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Minutes for HB2121 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Substitute for HB 2121 by the Committee on Judiciary - Extending the suspension of statutory speedy trial time limitations and providing that time during the COVID-19 public health emergency shall not be assessed against the state.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 16, 2023
Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on HB2121. Jason Thompson provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 5)
Stephen Howe testified in support of HB2121. He stated the stay of the statutory speedy trial has been critical in allowing us to achieve justice for victims, the community, and defendants. Failure to extend the statutory stay will jeopardize our ability to provide justice. (Attachment 6)
Marc Bennett, testified as a proponent of HB2121. He stated the need for this extension starts with the number of attorneys available to handle criminal cases has declined (both prosecution and defense). As a result the caseloads are higher. (Attachment 7)
Clayton Perkins testified in opposition of HB2121. He stated the best method to fix the backlog is to get back to trials and the orderly processing of cases as quickly and safely as possible. (Attachment 8)
There being no further conferees, the hearing on HB2121 was closed.