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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for SB314 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring COVID-19 vaccination for children attending a child care facility or school.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 22, 2023

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill. She took questions from committee members.

Heather Braum gave testimony as an opponent of SB314, She stated that while this bill attempts to address concerns about the Covid vaccine, there are concerns that SB314 could have far-reaching impacts on vaccinations in general. Passing SB314 could place the entire required childhood vaccination list in question or in peril. Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has rarely updated the required vaccine list in the past and any childhood vaccination that is approved and added to the required vaccination list has been in use for long periods of time before it is ever made a requirement in Kansas. Additionally, KDHE has never considered including the flu vaccine on the required vaccination list for child care centers or schools and has publicly indicated they do not plan to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the required list. (Attachment 4)

Amanda Applegate  testified as an opponent of SB314 to protect the integrity of the current process, by which the immunization schedule is set for childcare and school entry in Kansas. While this bill is being proposed as "necessary" it is another attempt at the first step in undoing Kansas' current process for adjusting the wellness vaccine requirements for school and childcare attendance. The stated that there has been no attempt by KDHE to add Covid-19 vaccination to the Kansas requirements or schedule. (Attachment 5)

Questions were asked by committee members.

Proponent, written only testimony was submitted by:

Christine White, M.D.(Attachmen 6)

Opponent, written only testimony was submitted by:

Adrienne Byrne, Sedwick Co Health Director (Attachment 7)

Dena K. Hubbard, MD, FAAP, KS Chapter, AA of Pediatrics (Attachment 8)

Dennis Kriesel, Exec. Director, KALHD (Attachment 9)

Shelby Ostrom, Policy Chair, KPHA (Attachment 10)

Lauren Tice Miller, Dir of Govt Relations & Elections (Attachment 11)

Tracy Russell, Exec. Dir., Nurture KC (Attachment 12)

Rebecca Wetter, Norton County Chair (Attachment 13)

Connie Satzler, Private Citizen (Attachment 14)

Nina Fricke, Private Citizen (Attachment 15

Kari Sue Vosburgh, Sedgwick Co Precinctwoman (Attachment 16)

Brent Anderson, Republican Precinct Committeeman (Attachmen 17)

Deborah Kitchin, Private Citizen (Attachment 18)

Lisa Thurlow, Private Citizen (Attachment 19)

Jannel Munk, Private Citizen (Attachment 20)

Jill O'Connor, Private Citizen (Attachment 21)

Leslie Mark, Private Citizen (Attachment 22

Neutral, written only testimony was submitted by:

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (Attachment 23)

Chairperson Gossage closed the hearing on SB314.

Chairperson Gossage adjourned the meeting at 9:25 a.m. The next scheduled meeting is March 23, 2023.