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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for SB123 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Deeming military veterans and spouses or dependents of such veterans who were stationed in Kansas for at least 11 months as residents for purposes of tuition and fees at postsecondary educational institutions.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 14, 2023

Chairman Thomas opened the hearing on SB123 at 2:48, quite late because the House session ran into Committee time.

Proponents (Oral):

Senator Jeff Pittman, District #5, Leavenworth, co-sponsored this bill which is designed to support the service of veterans by offering instate tuition to those military family children who have been here for 11 months. Military children move often and need to be supported as much as possible. We want to say welcome home.  (Attachment 1)

Senator Virgil Peck, District #15, Havana, was not present but Senator Pittman shared his testimony in summary: "Senator Peck has a sincere desire to support military families." (Attachment 2)

Discussion ensued. 

Timothy R. Graham, for Kansas National Education Association, supports this bill.  KNEA believes in equitable and affordable higher education.  We support the men and the women in the military.  We understand what the military does in terms of moving families from place to place.  We strongly support this bill. (Attachment 3)

Jim Karleskint, for Kansas Veterans of Foreign Wars, is speaking as a veteran today, who is involved with the VFW.  Mr. Karleskint is a veteran of the Vietnam war.  He strongly supports this bill as it supports military families. (Attachment 4)

At this point Senator Peck was able to briefly join the Committee and added to his testimony. 

Senator Peck, District #15, believes veterans deserve as much appreciation and support we can give them and this bill is part of helping military family and it also incentivizes people to come to Kansas and attend higher education and hopefully stay in this state (review his testimony above in attachment 2).

Chairman Thomas closed the hearing on SB123.