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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2552 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Prohibiting the secretary for children and families from using federal benefits of a child in need of care for the care and custody of the child and requiring the secretary to create and maintain an account of such benefits received for such child.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 7, 2024

Chair Concannon opened the hearing on HB2552.

Jessie Pringle, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Revisor of Statutes Office gave an overview of HB2552.(Attachment 2)

Amy Harfeld, National Policy Director, Children's Advocacy Institute, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 3)

Justin Kasieta, Citizen, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 4)

Kendall Seal, Vice-President of Policy, Center for the Rights of Abused Children, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 5)

Tanya Keys, Deputy Secretary, Department for Children and Families, gave written-only proponent testimony. (Attachment 6)

Mike Fonkert, Deputy Director, Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, gave written-only proponent testimony. (Attachment 7)

Rachel Marsh, Chief Executive Officer, Children's Alliance of Kansas, gave written-only neutral testimony. (Attachment 8)

Chair Concannon closed the hearing on HB2552.