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March 13, 2025
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Minutes for SB189 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Authorizing state and local law enforcement agencies to receive files and information about an applicant from other agencies that received an application for employment from the applicant or conducted an employment background investigation on the applicant.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 7, 2023

Chairperson Patton opened the meeting and asked if everyone had an opportunity to review meeting minutes. 

Representative Goodard moved and Representative Neely seconded to approve the minutes from February 13, 14, 15, 16, 2023. Motion carried

Chairperson Patton opened the hearing on SB189. Natalie Scott provided an overview of the bill.(Attachment 1)


Ed Klumpp (Attachment 2) explained SB189 would close a gap in the existing statute, KSA 75-3479 that has been in place since 2018. The gap is when law enforcement agencies are considering an applicant who has applied at another law enforcement agency but was not hired. The new bill will allow that information to be shared. In those cases, we should be sharing the information from the application and any background that was conducted. This is especially important if something was discovered that led that agency to not hire the applicant. He explained the new language to cover this is on page 1, lines 12-14 and page 3, lines 2-5 and 7-9 of SB189. Mr. Klumpp stood for questions.

Written Proponent

Doug Schroeder, Executive Director on behalf of KS Commission on Peace Officers' Standards & Training (Attachment 3)

John Goodyear, General Counsel, League of Kansas Municipalities (Attachment 4)

Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on SB189 and adjourned the meeting at 3:40 pm.