overview on HB 2101,  (Attachment1)  No questions.

Proponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Representative Jason Probst, District 102, Hutchinson, who provided testimony in support of HB 2101. (Attachment2); and then recognized Marilyn Harp (remote testimony), citizen lobbyist, who spoke in support of HB 2101. (Attachment3).

Chair Hoheisel recognized Martin J. Keenan, Attorney at Law, Wichita, who provided testimony in support of HB 2101, (Attachment4).  Additionally, Mr. Keenan's "clients", Marie Robledo, Enrique Perez and minor son, Mateo, were permitted to speak detailing specific case facts of a lawsuit filed in Sedgwick County District Court, to further detail the need for passage of HB 2101.  A translator was used to assist Ms. Robledo and Mr. Perez during their remarks.

At the conclusion of all proponent testimony an extensive question and answer period followed with all conferees participating.

Neutral - None

Neutral-Written Only - Chair Hoheisel announced that Christy Molzen, Staff Attorney, Kansas Judicial Council provided neutral written only testimony. (Attachment5)

Opponents - None

Chair Hoheisel closed the hearing on HB 2101.