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March 11, 2025
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Minutes for HB2418 - Committee on Appropriations

Short Title

Abolishing the study commission for the consolidation of Kansas City, Kansas, and Wyandotte county, consolidation commission of Topeka, Kansas, and Shawnee county, study commission for the consolidation in Greeley county, podiatry review committee, state board of healing arts review committee for each branch of the healing arts, contact lens advisory council, state emergency response commission, naturopathic advisory council, transportation vision task force, special education funding task force, Persian Gulf war veterans health initiative act, Kansas export finance act, community strategic planning assistance act, natural and scientific areas advisory board, public finance transparency board, Kansas film services commission, Kansas bioscience authority, KAN-ED act and department of health and environment advisory committees.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 16, 2023

Chairperson Waymaster opened the hearing on HB2418.

Revisor Jill Wolters provided information about HB2418, including the statutory reference and a brief explanation for each board, task force, and commission. (Attachment 1)

Revisor Wolters stood for questions.

Chairperson Waymaster informed committee members that this bill derived from the Special Committee on State Employee and Board Member Compensation. A list of boards and commissions that are statutorily required was compiled and information about meetings was also compiled. The bill's purpose is to clean up statute. With regard to the Board of Healing Arts, information provided about meetings was that it was unknown the last time it met. After speaking with them, Chairperson Waymaster will have an amendment regarding the commissions and boards respective to the Board of Healing Arts. The remaining boards and commissions have not met for quite some time.

Proponent testimony in written only:

  • Blake Flanders, President & CEO, Kansas Board of Regents (Attachment 2)

Opponent testimony in person:

  • Travis R. Oller, D.C., Executive Director, Kansas Chiropractic Association (Attachment 3)

Opponent testimony in written only:

  • Rachel Colombo, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society (Attachment 4)

Neutral testimony in person:

  • Courtney Cyzman, General Counsel, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (Attachment 5)

Representative Hoffman inquired as to the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts's ability to create review committees without statute. Courtney Cyzman responded that it may be an option, but currently under the statutory structure there is a provision that allows compensation of these individuals in order to get them to volunteer their time on a review committee. An inquiry was made by Representative Woodard about the contact lens advisory council. Courtney Cyzman responded that the contact lens advisory council is for distributors, and it would be acceptable to have that council abolished because it never came to fruition. There is one regulation that sets the fee for the companies that distribute contact lens.

Chairperson Waymaster closed the public hearing on HB2418.