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Minutes for HB2562 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Enacting the protect vulnerable adults from financial exploitation act.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 29, 2024

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on HB 2562, recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, who provided an overview on HB 2562(Attachment6) A question and answer period followed.

Proponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Eric Turek, Director of Government and Public Affairs, Kansas Insurance Department (KID), who provided general remarks in support of HB 2562.  Mr. Turek then introduced Clay Johnson, Assistant General Counsel, KID, who further detailed parts of HB 2562  (Attachment7) A question and answer period followed.

Other conferees who presented testimony in support of HB 2562 included: Travis Grauerholz, on behalf of National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors of Kansas (NAIFA), (Attachment8); Glenda DuBoise, State Director, AARP Kansas, (Attachment9); and Leslie Anderson, Executive Director, Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (k4ad),  (Attachmen10) A question and answer period followed. Chair Hoheisel permitted Dan Klucas, Securities Commissioner, Kansas Insurance Department and Kelly VanZwoll, Kansas Bankers Association participate in answering some of the questions.

Proponent-Written Only - Chair Hoheisel announced written only testimony provided by: Chrisy Khatib, Adult Protective Service Deputy Director, Department of Children and Families (DCF), (Attachment11); Andrew Guggenheim, Managing Director and Associate General Counsel, State Government Affairs, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), (Attachment12); Claire McHenry, President and Deputy Director, Nebraska Bureau of Securities, North American Securities Administrators Association (NASSA), (Attachment13); Sara Hart Weir, Executive Director, Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD),  (Attachment14); David Wolfe, General Counsel, AE Wealth Management, LLC and AE Financial Services, LLC, (Attachment15); and Joseph C. Peiffer, President, Public Investors Advocate Bar Association, (Attachment16).

Neutral - None

Opponents - None

Chair Hoheisel closed the hearing on HB 2562.


Chair Hoheisel recognized Vice Chair Clifford who introduced some guests-Pages to the the committee, Jensen and Hayden, Holcomb.


The next House Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

Chair Hoheisel adjourned the meeting at 10:20 am.