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Minutes for SB120 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Authorizing the secretary of health and environment to adopt rules and regulations for an annual certification program for the replacement of distribution systems segments and increasing the amortization period on loans from the Kansas water pollution control revolving fund.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 22, 2023


Chair Rahjes  noted that this is Natural Agriculture Week and as Kansans we should celebrate that Kansas is leader in grain and food animal production.

Chair Rahjes opened the Hearing on SB120.  Kyle Hamilton, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, provided an explanation of the bill, a mirror bill of HB2047, which the committee passed favorably on February 15, 2023.  He stood for preliminary questions.(Attachment 1)

William Carr, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Water, Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), provided proponent testimony.  KDHE Bureau of Water manages the Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund which finances municipality infrastructure projects for waste and storm water.  Many of the projects have a lifespan in excess of 30 years.  KDHE supports increasing the amortization period to 30 years.  The bill still allows the municipalities to repay in a shorter time frame.  KDHE also supports the bill's provision to approve distribution system extensions without  the need for additional permitting if it has staff qualified to approve such extension.  He stood for questions.(Attachment 2)  

Joshua Svaty, on behalf of the Kansas Municipal Utilities stood in support of the bill's provisions to extend the amortization period and no additional permitting requirements for extensions to existing systems if qualified staff is available to approve the extension.  He stood for questions. (Attachment 3)

Doug Mays on behalf of the Kansas Rural Water Association stood in support of SB120.  He provided additional information about the definition of the bill's term "qualified".  He stood for questions. (Attachment 4)

Written proponent testimony was provided by Nick Hernandez, City Manager of Dodge City, Kansas, (Attachment 5), Wendi Stark, Research Associate for the League of Kansas Municipalities, (Attachment 6), and Ellen Parker, Associate Attorney, of WaterOne (Water District No. 1 Johnson County Kansas). (Attachment 7)

There was no opponent or neutral testimony.

The Chair closed the hearing on SB120.

Chair Rahjes noted that the answers to questions from the Department of Agriculture for the Hearing on HB2168 on March 15, 2023 were released for committee member review on March 22, 2023.(Attachment 8)