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Jan. 15, 2025
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Minutes for HB2494 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Establishing policy requirements for school safety and security plans and cardiac emergency response plans and providing grant programs for the implementation of such policies.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 17, 2024

Chairperson Adam Thomas called the meeting to order at 1:33 pm.

Hearing on HB2494: Establishing policy requirements for school safety and security plans and cardiac emergency response plans and providing grant programs for the implementation of such policies.

Jason Long, Senior Assistant Advisor, provided an overview.(Attachment 1)

Senator Kellie Warren, representing District 11, stated that this bill is much needed and provided an example of an event in her district of how it worked to save a life. (Attachment 2

Kari Rinker with the American Heart Association also spoke in support of the bill. (Attachment 3)

Bill Delfs spoke about the importance of having the equipment at schools. It might have saved his son's life. (Attachment 4)

Alias Delfs spoke about the importance of knowing the schools are prepared to save a person in an emergency. (Attachment 5)

Dr. Lindsey Malloy spoke on the importance of saving lives when the problem affects 20% of the population. (Attachment 6)

Kaitlyn Bennett, a nurse with Project Adam, spoke regarding how the Project works and how to get it into schools. (Attachment 7)

Amanda Herrman, a parent, spoke regarding her daughter's story with needing an AED during basketball practice. (Attachment 8)

Ashley Dwight wrote also in support of the bill telling the story of her son. (Attachment 9)

Jim Karleskint presented neutral testimony since the survey that had been sent out had not been returned to USA Kansas at this time. (Attachment 10)

Ann Mah and Deena Horst were also neutral due to funding questions. (Attachment 11)

Leah Fliter was neutral due to concerns that it is beyond the State Board's expertise and purview. Also it is an unfunded mandate. (Attachment 12)

Bill Faflick stated that coaches already have to be CPR trained and requested that funding be provided if this law goes into effect. (Attachment 13)

David Adams, president of the Kansas EMS Association spoke in support of the bill. (Attachment 14)

Hearing on HB2494 was closed.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm