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Jan. 15, 2025
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Minutes for SB347 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Requiring senate confirmation of appointees to the wildlife and parks commission.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 24, 2024

Chairman Peck opened the hearing on SB347.

Revisor Tamera Lawrence gave an overview of the bill on Senate Confirmation of Wildlife and Parks Commission Appointees (Attachment 1) and stood for questions.


Senator Steffen spoke in support of the bill stating that there was not much oversight in the appointing of commissioners. (Attachment 2) Senator Steffen then distributed 2 handouts (Attachment 3) pointing out Section 21 of our Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights and review KSA 32-805, section D.  Senator Steffen stood for questions.

Representative Corbet spoke in support of the bill (Attachment 4). His belief that the commission needs to be reconfigured and changed. Representative Corbet stood for questions.


Secretary Brad Loveless, Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission, spoke in opposition to the bill (Attachment 5). Secretary Loveless said historically there in not a lot of turnover from administration to administration. People are typically appointed and do a good job and there is consistency.  Secretary Lovelless stood for questions.

Kurt Ratzlaff, Kansas Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers submitted written only testimony in opposition to the bill (Attachment 6).


Justin Cobb, Government Relations Manager, The Nature Conservancy, spoke to the bill (Attachment 7). He stated the Nature Conservancy did not see a need for it, they have received no complaints about the commission and have received compliments about the work they do. He said it was not unusual across the country for wildlife commissioners to require Senate confirmation.

Chairman Peck closed the hearing on SB347 at 9:17 am, and the meeting was adjourned..