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March 11, 2025
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Minutes for HB2418 - Committee on Appropriations

Short Title

Abolishing the study commission for the consolidation of Kansas City, Kansas, and Wyandotte county, consolidation commission of Topeka, Kansas, and Shawnee county, study commission for the consolidation in Greeley county, podiatry review committee, state board of healing arts review committee for each branch of the healing arts, contact lens advisory council, state emergency response commission, naturopathic advisory council, transportation vision task force, special education funding task force, Persian Gulf war veterans health initiative act, Kansas export finance act, community strategic planning assistance act, natural and scientific areas advisory board, public finance transparency board, Kansas film services commission, Kansas bioscience authority, KAN-ED act and department of health and environment advisory committees.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 23, 2023

Chairperson Waymaster requested a refresher of the contents in HB2418.

Jill Wolters, Revisor, Office of Revisors Office, provided to committee members the contents in HB2418.

Chairperson Waymaster informed committee members that when the Special Committee on State Employee and Board Member Compensation reviewed all the commissions and boards statutorily required, either they did not respond or provided incorrect information about board meetings. After the bill was introduced, he met with the Board of Healing Arts. The proposed amendment would eliminate the four boards from removing them from statute because they do regularly meet. (Attachment 1)

Chairperson Waymaster moved, Representative Helgerson seconded, to exclude the statutory boards and commissions associated with the Board of Healing Arts. Motion carried.

Representative Williams informed committee members a bill was passed that would have a new special education funding task force. It is necessary due to a broken formula. It did not go anywhere on the Senate side, and it was included in H Sub for SB83 that was passed on the House side. Ultimately whatever the final education package is, the request is there be a historic reference included in statute when the bill passes this year.

Representative Williams moved, Representative Estes seconded, to remove the special education funding task force from the list in HB2418. Motion carried.

Chairperson Waymaster moved, Representative Hoffman seconded, to recommend HB2418 favorably for passage, as amended. Motion carried.