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March 9, 2025
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Minutes for HB2326 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Extending the sunset date on the scrap metal theft reduction act and clarifying that catalytic converters are covered by the act.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 14, 2023

Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on HB2326.  Jason Thompson provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 7)

Robert Jacobs, provided testimony in support in HB2326.  He stated the KBI supports the extension, as it will allow law enforcement to continue to utilize the Scrap Metal Repository as a tool in the the criminal investigation and subsequent reduction of scrap metal and specifically catalytic converter thefts in Kansas. (Attachment 8)

Dustin Fussel, testified as a proponent on HB2326.  He stated clarification that catalytic converters fall under the scrap metal database helps ensure that all persons receiving regulated scrap metal are recording this information in a consistent fashion.  The extension of sunset for the scrap metal database will allow law enforcement to continue providing crime solving measures to better serve the victims of theft.  He also submitted a proposed amendment. (Attachment 9)

Ed Klumpp provided testimony in support of HB2326.  He stated they do not want to lose this valuable investigative tool. We encourage you to extend the sunset extension, as proposed, and to approve the proposed amendments submitted in the Wichita Police Department testimony. (Attachment 10)

Written-only testimony was submitted in support of HB2326 by:

  • Don McNeely, President, Kansas Automobile Dealers Association. (Attachment 11)
  • Shahira Stafford, Kansas Cooperative Council. (Attachment 12)
  • Randy Stookey, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Renew Kansas Biofuels Association; Kansas Grain and Feed Association; Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association. (Attachment 13)
  • Michael J. Ruffin, Regional Vice President, External and Legislative Affairs, AT&T Kansas.  (Attachment14)

There being no further conferees, the hearing on HB2326 was closed.