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Minutes for HB2561 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions
Short Title
Authorizing domestic credit unions to operate outside of the state, providing civil penalties for certain violations, allowing the administrator to enter into informal agreements, removing requirements regarding duplicate filings, establishing appeals procedures for suspended credit and supervisory committee members and requiring the members of a merged credit union to approve such merger.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 31, 2024
Vice Chair Clifford opened the hearing on HB 2561, recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, who provided an overview on HB 2561, (Attachment1) No questions.
Proponent - Vice Chair Clifford recognized the following individuals who spoke in support of HB 2561: Julie Murray, Administrator, Kansas Department of Credit Unions, (Attachment2); and Greg Winkler, President and CEO, AZURA Credit Union. (Attachment3). A question and answer period followed.
Neutral - None
Opponents - None
Vice Chair Clifford closed the hearing on HB 2561.