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March 8, 2025
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Minutes for HB2279 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Requiring groundwater management districts to submit annual written reports to the legislature and to provide water conservation and stabilization action plans to the chief engineer.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 20, 2023

Chairperson Ryckman welcomed Senator Rick Wilborn as a substitute member of the committee.

Chairperson Ryckman called for final action on HB2279

Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes explained the bill.

Senator McGinn offered a balloon amendment which she explained.(Attachment 1)

Senator McGinn moved and Senator Doll seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator Francisco introduced a balloon amendment which she explained.(Attachment 2)

Discussion followed as to the belief that perhaps the legislation was targeting Groundwater Management Districts.  Senator Straub said that she did not see the need to over regulate the Groundwater Management Districts.

Senator Francisco moved and Senator Ware seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator Francisco introduced a balloon amendment which she explained.(Attachment 3)

There was some concern expressed over the two percent average in the decline of groundwater levels. Another concern was that the amendment put more restrictions on Groundwater Management Districts.

Senator Francisco suggested two changes to her amendment.  The first change would change July 24 to December 31 and strike lines 10 to 13.  The second change would eliminate the 2nd balloon amendment on page 2.

Senator Francisco moved and Senator Ware seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator McGinn offered a balloon amendment which she explained.  (Attachment 4)

Senator McGinn moved and Senator Doll seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator Peck introduced a balloon amendment which he explained. (Attachment 5) 

Senator Peck moved and Senator Straub seconded to approve the amendment. Motion failed.

Senator Francisco offered a balloon amendment which she explained.(Attachment 6)

Senator Francisco moved and Senator Doll seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator Ware moved and Senator Fagg seconded to recommend HB2279, as amended, favorably for passage.

Chairperson Ryckman adjourned the meeting at 9:30.